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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Thank you for the update. I am so glad he is better. Prayer really DOES work!
  2. You're not being unreasonable. I would feel the same way. Hopefully, she is not the same person.
  3. Well, mine was done 12 1/2 years ago and so far, so good! I was 35 and had some health problems that made it necessary, so no regrets here. I can't speak to the laproscopic surgery part, as mine were done during my 4th C-Section. I couldn't tell that it changed my cycles at all.
  4. Some electives we have done in addition to some on the above lists are Philosophy, Ethics, and Church History. We did them at home and I designed the courses myself.
  5. My paternal grandfather lived to be 97 and had all his wits about him when he died. He was a very active, outdoorsy type. He never took vitamins and ate fried foods every day. He never stopped being involved in life and other people and he had a great sense of humor. He was always playing practical jokes. He had a great time no matter what he was doing. I went to his house once when he was about 75, and he was mowing his neighbor's lawn for him (the neighbor was younger than my papa). Everyone in town called him "Papa." When he "retired" he couldn't just sit around, so he got a job driving "the old people" (many of whom were his age or younger) from the nursing home in our small town to the doctor's offices in the larger city about an hour away. He did this until he was well past 90. I hope I have lots of his genes.
  6. We have always used the orthodontist's payment plan. We ALWAYS have someone in braces. We will have paid for seven sets of braces by the time we are finished (one dc had to have them twice - bite problem). It is just part of our monthly expenses - forever, it seems like.
  7. We had an absolutely wonderful Easter. We gave the kids their baskets, went to church, ate lunch, had a very fun egg hunt, and played kickball. It was a great day!
  8. I would go. Your other kids are old enough that they will be fine, and it sounds like they have plenty of other people around for support.
  9. The kids and I were walking to our car after shopping for groceries and two people were walking in front of us. When we got in the van, one of my kids asked me if one of them was a transvestite. I told them that, yes, it was. My youngest son who was about four at the time, asked what a transvestite was, so my older son told him that it was a man who dresses as a woman. Our next stop was the bank, where I happened to run into an aquaintance I had not seen for a while. She is a tall, big-boned lady. My then 4yo looked at her and proceeded to ask his big brother LOUDLY, "Is she a transvestite?" I could have melted into the floor. It was silent for a moment and then we just carried on as if we hadn't heard him. I think about it every time I see her now, and wonder if she does too.
  10. :grouphug: Mariann, I am so sorry! I hope you feel better soon, and as someone else mentioned - this is a good time for dh and kids to take up the slack. You can sort it all out when you unpack. Praying for you.
  11. I called mine Granny and Papa last name, and Grandma and Papa last name. My dh never knew his. My kids call/called theirs Mema and Pepa, Grandma and Papa. I will have my first grandchild this summer. My dh and I have decided we want to be called Mimi and Pops.
  12. We live on several acres, so yes, my 11yo will pee in the woods when it is necessary. All my boys have done it from time to time (or a lot :001_smile:). We were at an amusement park last week and a young man, probably about 18, stepped out of the line, turned his back, and peed. THAT was a little much.
  13. I don't know what to tell you as I don't have it figured out either, but my 14yo dd sounds just like your daughter and your list could have been mine! I switched curriculum around for her several times and it didn't seem to make a difference. Now I'm just plodding along and trying to make sure she stays on track and gets her work done. I am afraid I'm going to have to go all drill-sgt. on her next year for high school. :willy_nilly: If you figure it out, let me know. :001_smile:
  14. That's scary. I stopped taking my morning walk up the mountain behind my house - I started to go out my kitchen door one morning and watched a huge black bear run up my trail. I'm still too chicken to walk that way.
  15. I agree with Julie about the English. I have kids in 11th, 8th, 6th, and 5th this year, so pretty close to your kids ages. It is just hard. I have had to make a pretty strict schedule (which I normally would not do) just to make sure that everyone gets time with me when they need it. I also had to change it once school started because I felt like my 11th grader was being shortchanged. We tweaked how we do it and managed to get everything done, but sometimes I feel like I don't have 5 seconds to breathe during school time. It should be a little easier next year - my oldest will be taking his math and science at the CC, and my other three will be going to co-op for science and foreign language. After 15 years, I have learned that some years are just harder than others - but it can be done. :001_smile:
  16. We watched this a couple of months ago. Loved it! Thankfully, I am going to get my baby fix with a grandbaby this summer. :001_smile:
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