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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I did. My dh gave me a bigger one, set in platinum for our 20th wedding anniversary. My old one is gold and I had started buying/wearing white gold or silver jewelry. I gave my old one to my oldest ds to give to his now wife when they got engaged.
  2. They couldn't hurt, and he may feel more like trying to eat if he didn't think he was going to throw it up.
  3. :grouphug: Praying for Josiah. I second the recommendation for anti-nausea suppositories. Would your doctor call in a prescription for you?
  4. :iagree: I have always used VfCR in the past, but am loving Caesar's English. My dc have even started using their vocabulary words in their writing. They also get very excited when we come across one in our read alouds. I will be utterly wicked with Lisa on this one. :001_smile:
  5. I would love to be really thin with small books. I'm not a heavy person - size 4, but I'm short and curvy (C, sometimes D). I think it makes me look heavier than I really am.
  6. That is funny. It reminded me of a comment from my oldest right after his dad had "the talk" with him when he was 9. We told our boys that we were expecting and he looked at us with horror on his face. "You did that - with children in the house?!" :001_smile:
  7. Nakia, I just saw this thread and wanted to send you :grouphug:. I've got the blahs too and I think a lot of it has to do with the weather we've been getting. I have to trudge down over ice and snow to the barn where we've had to park our cars to be able to go anywhere. You know how far it is to my barn. :001_smile: Your girls are wonderful and adorable - they are just acting like, well, kids. Andrew is our designated litter box person - now you really want him, don't you? Get your girls to take it out. They are capable. Tyler won't be here for C-mas either and there is much drama going on with him right now. And it is turning my hair gray - at least your roots aren't white. I know how you feel about your brothers. It just isn't the same when someone is missing. Maybe you and I can escape from our families and meet up in Aville for coffee next week. We can b*tch to our hearts content. Love you - hang in there.
  8. We have something every day. I keep our mornings and early afternoons free from everything and only go out after school, though. The exception is my 11yo dd who is a competitive gymnast. She has gym M-F from 12:30 to 4:30 and has to get some schoolwork done in the evenings.
  9. Two resources I don't see mentioned for rhetoric level that have been valuable to me: Heros of the City of Man - for teaching ancient lit Brightest Heaven of Invention - for teaching Shakespeare (Christian resource if that matters)
  10. Our last day will be 12/17 and we will start back up 1/3. We normally take 3 weeks, but due to starting later than normal (had to get my oldest married in August!) we will only take 2 this year.
  11. I see you, Laura!! Hope next week is extra great for you. :grouphug: (From someone else having a crappy day).
  12. DS #1 - 4 DS #2 - 3 DS #3 - 6 DD #1 - 5 DS #4 - 5 DD #2 - 5 There is a wide range for my kids - anywhere from 3 to 6. I consider reading being able to read a small chapter book independently.
  13. Happy, happy birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful day. Thank you for being such an inspiration to so many of us. My family has been very blessed by the wisdom you were willing to share. God bless you!
  14. We still haven't gotten scores. :confused: Congrats to all the moms and kids with great scores!
  15. All four of my oldest children have read SW in middle school and loved it. It sparked some interesting discussions. Our family loves to play the SW board game, too. It is made by Orion. It would make a great Christmas gift for your dc that really like the book.
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