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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I was 17 and dh was 22. He had just graduated from college in May, and in June we went to the lake. I said, "Do you want to sit on the grass?" and he said, "No, but I want you to be my wife." We had been dating for 6 months and got married 3 months later, 30 years ago this September.
  2. I'll vote for bombing. I have an irrational fear of snakes - if I see one on TV I have nightmares. If I lived in the Bronx, I would be GONE.
  3. I make my bed every morning first thing and ask that the kids make theirs when they tidy their room in the morning. Everyone complies except my 17yo son. He does his reading first thing and likes to get into bed to read.
  4. :grouphug: It's Monday - give yourself a break! I had the same thoughts about not wanting to deviate from our history rotation for a lit program. I ended up buying all 5 units of Excellence in Literature so that I could use different books from different units to match our history studies. Instead of individual books it comes in a binder so that you can pull out whatever book you want to study, make copies, etc. I was able to look at it at the SE Convention and I was impressed with the content.
  5. I bought desks when we first started homeschooling 15 years ago. I was only schooling two at the time, and they did use their desks. That ended after the first year and we eventually got rid of the desks. Most of our schoolwork happens in the living room, except for my oldest who does his schoolwork on another floor for the quiet. It is our "boy cave" downstairs. Sometimes one of the kids will use the desk in our library or go to the dining room, but mostly it is on the floor or turned upside down in a chair. :001_smile:
  6. I could have written this. Also, my dh is very sensitive and it is easy to hurt his feelings. I forget easily and move on, but he can be really wounded by words.
  7. As you can see from the pps, many of us have done the same thing! My son broke his arm and I kept telling him to quit whining. :001_smile: A week later I took him in and found it was broken. I felt terrible. She is small and will heal quickly. :grouphug:
  8. The pet section at Walmart has the bottles and kittie milk replacement at a reasonable price. Just wipe the kitties bottom with a warm cloth to stimulate it to go to the bathroom. We had three abandoned kittens in our barn this winter. They all did fine and are my "babies" now. :001_smile:
  9. I am on the opposite end of NC to attend the state gymnastics meet where my 11yo will be competing tomorrow. We drove all day and I'm glad to be snuggled in my hotel room bed.
  10. My teens are allowed to express their opinions, disagree, etc., but they have to do it respectfully. I've noticed that my older children, once they grow out of their mouthy stage, get indignant with their younger siblings when they hear them saying something in a disrespectful tone. They correct them before I can. I wonder if they forgot that they tried the same thing. :001_smile:
  11. I have to say Giant and Taming of the Shrew are my favorites.
  12. I got instant gratification at the Greenville conference. All my new books are spread in piles around my room just so I can look at them. Sick, huh?
  13. Wow! You must have absolutely beautiful eyes.
  14. Adding my thanks to the chorus. I have a well-worn copy of TWTM around at all times. I also appreciated your talks I attended in Greenville. Thanks for slogging through when you didn't feel well (I offered you a cough drop :001_smile:).
  15. Wow! I've never seen that. It is so uplifting. Thank you, Ibbygirl.
  16. It doesn't get easier with each child, either. I have two grown, but now that my 17yo is there it is making me so sad. We are going to a gymnastics meet out of town this weekend and he doesn't want to go. So his dad says, "Why don't you just stay home?" My stomach did a flip. He is almost 18 and has never been anything but trustworthy, but I still don't want to leave him home alone all weekend while I am 6 hours away (his older brother will be available if he needs something). It is my problem and I know he will be fine, but I don't like this growing up stuff.
  17. It has been years since I've been to the doctor for anything other than my annual check-up. At my age, I've decided I'm going in every other year from now on. I'm really healthy and active, and thankfully, have no health problems. If I had your symptoms, though, I would definitely go in and get checked out.
  18. I've been at the Greenville conference and missed this. I am praying now.
  19. You can email harper collins and get the answer key, but I've heard that it's not easy. There used to be several sites with answer keys, but not anymore. Try here http://www46.homepage.villanova.edu/michael.foight/B_Wheelock_Answer_KEY.pdf HTH
  20. How wonderful! Praying for you and your little ones.
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