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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. This is what I do. I have four to keep up with, though. I read most of the heavier stuff (for my high schooler) through the spring and summer. Most of that is review and skimming, since I've read those books before. My three younger childrens' books I read before they do if I haven't read it, which turns out to be a small percentage of their reading, but only keep just ahead of them.
  2. I never, ever text while driving. I occasionally talk, but only briefly if it is absolutely necessary and only if I don't have a kid in the car to hand the phone to.
  3. I've been off here all weekend, and just saw this. I'm praying for you, Jean. :grouphug:
  4. Yes, I use that book for my logic stage kids when we cover the modern era. We do government studies when we go through that time period. It is very comprehensive.
  5. :iagree: My 17yo and I are reading it now. I wouldn't give it to an 8th grader.
  6. No, I type everything with proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. I have a friend who uses text speak and it just looks silly to me.
  7. We also talk about it with our children. My mil favors ALL the other grandchildren over my kids. I actually heard my son tell one of his friends that "his grandma doesn't like him very much." It's sad because none of them ever want to visit her. It's her loss.
  8. What about Dr. Who or Robin Hood. They are both BBC series available for instant streaming from Netflix. My boys really enjoy them. Right now they are on a Monk kick. I think we are on Season 9. :001_smile:
  9. Remudamom, I'm with you all the way. Trash like that isn't allowed in my house either.
  10. What great news! I know you are beside yourself with relief. :party:
  11. I have already been thinking of and praying for you. I will definitely be praying during the trial. :grouphug:
  12. I get up at 5:00 so that I can have a few minutes before the kids get up. They were getting up at 7:00 so I had a little time to wake up and get some things done. Now they are getting up at 6:00 and we start school at 7:00, so I am about to back my time up to 4:00. I am not really a morning person, but at this season of life I find it necessary to get up early. Having some time to myself before they get up saves my sanity.
  13. :grouphug: I'm so sorry. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers.
  14. I remember watching Charles and Diana get married too, but I was in the throes of wedding planning myself! I got married a few months after they did. I'm old!!! I hope this young couple are able to live a great life together.
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