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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. Shadow Play Books These look neat and I imagine they'd be a nice gift for families with young kids or adults who love a particular story. They have the Nutcracker which could be nice for a dancer. https://shadowplay.store/
  2. I still heat soup on the stove even if I've blended it smooth. I also think of it as a hot (and a little foamy) smoothie and not a start to finish, feed my family, soup. It doesn't have a heating element just the friction? speed? of the blades.
  3. Good point! I just assumed it was specifically regarding Christmas.
  4. I love giving and getting gifts! Our extended family has great fun with the gift game played with real gifts not gag gifts. I'm another vote for you can give gifts other times and create some other sort of tradition when you gather.
  5. Maybe a love language spin-off would be useful but like others have said, the love language concept is about expressing love in the *other* person's language. The touch example is a good one. We don't force touch on people, correct?
  6. I'm planning to make this type of candle with my Sunday school class: https://www.musely.com/tips/Make-Your-Own-Personalized-Candle/5256740?trmuexp=purchase_a
  7. I especially hate scams! It's just so mean!
  8. Many (hugs) I get very "life claustrophobic" regarding things that can't change. One thing that gives me a little break from those feelings is using headphones for music. I lay down and listen to relaxing music which for me is especially things that come up when I search "binaural beats". I never was a headphone person because I like being alert and want to take care of my hearing but for this I've made an exception.
  9. @EmilyGF I'm glad you mentioned the giant hoodies! They were the *best* gift of last Christmas!
  10. I picked winter though spring is a very close second
  11. If you have to try somewhere new I suggest doing a test order of just a few. I have good luck with Walgreens and they often have good coupons. I would be concerned about the machine breaking down so I might split the project. Maybe ask at the store? With Walgreens, digital photos will automatically get cropped to fit 4x6 so it's important to check and adjust if needed. Another good reason for a test order.
  12. One balloon bender gave us great advice that putting balloon art in the freezer can give it extra time. We used to put them in the freezer overnight to play with them the next day. My adult kids remember that they lasted great that way! A favorite thing from a balloon bender wasn't an animal: one candy bead (from a candy necklace) inside a smallish clear round balloon. Once it's blown up you can get the bead racing around the inside of the balloon. Fun!
  13. Don't be sorry! Considering you're the oven you type beautifully! 😜
  14. Regarding Journal 29: here four adults (who all like puzzles and are persistent) worked together but I think any of us could have done it alone or in pairs. Some were quick, some quick to know what kind of answer we needed but challenging to get the answer, some were challenging in general. There is a hint forum. Because Journal 29 is a book it was a little tricky logistically with four people. We ended up taking photos instead of trying to pass the book back and forth. Two people could easily sit next to each other and share the book. In short, I think it would be fun for two puzzle people!
  15. @Kareni I didn't know effin birds had merch! Those crack me up! The link above wasn't working for me. Here's the EB site: https://www.effinbirds.com/
  16. You have a circumstance where the couch isn't possible so it's off limits. If they wanted to sleep on the deck you'd just say no, correct? They don't need to talk to sleep in the same room.
  17. Any bakers on your list? Sugar cookie earrings: https://www.etsy.com/listing/664179827/miniature-christmas-tree-sugar-cookie?click_key=47fa436b577173f36f492330499952a55847af1b%3A664179827&click_sum=05c26857&ref=shop_home_feat_1&bes=1&sts=1
  18. Skull pendants: https://www.fireandbone.com/collections/all We've gifted one of these, it was a hit!
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