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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. It is a very sweet song. It is my 13yo dd's favorite song right now.
  2. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still praying for you. :grouphug:
  3. I'm not Catholic or Orthodox, but we just took a field trip to an Orthodox monastery. The monks told us that at Confirmation they do take a new name if their given name was not a saint's name.
  4. I kept having boys and I absolutely adore every one of them, but I really wanted a little girl. We adopted two girls, both at birth. I can't imagine life without them. Congrats on your baby boy! Boys really are great.
  5. My family would help and would never expect anything in return and would never mention it again. That is just our way. We have been on the receiving and giving end. My ILs, on the other hand, would help if we asked but we would never hear the end of it. They helped dh's brother with his medical deductible after he had a heart attack. They actually wrote it down so that amount would be taken out of his inheritance. Unbelievable.
  6. I have never found a lit course that I could be happy with. Like Jennifer, I have always designed my own. I have found enotes.com to be a valuable help. I feel pretty confident to teach the writing myself. My two oldest are both published authors (one poetry and one sci-fi), so I guess I did something right!
  7. Praying for healing and peace, Christine. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  8. Yes we do. Francesca promised to share her makeup with Cora. :001_smile:
  9. I have four, all done in my 30's. They all mean something to me and I've never been sorry. ETA: tattoos that is. Only one ear piercing.
  10. Yes I do, especially on cruises. My dh calls them my "hoochie mama outfits." :001_smile: Even though they really are not that much over the top! I dress in whatever makes me full comfortable and pulled together. I certainly don't dress to draw attention to myself, but I like to look nice. I do have tattoos that are visible in the summer, so many people on this board probably would not consider me modest.
  11. I'll bring some nachos and diet coke to go with the rum. On my way. :auto:
  12. How terrifying that must have been for both you and your dd. I'm praying for healing and that you can get some sleep. :grouphug:
  13. I grew up in Florida and always lived in ranch homes. Now that we live in NC we have a 2 story with a finished basement. I really like our house because the boys have the entire basement and the girls have the entire upstairs (our room in on the main floor), but sometimes I feel like I go up and down stairs all day. I prefer the privacy of separate floors, especially with a large family.
  14. My 17yo ds is gone with my oldest to the Highland Games. It's SO cold here today that I'm worried about the guys who wear kilts! My 13yo dd is at dance rehearsal for The Nutcracker and my 11yo dd and 12yo son just left with dh to go pick her up. I'm home alone!
  15. I'm so sorry you had such an awful experience. :grouphug: I will be praying for you and your dd.
  16. My youngest son had an extra front permanent tooth that was turned sideways in the gum above the two normal permanent tooth. It was found in an x-ray. He had to have it removed by an oral surgeon.
  17. Yes, we have a large 16x20 on our bedroom wall. Our wedding was 29 years ago - we look SO young! We also have a small framed candid shot of us right after we came out of the church on the dresser in my bedroom.
  18. I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow! Your plan sounds perfect.
  19. Praying for peace and that you get some answers - positive ones of course!
  20. My oldest son and his wife are having a party. I don't think I'm invited. :glare: Actually, it's all young couples and I don't want to go anyway, but it sounds like a good time.
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