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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. He'll be fine, Jennifer. I bet they agreed on what movie beforehand and that you've raised him to know which movies he can/can't see. That beginning to let go stage is SO hard. You can do it!! I'll stay up and wait with you. :001_smile:
  2. I can understand why your heart is heavy. I will pray for this family.
  3. I buy March through May so that I can have everything in front of me when I do my scheduling over the summer.
  4. I don't think Saxon primary levels were out when my oldest two were little, but they did 5/4 through Calculus. My third ds started with Saxon in K and is about to complete Advanced Mathematics.
  5. Happy birthday to your dd. My third ds is right behind her - he'll be 18 in June. My oldest got married this past summer and it was surreal. I don't know where the time goes.
  6. My first pregnancy was twins and I lost one. I have had three since then, all between my third and fourth sons.
  7. If you go to EyewitnesstoHistory.com and go to 18th Century, there is an excerpt of that book on there including the part you mentioned. The excerpt is titled "Captured by Indians, 1758."
  8. :grouphug: Denise, I don't have any advice. I just want you to know I'm praying for you and your family.
  9. I have a nook and love being able to grab it and go. I also love that the classics are free or really cheap. I am seriouslly considering an iPad soon. I think I am going to wait for the next generation one to come out (if I can hold out that long). You can download the B&N and Kindle app and have the best of both worlds. My 13yo dd has an iphone and she has just about talked me into it!
  10. I agree with the "anything vomit related" and also I will never like: Snakes (I have nightmares if I see one-even on TV) Vacuuming or sweeping/mopping (actually gives me a stress headache) Being late Being tickled (have accidentally bloodied sons' noses who did not listen) Having to visit MIL I'm sure there are others, but these are the biggies.
  11. We live in NC now and do not have access to extracurriculars at ps, but when we lived in FL my two older boys played sports with the ps. They never asked us for anything at all - other than a sports physical.
  12. SO very glad to hear good news for you!!! Continuing to pray.
  13. Our phone rarely rings past 9:00, but I wouldn't really panic over a call until 11:00 or so. I think it is rude to call someone's home after 9:00 unless it is an emergency.
  14. We go to the same practice, but see different doctors. I prefer to see a female doctor while he prefers to see a male doctor. I know my parents medical history pretty well, and my dh knows his parents well enough.
  15. How wonderful for you and Molly both! We will definitelly tune in.
  16. Good to see you well enough to be funny! :001_smile: I think you had better stay there until they tell you to go home. Pretend you are at a resort and get some rest (can someone bring you some decent food??).
  17. It sounds like you have gotten good advice on what to take your mom. I just wanted to say thank you for the update and I will continue to pray for your mom. You guys are doing a great job looking after your mom. :001_smile:
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