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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. My dh and my 17yo each have areas that are "theirs" to take care of - mowing, weed eating, etc. We have 5 acres that we mow, so it would probably cost more than we would be willing to pay to have it done.
  2. It ran off with mine? I am dragging.
  3. No advice, but :grouphug: How awful. I am so, so sorry. Praying for your son (and you).
  4. Oh my goodness! How did I not know about this?? Thank you!
  5. My oldest is the only one married and he and his wife plan to homeschool when they have kids. The rest of them - it varies from day to day, depending on what kind of day we're having. :001_smile:
  6. This is how I do it. My high schooler usually has some other work to do on Fridays, but it is a light day.
  7. I use MapTrek maps from Knowledge Quest for my kids under high school age. Once in high school, I have them draw, shade, and label their own maps using the Penguin Atlases or an historical atlas for reference.
  8. At 13 I allowed my dd to wear light lip gloss and eyeshadow. It had to be natural looking.
  9. I voted for the second choice, but I know my dh and kids would have picked the first one for me. Yes, I am a control freak. I do try to fight the urge to micromanage the things that really do not matter, but I do have to fight it. :001_smile:
  10. My oldest, who was homeschooled, told me just last week that they plan to homeschool when they have kids. I did not do everything perfect with this kid by any means, but he has told me many times that he appreciates the sacrifices I made to give him a great education.
  11. I would tend to agree with this. My kids and I witnessed an over-the-top proposal at our pediatrician's office years ago. He put on full knight's armor, got on a horse, rode up to the office and proposed to her from the (full) waiting room. She worked in the office. He then rode off with her on the back of the horse. Not sure where they went from there. :001_smile:
  12. Baby I'm-A Want You by Bread. My dh played it on the way to the lake where he asked me to marry him - on an 8-track. :001_smile:
  13. Chicken alfredo with a salad and bread. I also made chicken stir-fry for my son who will not eat alfredo. He never complains when I make alfredo - just makes himself a sandwich. He has been working very hard with schoolwork and two part-time jobs, so I decided to make him stir-fry. Usually if you don't like what's for dinner, you make yourself a sandwich around here.
  14. Wow, I'm impressed. I have never been able to stop myself from biting into it after a few licks.
  15. We are doing Middle Ages this year. It is too much to type out here, but I would be glad to send you the syllabus and schedule for my son's study (including the Great Books) if you like. Just pm me. We used Speilvogel, The Medieval World, TC lectures, WEM, Invitation to the Classics, and Brightest Heaven of Invention among other things.
  16. We usually have a series that we all watch on Netflix only when we are together at night. We are watching Lost all the way through right now. We also play board or card games frequently. Phase 10 is fun for everyone and takes a long time to play, so sometimes we continue it from night to night. Last night we all planted a flower bed.
  17. That is what I was going to suggest. It would be great for her to feel like she was doing something good for others.
  18. My dd who is now 14 started that at about 7. She did mature early and began menstruating about two weeks after she turned 11. The attitude really did not improve until she was about 13. It was a rough few years. I tried really, really hard to be patient with her when she was so emotional and angry, but there were times when she went too far and was punished. My 2nd dd who is almost 12 now has not had any of the attitude issues her sister had. Thank God! :001_smile: Try to be patient with your dd, but let her know there is a line that crosses over into disrespect and that is not okay. When I could catch my dd at the beginning point of an emotional tizzy, I would send her to her room until she could get herself together. Another thing that helped was spending more time with me one on one. Good luck - girls at that age are so much harder than boys IMO.
  19. Jennifer - I was camping all last week (without internet) and didn't see this. I just wanted you to know I will keep your friend in my prayers. Your most recent news sounds very encouraging.
  20. I am in NC and have to keep attendance records and "show" 180 days. We easily get in that many, especially if you count the days in summer that we do math and Latin . I just fill out the chart I am supposed to keep on file and forget it. I don't get up every morning and check attendance. :001_smile:
  21. We are in our 15th year and I pretty much know how I like to school now. :001_smile: It took until our 3rd year for me to feel like I knew what I was doing. I have to say that with 6 children, I have had to be flexible to some degree because they are all SO different (especially my oldest dd). Just when I think I have it figured out, I realize that I need to do something different with one or the other of them in a particular subject.
  22. Rachel - On the testing - I have only done the Woodcock Johnson, but our administrator was very, very good with my kids and we certainly didn't have any hokey questions like the examples you gave. It is a husband/wife team that have been doing this for years. Their testing fees are also very reasonable. If you want their info (we are in the same city), just pm me and I'll be glad to give it to you.
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