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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. My experience with my boys is that their brain goes away about 13-14 and they get it back at 17-18. I think I have responded to them the way Danestress described above and it worked well for us.
  2. :grouphug: My first pregnancy was twins. I lost one and had major bleeding, but our other guy was just fine and born a big, healthy baby. Saying a prayer for your little one.
  3. :seeya: Hi Diana. Welcome! You will lots of good information on these boards. I'm in my 15th homeschooling year, and my best advice is to relax and enjoy the journey.
  4. I'm like the others who said they aren't sure anyone would notice, but I've told my dh how to find you guys when I snap. Nakia would probably be the only one on here I know IRl. I'm not counting on her because that gross snake is going to eat her.
  5. I have smacked other people's kids! My closest friends have always known that I expect them to treat my kids like their own - even if that meant a smack. I had the same liberty with theirs. Now they are too old to smack, but I'm not going to tell them that! I would keep your child away from the one who obviously needs a smack if it is at all possible. Talking to the youth pastor sounds like a good idea too. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this.
  6. :grouphug: I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you, Rhonda.
  7. Happy Birthday! I am almost 48 and have an 11 year old, so I feel like an older mom. I will also be a grandmother this year. Woohoo!!!
  8. I just saw this. I am praying for your dh and the rest of you right now.
  9. Oh my goodness! I thought my dh was the only one that did this. He puts it in the freezer, though, and just gets a spoonful at a time. My guilty pleasure is roasted garlic hummus. I eat it even though my dh says I have to sleep way, way over on the other side of the bed. I love, love that stuff.
  10. Yep, it's here Nakia. Andrew just started "Totally Christian Karate." :001_smile: We'll see how it goes.
  11. This is us. We have the very basic cable so that our internet rates stay low, but we mostly watch Netflix streaming.
  12. Wow, I'm impressed. Running is just not my cup of tea (because I'm really bad at it).
  13. I will be there and I'm taking my two teens for the Teen Track. Maybe we could all meet up somewhere??? Nakia, I wish you were going!! You could go with us. I am celebrating Francesca's birthday this weekend so we can go (her bday is the 21st).
  14. Does it have a usb port? If so, I'm caving.
  15. We do Latin and math 2-3 days a week in the summer, which is June and July for us. They also have to be reading something. We take a couple of weeks to travel during those months and do no schoolwork then. We also take a week in the fall and spring for vacation and three weeks at Christmas.
  16. I have the 4th edition. I've used it the last three years with my son who is now a Junior. I've used it since my oldest was in hs. He is almost 25 now! I just picked up another book at my used book store that looks like it will do the job of covering up to present.
  17. Until just this past year, my sister and bil were my dc's guardians. They are very close to our children and share our faith. She is a public school teacher and my only concern was that I knew they would go to ps. Now that my oldest is married, we changed our will to make he and his wife the younger children's guardian. I'm sure my sister would still be very involved with their lives, but being with their brother would be the best possible scenerio.
  18. I am Mama or Mom. My dh is Pops or Dad. My oldest son calls my dh Captain. I have no idea why, but he has done this for years. I called my mom "Mother" and did not have a great relationship with her, so my kids know that if they call me Mother they might not get a great response.
  19. Well, I'm in the mountains of Western North Carolina and it is storming hard! Thunder and lightning. I'm guessing baseball tryouts are cancelled. :001_smile:
  20. Everyone in my family is loud. It must be something we do to them because even my adopted children are loud. I was babysitting an only child once who was about 3yo. He finally covered his ears and screamed, "Make it stop!" I felt sorry for him. I try to teach them to settle down, especially at other people's homes, but their "settled down" is still loud to others.
  21. Mondays - 11:30 Take 11yo dd to meet up with carpool leaving for gymnastics (it's an hour away). Leave at 3:30 for 4:30 pick up at gymnastics and get home around 5:45. Tuesdays - Take dd to carpool again at 11:30 and go buy groceries. Take 13yo dd to dance at 4:00 (dad picks up at 7:30), and pick up at gymnastics at 4:30 (dance is on the way). Once more get home around 5:45. 17yo will get 12yo ds to Karate. Wednesdays - Take dd to carpool at 11:30. 5:30 Take 12yo ds and 13yo dd to church. Thursday - Same as Tuesday. Friday - Same as Monday. Saturday - There is always someone that has to be somewhere or a gymnastics meet. Today 13yo dd is meeting her church bible study group at the mall. Sunday - Usually church, but this week we have a gymnastics meet. My plan is to somehow cut some of this out next year, but I'm not sure how. :confused: I am too old to run this hard.
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