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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I pre-read all the books I assign to them. Not really because I'm worried about what's in them, but so that we can discuss the book together. This year my 17yo is doing Medieval and have had quite a chore this summer pre-reading for his Great Books studies! The last time I read these particular books was when my 22yo was in high school and I was afraid I wouldn't remember enough to have meaningful discussions with him.
  2. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a fantastic day! :party:
  3. I don't really budget for homeschool. I just buy whatever I need for that year. It usually comes up to about $1500 a year for 4 kids. I don't really like to use the library though, so I buy all the books we will need. If you include activities, we spend about $15,000 a year for all four kids. Most of that seems to be my girls. Gymnastics is especially expensive, and that doesn't even include travel expenses to meets.
  4. We have a closet and storage area in our oversized laundry room. There is also closed storage with a small door under our stairs.
  5. I don't know why, but my youngest two boys are very much that way. They find writing something down absolute torture. I have caved and let them write their papers on the computer. My oldest two sons had no problem writing, nor my two daughters.
  6. My ds was on it a couple of years ago for his migraines, but even the very lowest dose made him so sleepy that he slept ALL day and night. It was hard to wake him up and he was groggy when he was awake. He wasn't on it long.
  7. My name is Tammy and I am a coffee loving, book junkie, nature loving mama.
  8. That is totally inappropriate to show in a kiddie line. That would make me very uncomfortable.
  9. :grouphug: Wow! You have had a hard time. I don't know where you live, but I wish I could help you out. :001_smile:
  10. I sprained my ankle badly years ago and it took weeks before I was back to normal. Even now, every morning it is stiff and takes a little longer to "work" than the other ankle.
  11. We read Peril and Peace last year and will read the next two this year. I think they're great.
  12. Years ago when I was a bridesmaid a few times, we were expected to pay for our own dresses. My bridesmaids paid for their dresses for my wedding. My ds is getting married in two weeks and all the girls bought their own dresses. If the bride's family can afford it though, and wants to, I might be tempted to let them pay for the dresses since they seem to be quite expensive.
  13. I'm so sorry Nakia. I can relate. That was one of the many reasons we moved from FL to NC. Stay firm with your boundaries and keep your ears open to make sure she is not talking negatively about you to your children.
  14. We used Augustus Caesar's World to go along with our study of Rome last year. I read it aloud and we discussed things as we went.
  15. I am beginning our 15th year of homeschooling. Everyone that is important to us has been very supportive. The ones that weren't supportive (and whose opinions aren't really important to us anyway) just kept their mouth shut.
  16. The only time I wear high heels anymore is when I'm dressed up a little to go somewhere, like out to eat with dh or to church, etc. I like a little heel, maybe 2 inches or so. Anything more is just uncomfortable. I think women should wear what they want to wear and if a man chooses to lust, that is his problem. I do look at nice cars, but it sure doesn't inspire lust for the person driving. I just appreciate a nice looking car. And I agree that construction workers are incredibly sexy. :001_smile:
  17. I personally think you should wear whatever you still look good in. Having said that, I recently told my future daughter-in-law that I was going to stop wearing skirts above my knees or any shorts. I felt too old (I'm 46). She told me I should keep wearing them as long as my legs look good. She said she would tell me when to stop. :001_smile: I can't remember a time when I saw someone showing cleavage and thought they were too old.
  18. I refuse to open that thread. I know I will be sucked in and I CANNOT do it right now. My ds is getting married in two weeks and I have other things to do besides file. Maybe I'll take the week off after the wedding and read it.
  19. Chap stick, pens, flash drives, cell phones, and wallets. With five males in the house I am always putting something in the washing machine that doesn't belong there. Today it was my 17yo's wallet. :001_smile:
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