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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I've always heard that you were supposed to bring enough food to feed your family plus extra. I would just send an email to the general group telling them that more entrees are needed. I'm sure people will be willing to bring more once they know it is needed.
  2. Wow, we live in the western side of the state and had no idea until you posted. I haven't had the news on this morning. That is just horrible. I will pray.
  3. :grouphug: I am so sorry. I will be praying for your family.
  4. I voted messy. I clean out all the drawers and closets in my house during the summer, so about this time of year everything is messy. I can stand it because I know it will all be put into order in a couple of months.
  5. :grouphug: Praying for you and your dad. I'm so sorry.
  6. I joined a co-op years ago and hated it. I like doing my own thing for academics and my dc have lots of friends and social outlets without a co-op. My 14yo daughter has been begging me to join the co-op at our church, which is academic, but also has field trips, pizza days, etc. Most of her friends attend. I told her I would think about it, but it is very expensive and I wasn't sure we could afford it. Well, they up and asked me to teach their high school math which would make it affordable (they pay the teachers and give them a break on tuition). I said yes for next year, but I'm already grumbling about it. :001_smile:
  7. This is how our co-op works as well. I can't imagine parents that would actually allow/encourage their teens to buck the rules. That is going to backfire on them in the future. OP, I say do whatever you have to in order to enforce the rules. Maybe you would be better off without these families next fall.
  8. Color My World by Chicago. It reminds of The Centinniel Building in my hometown where all of our dances were held. They played that song at every single one.
  9. Our family has used Nantahala Outdoor Center for rafting. They have been around a LONG time and are reputable. Look at Deep Creek Campground for camping. It is right on the edge of the National Park and very near Bryson City. I love, love to camp there. They are on a creek that is well-known for tubing. They rent tubes around there for about $2.00 a day. The tubing run is just fast enough to be fun, but not really dangerous. Our kids have loved it since they were about 5yo, but they are all really good swimmers. I wouldn't take a child younger than that. Have fun!
  10. :grouphug: I am praying for you. :grouphug: Please update when you can.
  11. All 6 of mine learned very early with our "help." I have to say, we did live in Florida, have a pool at home, and swam every day. I can see how having limited access to a pool to practice in would make it harder to learn without lessons.
  12. I voted other. It would depend on if he had somewhere to be later and couldn't finish his work, if he went to bed at a decent hour the night before, and if he was reasonably caught up on his schoolwork to begin with. If he was reasonably caught up, had nowhere to be later, and had gone to bed at a decent hour, then I would let him sleep. If he was behind, had somewhere to be later, or had been staying up into all hours of the night, then I would wake him up and make him get after it.
  13. How Deep Is Your Love - The BeeGees. It is the first song I danced to with my first real boyfriend. Yep, I'm old.
  14. I actually did not want any children when I married. My dh had to agree to that before I would marry him. When my first child was born (was a surprise), I looked at him and knew mothering was what I was born for. All of my friends from high school act like they are going to faint when they find out I have 6 and am homeschooling them! Goes to show you never know.
  15. I can think of 3 off the top of my head. I am 47 with long hair and I have no plans to cut it. My hair is very curly and just looks better long. I look like an insect with short hair. I think all of those crazy rules - no long hair over 50, no white shoes after labor day, etc. - are meant to be broken. I never pay any attention to them.
  16. I had three boys and was happy being a boy mom, but when the opportunity came to adopt a baby girl, I jumped on it. It was so great, I did it again! I also gave birth to one more boy during our 2nd adoption process. I LOVED being a boy mom, but I'm so glad I have my two girls.
  17. We live on a little over 5 acres, but are surrounded by about 40 acres of woods. I wish we could afford to buy it all before they develop it.
  18. I share with my sisters and occasionally one SIL. They love my kids almost as much as I do and don't expect them to be perfect. There is no one else that I would share with, especially my mom (when she was alive) or my mil. My mom would make whatever it was my fault and telling my mil something is like sending out a newsletter to the surrounding counties.
  19. Yep, and my dh is worse. At a friend of our's wedding, she was dancing to Butterfly Kisses with her dad and my dh went missing. I found him about two blocks away. He walked until he couldn't hear it! My 14yo dd is dancing a solo dance to Butterfly Kisses and dedicating it to her dad in a show in a couple of weeks. He has no idea - and she certainly has no idea how much this will tear him up. The song Daddy's Little Girl makes me sad. My daddy sang it to me for as long as I can remember. When he died, my dh found a music box that plays it for me. I can't bring myself to wind it up.
  20. :grouphug::grouphug: Praying for Emily and the whole family.
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