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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. I like Daiya "cheese" for melted things like quesadillas. That said, I'd probably leave it out if it's not a cheese based dish. @Harriet Vane gave a good overview of the options! The yeast flakes are nutritional yeast
  2. This thread reminds me of "ring theory". Some of these phrases can be super helpful to *oneself* it's when someone uses them to "dump in" that they're a problem. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-xpm-2013-apr-07-la-oe-0407-silk-ring-theory-20130407-story.html
  3. Idk, leaving can be a stress response. We all make mistakes/have stress responses and continuing with game night gives time for things to get better. Maybe an apology will eventually come, maybe not immediately and maybe as changed behavior not a verbal thing. I'm not sure why acting like nothing happened and trying to move on is such a horrible thing. Imho: demonstrate to your kids that they won't be rejected or cast out or punished if they don't behave perfectly to someone else's expectations. Demonstrate that love and togetherness isn't dependent on perfect behavior. I think you mentioned not letting them think they can be treated some way? Perhaps consider that one day they'll be the one who acts imperfectly and when their spouse etc withdraws they'll just take it because that's what people deserve when they get angry etc Again just my two cents
  4. @wathe Thanks for the information! I didn't know that a gas stove and oven can raise levels. We were using both while the windows were closed and it went up past 2000. Even with opening windows it took time to come down. We actually need a new stove so might go electric!
  5. I agree with this. I am coming from a place of having experienced similar. She lives 2000 miles away. Won't y'all have regret if for some reason this is your last visit? I vote have the game night and invite bil. For the next visit take this information and make a different plan with different assumptions. Your kids in this visit have had more grandparent time than my now adult kids ever had. Don't throw it away to make a point. Just my two cents
  6. Welp. During errands a couple stores were green, yay! A store I thought would be great was yellow. With windows open my house was green, yay! With the air conditioning on and windows closed my house is red! Yipes!! On one hand I'm glad to know but on the other hand I'm really overwhelmed to figure out how to fix this! I hope my classroom on Sunday isn't terrible
  7. I just set up my aranet4! Does it have an on/off switch or does it just stay on? Am I understanding: green is great and yellow is average? Passable? I'll be at my church Saturday helping with a concert and then on Sunday teaching a class. I think it will help a lot to know the ventilation status!
  8. The only thing that gives me pause is a kid using the stamping cutters alone. If they're the kind I've used the have sharp edges if grabbed wrong. I could be picturing the wrong thing though! Otherwise I vote to use the supplies!
  9. Not sure this post was necessary. My post was pretty lighthearted.
  10. It feels really dismissive to me as if a sweet Southern woman would need someone else to clue her in on the world of dentistry. I have a missing tooth and my dentist doesn't shake her head at me. I'm a grown-up who has made a decision. I'd hate to have massive dental work and then have to make an appearance!!
  11. Wow, sometimes a poster or two misses the "JAWM" on a thread but this thread takes the cake (baking reference intended!)
  12. I agree with you and not just because you asked us to! I would feel the same way (hugs)
  13. Kool aid added to the water works great! Also, if adding oil, using baby oil makes it silky. I'll try to find my recipe!
  14. I'm a HSP too! *waves* I think in the book she talks about that we are highly sensing ...like our senses. Dh says my nervous system continues outside my body. I sense so much more than dh. I always test ambivert... right in the middle of extrovert and introvert.
  15. Sounds concerning and *not* because of the breed. It does sound like asking a lot of the pupper
  16. I can't imagine how religion and history could be avoided. A few years back the book club I'm in enjoyed The Faith Club https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Faith-Club/Ranya-Idliby/9780743290487 For fun we once had a storytime style meeting. I read a storybook to the group and we discussed it. We read What is God Like? by Rachel Held Evans. We had a great discussion! It was our December meeting and freed up some time for everyone since no one needed to get the book or read ahead.
  17. Thanks for the reminder! I do want to contribute my readings! I will never cease to be stunned that ventilation is not something we have all learned about. As a society we have had to learn about and adjust to all sorts of new things
  18. Cherry pop tarts are something I have no control with...I should not shop until I forget about this thread! ETA: pop tarts are very much a texture thing for me, flavor isn't the thing I like best about them
  19. I start back teaching at my church so I'm buying one to keep my classroom well ventilated 🤞 I plan to have windows open and am requiring masks. If the readings are high despite windows we'll find another spot to meet. I plan to take readings for places I have choices for like shopping at the store with the best ventilation. I don't want to leave my dentist but I think she'd be open to doing something if I got high readings there. Thanks again for this thread!
  20. Around here funeral thank yous are common. When planning a funeral choosing cards is part of planning. At the end, the funeral director hands you a bag with the guest book, flowers cards, sympathy cards and the thank you notes. I have planned waaay too many funerals and for me sitting down to send the cards is a nice time to reflect. I find that time and connection soothing. I wouldn't be angry if I didn't receive one though.
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