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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. We had a very complicated relationship and thus my grief is very complicated. It is mingled with sadness over the relationship we never had. I thought I had let all that go a long time ago. My emotions are a jumbled mess. Please pray for me to get through the next few days with some measure of peace.
  2. Peela, I know it hurts. BTDT with my oldest two. It seems most kids have to try it one time or another. I don't think they realize how much it hurts US to lose their trust. Both my boys have grown into very trustworthy young men. Hang in there, stick to the consequences, and love her a lot.
  3. Yes, we have friends who are not Christian. What is most important to us, as a family, is shared values and interests. Having said that, our faith is very much central to our life and our VERY best friends do share our faith. It is not a criteria we use in allowing/or not allowing our kids to befriend other kids or "hang out' with them, though.
  4. Yes! According to my older sisters, I have 5 more years of this. Yuck!
  5. We adopted domestically through an adoption attorney. The only thing our attorney handled was adoption, so he was thoroughly familiar with the law, closing all the loopholes, etc. It was a fantastic, wonderful experience for us. Feel free to pm me with specific questions.
  6. :grouphug: Praying for you, Christine.
  7. Two ways my family loves chicken breasts are very simple. Pour Zesty Italian dressing over it and bake. Pour Mojo (in the Hispanic food section) over it and bake. Mojo is also good over rice - or just about anything for that matter.
  8. I rarely buy flowers, but if I do they are usually daisies.
  9. About half my family would say pumpkin and the other half would say pecan. I like pecan.
  10. A couple more: And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. - Anais Nin And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. - William Shakespeare
  11. I am reading A Thousand and One Nights (selections) to dd13, ds11, and dd11. After Thanksgiving we will start A Christmas Carol.
  12. Congratulations! Our 29th was September 26th. ETA: I just looked at your blog post. You've got me by a week!
  13. That happened to us a few years back with ds #3. Someone threw a ball playing kickball and hit him in the wrist. I had no idea it was broken and waited a week to take him to the dr. It was broken.
  14. I've had a pencil tip in the skin under my eyelid since the 9th grade (32 years ago). It hasn't caused me any problems.
  15. I just buy a bag of citric acid from dudadiesel.com to use in my dishwasher along with the borax and washing powder (I also use a little kosher salt). It works great.
  16. When I started homeschooling, my children were 2, 7, and 9. That wasn't hard because I had a very easy toddler. When my third son was starting 1st grade, though, we had added three more through birth and adoption. Schooling a 1st grader with an infant, a 9mo, and a 2yo, while also trying to have some time for my 12 and 14 year olds wasn't so easy! To be honest, that year is a blur. We got through it and it got easier every year after that. Whatever the age gap, you just have to learn to juggle your time. You'll do fine.
  17. Yes, same here. We took this week off to do some catch up and take some fun field trips.
  18. Based on your list, if it were me, I would probably go. That's just what I would do, though. You have to listen to your gut, like others have said, and make your own decision.
  19. My neice has grey eyes and I think they are beautiful. My sister (her mom) has blue eyes and her dad has brown. Her uncle (my BIL's brother) has grey eyes though. My dh and I have brown eyes and all of our children except one do as well, except one. My oldest son has very blue eyes. Eye color is a funny thing!
  20. We have not purchased white bread in years, and my youngest three had never eaten it that I know of. We were at my MIL's at Christmas last year and all she had was white bread for sandwiches. My kids said it tasting like eating styrofoam!
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