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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. We all do chores in the morning before school starts, so cleaning is done then. Laundry I can switch during school. I fold it at night. I try to get something on for dinner during our lunch break. During the day the house stays tidy because I am vigilant about everyone picking up after themselves.
  2. For ANYTHING that matters, do not use the USPS. Use UPS or FedEx instead. We are in the shipping business, and have a multitude of horror stories re: USPS. :001_smile:
  3. Another great one by Sigur Ros is Glosoli. My new daughter-in-law walked in to it (the song, not the video) instead of the bridal march last Saturday at the wedding. :001_smile: I have to say I love all the 80's videos, especially Michael Jackson and Madonna.
  4. Nakia - She's beautiful, by the way. I'm thinking an arranged marriage with Andrew??? :001_smile:
  5. This year we are doing Hamlet, Macbeth, and Henry V to go along with our Medieval studies. We had a blast last year doing Taming of the Shrew. We found several movie versions and enjoyed them. We also did the Tempest last year. If you have to have two comedies and haven't done Taming of the Shrew, I would say do that one and Midsummer Night's Dream.
  6. You behaved much better than I did when a little girl called my black daughter the "n" word and her mother chose to ignore it. I have no patience with racists.
  7. One of my favorites of all time. The most beautiful version, IMO, is k.d. lang. I loved the one you linked too!
  8. We did that at the beginning of last school year and it worked great - until Spring. We have gym meets, baseball games, etc. out of town on the weekends all Spring, so I divided up the house cleaning by 5 days, 5 people and it got done in the mornings before school. It's great that your dh recognizes how much time your schooling takes!
  9. Most of us have lost it at one time or another. Thankfully, children are usually very forgiving when we own up to our mistakes. One time my oldest, who was about 7 at the time, wouldn't stop playing with a really loud toy that was driving me bonkers. I asked him repeatedly to stop. Over, and over, and over. I lost it. My dh came into the room with me screaming and jumping up and down on the toy. He decided it was time to take ds outside. :001_smile:
  10. My 40's have been the best part of my life so far. I am comfortable in my own skin, and like others have said before, don't give a fig what others think of me or my decisions. I still love having fun. I went down the tallest, fastest water slide in the world in my 40's. I ride roller coasters with my kids and play kickball in the yard. I treasure every minute, because with two grown I know how fast it goes. I have been through some really hard places that allow me to put things in perspective. It really is all small stuff. I will be 47 in December.
  11. I would also use Italian Dressing, but would not add anything else (my kids won't eat cream cheese), and serve it over rice with a salad or fruit.
  12. :grouphug: We all struggle with something. No need to blush. :001_smile: Do you have a picture of yourself after you lost the weight to put on the fridge? Would that motivate you?
  13. Floss, brush, rinse. I also never used to floss, but as I got older and started having gum problems flossing became essential.
  14. Can relate and also - What really messes with me is when I go by a mirror and think I see my mother!!
  15. I have a thing for armadillos. :001_smile: I probably have close to 50 armadillos in my curio cabinet that have been collected from all over the place. I even have a small armadillo tattoo. There is a story behind this between me and dh that started almost 30 years ago. I'm going to write it down and give it to my dil so that my dc will know the story one day (hopefully after I'm gone). They would be mortified if I tried to tell it to them.
  16. It means we are all very nosy. :001_smile: I know what you mean about being different with your 5th. I was so uptight with my first two, and then with each successive child I learned to relax and enjoy them. I also learned to trust my instincts. Getting older is not so bad. There are advantages. :001_smile: My oldest got married on Saturday. It is so strange not hearing him come up the stairs in the morning. I am so glad I made my own choices, stayed home with him, built a close relationship, and didn't listen to the people who told me I was "sheltering" him. He is a fine, well-rounded young man who still loves his mama!
  17. My 13yo daughter was very destructive when she was that age. It was never in a malicious way, she just got absorbed in something and before you could snap your fingers she had destroyed something (a wall, the carpet, furniture). My problem at the time was that when she was 4, I also had a 1yo and a 2yo, along with three older kids. Basically, the house we lived in at the time looked horrible (at least to me). I lived through it and she outgrew it. I have to say, that same child still has more interests than I could ever juggle. She has you-tube channels doing make-up with many subscribers, she has an ebay business, she cooks better than I do, she dances, taught herself piano, she takes tennis lessons, etc. She is a very bright, accomplished girl. She is no longer destructive, but still very creative. Hang in there. This stage will not last forever. :001_smile:
  18. I was a hit with my son as well. I read it a while back and I don't remember anything objectionable.
  19. Me too. I was raising my hand, me next! me next! :001_smile:
  20. It is my pleasure to pray for your mom, Emily. :grouphug: Please be sure and give us an update when you can.
  21. Most of the time I serve romaine or spring mix. Sometimes red leaf or green leaf, and I do use iceberg for tacos.
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