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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I don't have any answers, but I will be :bigear:. I could have written your post, Faithe. I feel like I am at the end of what I can do. This morning my thought was that I would like to run away to a foreign country, live in a shack on the beach, be responsible to no one, and do NOTHING.
  2. I haven't started buying yet, but I'm making my list. :001_smile:
  3. We do one big gift per child, 5 or 6 medium gifts, and probably 10 small gifts. They are older now, but we did the same thing when they were younger.
  4. It is very frustrating. One year my ds asked for a motorized four-wheeler (the small battery powered ones - he was 4) and a tea set. He is 17 now and still has his tea set packed away as a keepsake. I don't know why toy companies think they have to market things that way.
  5. Oh my. Your poor dd. We had to change studios this year, and it is SO hard to find a quality studio with a high level of professionalism. It took us about 3 months, but we finally found one and my dd is performing in Nutcracker this weekend. Maybe you should look around and try different studios while you're waiting to see what the great teacher is going to do.
  6. Thank you for the update, Denise. I have been praying and will continue to pray. Praying for you too, KH. :grouphug:
  7. This is where I live and last Christmas we were covered in snow! I am also a North Florida girl (born there, moved up here at 38). I love having all four seasons!
  8. How absoutely heartbreaking. :grouphug: and prayers.
  9. I make my sauce, not jarred, but do use canned tomatos. It is one thing that my mom cooked well and I use her recipe.
  10. :iagree: It really isn't a big deal. Totally normal behavior IMO. It's just time for a separate bath time.
  11. :party::party:What wonderful news!!! Hard to stand against a praying Hive!!
  12. Just wanted to say my times look fine. Thank you so much, Mariann. You are going to do great, Imp!!
  13. Yes, your house sounds like mine. I am completely white-haired. Thank goodness for hair color. I also had my chocolate fix today - a whole bar. I noticed when I tossed the wrapper that it said "four servings." Yeah, right.
  14. You mean Andrew. Both of those boys are cuddly. Yes, he tells me about once a week that he's going to live with you. :001_smile:
  15. Yes, that amount sounds about right. We have gone through four (on our fifth) set and have two more to go because one child will have them twice (bite issue). They are just dang expensive.
  16. Ugh. Did the judge tell them how long he was going to take to decide? Is there any chance that her ex will realize how much work it is if he has them by himself for a while and want her to take them?
  17. My third son is very affectionate. The way you describe Calvin sounds like my boy at that age (he's 17 now). He doesn't get in my lap anymore, but is still constantly hugging, giving me a kiss when me passes by, etc. He was talking to my aunt (who he only sees every few years) at my mom's funeral last month and I noticed he was holding her hand. :001_smile: He is just very sweet that way. I wouldn't change it for anything.
  18. Every couple of weeks I spend the afternoon in the kitchen making breakfast for the freezer. I have pancakes, homemade biscuits with sausage, egg and sausage burritos. I also make oatmeal and serve it with fruit once a week. It makes mornings go smoother when I have things in the freezer they can fix themselves.
  19. I voted no, we would not allow it in our home. They should repect your rules if they want to stay in your house.
  20. It could definitely be a problem. You never know when or how bad it is going to snow around here (WNC). Do you have a 4WD vehicle that you could drive? If you are staying on the interstate it shouldn't be too bad because they clear it before any side roads.
  21. :grouphug: Praying that the judge has the wisdom to see through this guy and do what is right for those girls.
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