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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Three of my six children (one of whom is in middle grades now and will begin logic next year in 7th) will have done/do logic before high school. The other three obviously were not ready before 9th grade. I think it comes down to when the individual student is ready for formal logic.
  2. I haven't read the rest of the replies, but I totally agree with Faithe. Teaching kids how to drive has taken years off my life (and my teenagers learned that Mama could swear like a sailor when she needs to). The younger kids would just be an unnecessary destraction to the learning driver and the dad.
  3. My 2nd son had the same problem pitching when he played baseball. He was pulled from the game by the coach several times with our approval. He also had to run laps after the game. Finally, he yelled at an umpire for making a bad call (this kid was (is) intense about everything - especially baseball). The umpire pulled him from the game and that seemed to do the trick.
  4. Our older boys were teens when they got their phones back in the day. Our youngest dd got her phone at 10yo when she was away from us hours a day at gymnastics, so at that point we made sure everyone had one. They are all away from us for different reasons (sports, dance, etc.) and I want them to be able to contact us without asking an adult.
  5. Praying. What a shame she has to work with someone that is such a jerk. Doesn't he have better things to do??
  6. My dh has Gilbert's. I can't say I've ever really noticed a smell (he is going to wonder why I'm sniffing him when he comes home :001_smile:), but the only thing that helps is for him to get some extra rest. It seems to "come on" for him when he is really run ragged.
  7. Aubrey, just :grouphug:. I hope things change for your family soon. I'm glad your dh is okay.
  8. So are you telling me my 17yo son really is not going to outgrow this??? When he was 12 I found him melting down all his army men with a lighter in the basement. He has moved on to making things that blow up. The last one sent boulders flying and shook my whole house. I told him he is probably on some government watch list. :001_smile:
  9. We used the History Lives series for church history to go along with our history studies. here
  10. Like I said above, I would go right into Latin Grammar with a 7th grader.
  11. No, actually Matin Latin is a different Latin program for younger kids. Latin Primer I, II, and III are the Latin texts that come before Latin Grammar. They would not be really necessary for a child starting in 7th grade.
  12. I love hot and iced coffee, but only black. Once you start putting "stuff" in it, it becomes a dessert.
  13. When my two oldest came through, there wasn't that many programs available. We used Latin Grammar I and II from Canon Press and then went into Wheelock's. With my younger ones, I heard so many things about so many programs that I just had to try them. We tried Latin Christiana and Henle. I did not like them and found them hard to teach. I went back to the Canon Press books (which I would not try before 6th grade or so) and they are doing great. We will follow them with Wheelock's. So I would recommend the Canon Press books even though I don't hear a lot about them on these boards. They have really done a good job of laying a foundation that allowed my kids to have success with Wheelock's in high school.
  14. I'm in Asheville, but would gladly drive to Raleigh for this. I would be glad to spread the word here in Western NC.
  15. Or Asheville. I have taught my kids that anyone who tries to label someone else feels inferior themselves or are just plain ignorant.
  16. I think PHP's response is perfect. This whole business needs to go away already.
  17. This was our inside list when my boys were small. They also had a dress-up box and loved, loved capes. Most of the time, we played outside. They had a fort/swingset with a sandbox underneath and they would play on that for a long time. I would also give them sand toys and a bucket with plastic bottles of different colored liquids (water and food color). They would make "potions" for hours. I miss my boys being little. Thank goodness I will have my first grandson in August! Woo-hoo!!!
  18. Aubrey, I totally get where you are coming from. My dh and I were looking at verses like that a few years ago and determined to each other to obey them, especially the one about giving when you were asked. The same day a man (homeless), knocked on our door and asked to sleep in our house. It was cold outside. He slept on our couch that night. We didn't sleep too much, though. :001_smile: He left before we were up the next morning and left us the most beautiful artwork - a pen drawing of praying hands. Those verses are ones that are easy to push aside in our culture. I think your poster sounds like a wonderful idea.
  19. I have learned over the years to go with my gut feeling, so if you are feeling like there is something "off" - by all means, do not let them go.
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