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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. He leaves about 7:30 every morning and gets home somewhere between 7:00 and 8:00. He has very long days. About once a week he will get home at 6:00 or 6:30.
  2. Oh Molly, I'm so sorry you've had such a hard time lately. I hope you get rested up and feeling better. I continue to pray for you daily. God is faithful.
  3. Just raising my hand to say we are in the same boat, and that things are certainly not set up in this country for small businesses to make it. We are hanging in there, but it's tough. I also second the suggestion to get an accountant if you can afford it.
  4. I think you should think about what it will feel like to YOU to have him there. If it would detract in any way from your day, I wouldn't do it. The pp poster was right about this opening the door to a relationship with him, at least I think he could take it that way. If you don't want that, I wouldn't invite him.
  5. I lived in FL until just a few years ago and certainly knew what flashing lights meant. I appreciate it when people flash at me, and flash at others when I need to.
  6. I vote red, just because I like red! The room we eat in is also painted yellow with bright blue and red accents, and now I want red dishes. See what you did!
  7. Ours is a little crazy. This week: Sunday: Church in the a.m. Monday: Take my dd to meet gymnastics carpool at 11:30 Leave to pick up girls from gym at 3:30, back at 4:30 Daughter to dance at 6:15, back to pick her up at 7:00 Tuesday: Take my dd to meet gymnastics carpool at 11:30 Leave to pick up girls from gym at 3:30 Meet dh on the other side of town on the way home for ds's baseball game at 6:00. Home at 8:30 Wednesday: Take dd to meet gym carpool at 11:30 Grocery store after school with other kids Take 13yo dd to connect group at church at 6:00 Thursday: Take dd to gym carpool at 11:30 Take dd to dance at 6:15 and pick up at 7:30, while dh goes to ballgame with ds Friday: Take dd to gym carpool at 2:00 Saturday: ds ballgame at 12:00 No wonder I am so tired!
  8. 14 and 15 have been the hardest ages for me with my three sons that are now older. JennW gave excellent advice, but I just wanted you to know that all three of them came out of the fog somewhere between 16 and 17. They have all turned into incredibly wonderful young men who are very respectful (most of the time!) to me and their dad.
  9. We had sausage and beans over rice. I haven't had fried pork chops since I was a kid, but sounds good. I would much prefer the smell of fried pork chops to cat pee any day!
  10. Wow! How exciting! Congratulations and yes, I want to see the ring!!
  11. I've been out of touch for the last couple of days and just saw this. Just wanted you to know I'm praying for you and your son.
  12. I actually pay more attention to the number of kids, ages, and location. If a post is specifically about curriculum, then I'll look. I didn't list mine because there are four children using all different things and it would just be too much!
  13. For Attila we used The White Stag by Kate Seredy, which might be a little tough to read and understand at those ages but is a wonderful book. We went with Augustine Came to Kent because the other Augustine book you have listed ends with a very anti-Catholic church sentiment. I am not Catholic, but I would not want my kids to read that. We have enjoyed all the Greenleaf Guides.
  14. Praying for you and your family right now, and all of us will pray tomorrow morning. :grouphug:
  15. My kids are at the age where they have to bathe every day, especially since most of them are involved in activities where they get sweaty. Sometimes they bathe more than once a day.
  16. I haven't read all the other replies, but my oldest daughter started her period at 11 - about 2 years after getting breast buds. My 11yo dd has had breast buds for about that long now, and has had pubic hair for about a year. I'm thinking any day now.
  17. :grouphug: I come across my dad's obit sometimes when I'm looking for something else. I feel like I've been punched in the stomach every time. I'm so sorry.
  18. Five of my children crawled, and three of them have terrible handwriting. The other two who crawled have a beautiful handwriting. My one child who never crawled, and also didn't walk until she was 17 months, also has a beautiful handwriting.
  19. My sisters were on a morning children's television show once when they were 5 and 7. When they asked my sister, who was 5, what she wanted to be - she said a sewing machine. My mother almost died.
  20. koo-pu-luh Live in NC, born and raised in FL by parents from FL.
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