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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I think you've done what you can. Now go on and have a great Christmas!!
  2. :grouphug: My nickname around C-mas time is Grinch. I totally understand about the snow - I'm right over the mountain from you in WNC. It gets old quick. I absolutely hate having to rush to go to FL right after C-mas day and have to start school back immediately upon returning, but that is nothing compared to not having one of my kids with me (even though I won't this year - My Marine will not be home). I am so sorry. I can't even imagine having to share one of my dc during the holidays. I am also having to cook for vegans for C-mas dinner. My oldest ds and his wife are vegan, but we will have food for the non-vegans as well. If I were you, I would take something with me. Whoever is cooking should have food for both - vegans and non-vegans IMO. :grouphug::grouphug:
  3. This is me. I have a dh who puts ketchup on everything and a teenage son who drowns everything in Texas Pete. I don't care anymore.
  4. My dh handles all of our personal finances and our business finances, and I am grateful. He is just better at it than I am.
  5. I was 17 when we started dating, and when we got married. I wouldn't recommend it, but it worked for us. That was almost 30 years ago.
  6. My dh and I are 5 1/2 years apart. My parents were 5 1/2 years apart, and now my oldest ds and his wife are 5 1/2 years apart. I'm seeing a pattern here.
  7. This strikes a nerve with me as the mother of a Marine (who is not going to be home at C-mas :crying:). Those broken men are someone's sons, husbands, brothers . . .
  8. The first gifts I wrap are pretty; the last ones not so much. I'm over it by then. I can appreciate a beautiful wrapping job, but it doesn't really matter to me how a gift is wrapped.
  9. Denise, BTDT and lived through it with my oldest. I'll pm you.
  10. :grouphug: and hoping for a less stressful 2011 for you.
  11. I stopped sending them years ago. It was just one more thing to make me frazzled during the holidays. I would like to start sending C-Mas letters to update people we rarely see on the goings-on of our family - maybe next year. :001_smile:
  12. I have three kittens that are 2 months old. I have decided to ignore their antics in the tree. It's just not worth driving myself crazy over. Thankfully, they haven't really destroyed anything. I would ignore them, and then like another poster suggested, use what you have to make your tree pretty C-mas morning.
  13. Oh Faithe - I understand. I heard that my old boyfriend's brother was killed in a plane crash and I had to leave the room. It was just a side note in a conversation, but it felt like someone hit me in the stomach. Here's a :grouphug: for you.
  14. I'm so happy for you. Here's to hoping for good things in 2011! :cheers2:
  15. :grouphug: I'll be glad when Friday night gets here. We have shipping businesses and although dh comes home to eat and sleep, I feel like I hardly see him this time of year.
  16. I am jealous. My 13yo is wrapping right now and when she finishes, all I'll have to do is wrap her gifts. I still have a few things I have to run out and get tomorrow, but then I'm all through. Pretty good for only starting last week, huh?
  17. So sorry you guys are sick! It's terrible to be sick during the holidays. One year we all got the flu - about half-way from NC to FL. All 8 of us were sick in the van and then we spent the holidays in bed with my sister taking care of everyone. She said next time - turn around and go back! I hope everyone is feeling better soon. :grouphug:
  18. I want the second copy (I would never try to get in line in front of Remudamom). :001_smile: Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!!
  19. That's what I did. My dd would have been very upset if I had made a big deal out of it.
  20. This is the rule at my dd's dance school. She wears one anyway because she is a D cup and absolutely NEEDs a bra! She is darker skinned (she is bi-racial), but wears nude with clear straps. It has worked fine so far.
  21. I also remember our first remote control TV. I was a teenager and the remote had a cord attached to the TV. It had 5 buttons - one for the power, two for the volume, and two to change the channel. I also remember when microwaves came out. I was in the sixth grade when we got our first dishwasher. I am also old enough to remember when a bathroom was installed in my grandmother's house and the outhouse was retired. My camaro had a cassette player instead of an 8-track and I thought that was SO cool.
  22. I can remember not only rotary phones attached to the wall, but we had a party line as well. My dh had an 8-track player in his car when we were dating (that was constantly playing Bread). I remember when the computer where my mom worked took up the space of a whole room and used punch cards. My friends and I gathered at the drug store to have sodas in the afternoon. We all rode our bikes.
  23. allaboutdance.com has some in white, black, and nude. You might also check dancewearsoluations.com and discountdance.com. HTH
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