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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. This would be a big deal to me too! If you list the make and model the hive has awesome research skills and might find an answer!
  2. The vibrations of driving can cause the trouble. I don't think it was dropped or anything
  3. Maybe start another thread with the make and model? "Help me troubleshoot my elliptical"? (Or change this thread) I think if he was scamming he wouldn't have sold to someone he knew. Like others have mentioned sometimes things don't move well.
  4. Advice we followed that worked to reestablish using the box: we set up a small space just big enough for litter box, food, a place to sleep. She had to use the box because she wouldn't go where she slept or ate. Kitty was in there for a few(?) days. We used a tub with glass doors.
  5. I didn't quite follow...she had covid but this started before then? Could she have had covid with no symptoms prior and this is long covid?
  6. I'm stunned that legally she can just walk away
  7. Is the roommate on the lease? Have they been asked to pay?
  8. It makes sense to me. Sometimes something has to give so the other things can keep going. I'm not sure why you're angry
  9. My dad used to make soup every Sunday and he would sit at the kitchen table to do all the prep because of pain.
  10. I have never encountered any evidence of people saying "n-word!" to inflict cruelty. "N-word" is used when the slur is needed to be talked about.
  11. I am adult. I have been traumatized. I can be triggered. I probably wouldn't say I'm triggered to a relative stranger but with a friend I might say that because I would need time and probably space. Your post comes across as snarky.
  12. We kind of unofficially and on a smaller scale do that around here with "tea", " books" and replacing letters in some words (ex. n@ked or pr1ck). I've always gotten a sense that those things were to stop a post from coming up in a search result and also as a kindness for someone who might be intensely embarrassed to talk about certain topics.
  13. I'm pretty sure all search engines put the suicide hotline and official sources of help at the very top of results. I don't think anyone wants to wade through a bunch of YouTube videos when in a crisis anyway.
  14. We also haven't been playing as many games and haven't tried some from Christmas. In our case I think we're just exhausted in every way possible We did play codenames yesterday! It's an old favorite so nothing new to learn
  15. I'd prefer artwork there or family photos or drawings of food made by kids or framed recipes or a set of frames with photos changed from time to time. Is that an opening to a hallway? I'd always catch the shelf out of the corner of my eye and flinch!
  16. @mom31257 When the pain in my cartilage is flaring I still sleep on my side using a small pillow shaped like a donut (on top of my regular pillow) I bought mine from etsy but that specific shop is gone. I think it was marketed to use after getting a piercing.
  17. If it comes with a return envelope then return the portion with his name "no longer at this address" (like Laura said!) Many things have an email address. Still a pain but easier than phoning. With mailings it will take a couple cycles to stop. Also, once a name and address is out there new stuff can be generated when an old list is sold. I get my late sister's mail and new stuff still arrives. Certain types of mail will be returned but afaik not bulk mail type things. If the post office tosses something it's because it isn't something they're able to return.
  18. I think I've read that crossing the midline activities are good for brain/memory. There's probably stuff for kids and adults that would be very game like
  19. Another vote for cooler weather so getting outside isn't so miserable! We have some outdoor sculpture exhibits we're eager to see but in the intense heat I wouldn't enjoy it.
  20. Love this image and imagine reports of a pack of feral moms...
  21. Ugh. I'm in too. I work at my church and the church secretary is a pompous pr1ck! I'm sick of dealing with him to the point of considering quitting. Running away sounds good
  22. I know for guitars you can keep it in the case/bag with a thing to keep the humidity correct. Since I'm guessing you won't have control over the humidity in your unit that might be something to investigate.
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