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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. We both knew we were done with our 6th. She was an adoption and was our third child in two years - one by birth and two by adoption. We both knew we had all we could handle.
  2. When the kids were smaller and I had three in carseats and three older dc, we drove a 15-passenger Ford Econoline. We downsized when my olders left home, but only to a Tahoe that seats 8. I now drive a Volvo sedan that seats 5 to shuttle kids to dance, gym, etc.
  3. The Inferno, The Scarlett Letter, and the poetry of Burns for school. The Gun for fun (written by our own yellowperch's dh!).
  4. Yes, I have a competitive gymnast at an optional level in a top gym that costs well over $10,000 yearly if you count travel costs. She has never broken a bone, but her brother has - playing kickball. :001_smile:
  5. Kari :grouphug:. Thank you for sharing your letter. I haven't forgotten and still pray for you every day.
  6. I have gotten used to texting for the reasons mentioned above - I can respond when I want, no noise, etc. I also just got a new phone - a pretty bright blue one, Denise - and insisted on no internet. We have five phones on our line and I am NOT paying $30 per phone for internet!
  7. My sisters are in Tallahassee and they had flurries there too. What's bad for me is that we are in WNC under a foot of snow - and it's STILL coming down, and we're trying to leave for Tallahassee in the morning! I don't even know that we can get out.
  8. We have a large family and sometimes drive separately to places, so I could see doing this. I agree that it's not rude as long as she sat there to save the seats and didn't just put the coats down and leave.
  9. I have been very concious this holiday season of never knowing how much time we have with our loved ones. My mother died suddenly in October, and I have wondered what she would have said to me the last time we talked if she had known it would be the last thing. So, I made each of my children a folder for Christmas and wrote them all the things I wanted to make sure to say to them. My oldest son read it aloud before we opened gifts and had to hand it off to a sibling because he choked up. They seemed to all appreicate it. I have also tried to not feel rushed (my usual speed during the holidays!) and take more time just to cuddle and love on them.
  10. I have 3 kiddos in logic stage right now, so this board has been very timely for me. Love it!
  11. Yes, that is how my mil does things for me. Not only that, but she buys great, personal gifts for her "favorite" grandchildren and until last year all my kids gifts end up going to goodwill once we get home. She never bought them the right size even though she knew what it was, stuff that was obviously on clearance because no one wanted it, etc. Last year I finally told her that I wanted to buy my kids gifts from her and she could just give me the money. She balked, but did it and now my kids at least get things they actually want from her. I have been dealing with this for 29 years now, so I don't have any expectations from her for myself.
  12. I wanted to get one for my 17yo, but he said "no." :confused: He and my 12yo ds have an X-Box 360 in their basement "boy cave." I couldn't talk my 12yo into it either - he is much more into the Wii we have upstairs. My older son said he wanted one, but wanted to wait until the "second generation" comes out so that all the kinks are worked out. I'm glad you're having fun with it and I'm sure we will end up with one eventually!
  13. I got a B&N gift card and a hand-made coupon for Amazon shopping. I get to pick them myself!
  14. We got engaged 5 months after we started dating, but I could have done it after two weeks. I just knew. I have to say we had known each other for a couple of years. A really good friend of my dh told me after we were married that my dh had told him that he was going to marry me about a year before we started dating.
  15. Aw, adorable. It brings back lots of memories of my 4 boys with guns, swords, sticks, whatever in their underwear. My two oldest decided who was batman, robin, or superman by what color their underwear were!
  16. Hi Terry and RM! Terry, I love your SIL and tell myself I am channeling her when I have to grow a spine. Like two days from now - when I have to deal with my MIL - who RM told me to drug! Love, love, love her. :001_smile:
  17. It is coming down really hard here right now - Asheville, NC area. We are supposed to leave for FL on the 27th and are getting a little nervous about getting out of here ourselves.
  18. Wow! Talk about something to be thankful for at Christmas! I am so glad it happened the way it did. Thank God.
  19. BTDT with my sister, down to her having been married and having two kids. The shock will wear off eventually. It makes no difference to me, my sister is my sister and I love her dearly. It sounds like you handled it just fine.
  20. Nakia - it's still coming down here. I'm going to send you a picture text of A and O sledding. Boy, I'm glad I got them new sleds for Christmas!
  21. We reuse gift bags, tissue paper, and boxes until they look ratty. I have a shelf in my laundry room to store them. I can't remember the last time I bought a gift bag!
  22. My favorite memory is not a date, but a vacation. My dh and I went on a cruise for our 20th anniversary that was just magical. We had such a wonderful time and got special treatment on that cruise for some reason (never have since). We were invited to the bridge to see the ship leave port, had dinner with the captain, were invited to parties that were by "invite" only, etc. We have gone on cruises since by ourselves, but that one was truly special.
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