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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Put me down for whenever you need to. I am in the Eastern Time Zone. I am so afraid of the dentist, and I don't have RSD. I feel for you, Imp. I will go sign up on the social group now. Oh, and all I need is a tall black coffee with a shot of espresso. I don't like sissy coffee!!!
  2. My birthday is 12/1 and we never put our tree up before my birthday. It usually goes up the weekend after. We usually take it down the day after Christmas. It just looks sad to me without the gifts under it, and I would go bonkers having it up into January.
  3. The two wisest people I know are my dh and my best friend. I am very blessed.
  4. We don't do Santa anymore, except in fun, because our kid are older. I voted unwrapped, though, because that's what we did. We're definitely southerners. :001_smile:
  5. How exciting! Yes, please remind us when it's time to watch. Go Molly! :party:
  6. The last time we went, we stayed 9 days in the parks. Yes, you will need a vacation - but you will have SO much fun. I'm jeaous!
  7. While I know this can happen, it doesn't have to. I made an effort not to burden my oldest, even though he WANTED to help with the babies. He did not do any more chores than was age appropriate and I traded off with a friend who also had 6 dc for babysitting so that it wouldn't always fall on him. I had to remind him many times that he was not the parent because he wanted to take care of them. He is married now and asks the kids two at a time to come spend the night because he misses them. I just had to say it doesn't have to be a negative experience for the oldest.
  8. When we adopted our last daughter at 2 days old, that gave me a newborn, a 9 month old, a 28 month old, a 6yo, an 11yo, and a 13yo. Honestly, it was a day by day adventure. My 13yo really stepped up to help, even getting up with one of the babies at night every other night. We managed life, and even got school done. I had to let go of the way I wanted to do it and just go with the flow. Now my youngest is 11 and I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. My kids are all so close, and sometimes I even wish I had more. The joy and fun outweigh the extra work by miles.
  9. :iagree: This is what I would have written, but probably not as well!
  10. :iagree: Four of mine are white and two are not. It really is no one's business and so a "yes" from me is all they get.
  11. I have a nook and absolutely love it. My son and I can lend books to each other, and I can check out from the library. I also like that I get automatic updates from nook and that I can replace the battery if/when I need to.
  12. Yes, this sounds like our house. Someone around here has to help poor dad.
  13. So far, I have cooked everything I've seen on this thread. I think it's because I'm older than most of you. :001_smile: I love grits, by the way, but would never think of serving instant. Yuck. It's also been years (think 20) since I've served hamburger helper. I cook from scratch now, and have cooked fried chicken many times. It's really the only thing I fry these days, but my kids love it so I try to cook it about once a month.
  14. I have been coloring my own hair for a long time, and I'm way more than 50% gray at this point. I have never just done the roots, though. I color it all about every 6 weeks. The best tip I could give you is to go one or two shades LIGHTER than your natural color. The color always turns out darker than the box shows. You can do it!
  15. :grouphug: Jean, very glad you aren't going to keel over! I'll keep praying they can get to the bottom of this and that you feel better soon.
  16. My two youngest have them. There are plenty of edcational games, but mostly they just have fun with them. They like that they can connect and play together. We use them mostly in the car.
  17. I will be at the Greenville convention! It is only a little over an hour from my house.
  18. I have a three-level plastic shelving unit from Lowes in my sunroom/schoolroom for my science supplies. It's not pretty, but works well. I have beakers, test tubes, scales, alcohol burner, miscellaneous items that I use a kitchen utensil container to sort, along with other small things on the top shelf. On he second shelf I have kits and such in boxes. My microscopes and other more expensive items are on the bottom shelf (where someone can't knock them off!).
  19. :iagree: Everyone here loves it for breakfast, though.
  20. Oh Nakia, I'm so sorry. I wish I had known you weren't doing T-giving with family - you all (or P and the girls) could have come to my house! Hope you're feeling better. :grouphug:
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