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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Thank you to everyone who serves!!! From a MARINE CORP Mama.
  2. I am 1/4 Cherokee from my mom (her dad was Cherokee and her mother was half Cherokee/half English), and my father's family was English. What's funny is that I look like a mixture - my dad's features and curly hair, but I'm really dark skinned with dark eyes, my oldest sister has auburn hair with blue eyes and very fair skin, and my middle sister looks 100% Cherokee.
  3. My young great-neice asked if they were the wicked stepsisters. :lol:
  4. I posted mine on the other thread but it is: Lady Lena Nalla-Bellamy One of my dd's asked if she could put her wedding name on her school papers. She likes it. It is: Lady Aline Russia-Middlebrook :001_smile:
  5. I like the ending oomph, and U and V are so boring . . .
  6. Here you go! http://sites.google.com/site/spezadams/wheelocks1
  7. The day-to-day issues with the kids mostly falls on me. Dh helps me hold them accountable for follow-through and gets involved when issues do not resolve. He's the heavy. :001_smile:
  8. I am so sorry. I hope he contacts you soon. Now that I have grown children, I realize it was so much easier when they were little. Praying for you.
  9. For a young child, I would re-offer the lunch and offer a snack. Like others have said, I would be upset if my child was in someone else's care and had not eaten all day. In our home, if you don't like what's served for a meal, you make yourself a sandwich - but my kids are older.
  10. This is fun! I would be Lady Lena Nalla-Bellamy I kind of like the sound of that.
  11. I have substituted dishwashing liquid several times with no problem.
  12. Is something like this what you are looking for? http://www.scianswers.com/?gclid=CNT-4_-iu6gCFYPD7QodWRsMLw I haven't used it. It's just what turned up when I did a google search.
  13. I have one son who loved Pyle - read all his books over and over when he was about 10 (until he began to use archaic vocabulary in his everyday speech :001_smile:). The rest of my dc have preferred the Green version.
  14. We live up a long driveway on the side of a mountain in a very rural area. I can see someone coming up my driveway long before they get here. I feel very safe here. If someone comes to the door during the day, it is usually the UPS man or someone we know. You can't get to my house by accident. :001_smile: We don't lock our doors and windows during the day - we are in and out a lot. We leave our windows open at night. My dh and I take early morning walks, but it is around our property so no worries. I am much more safety concious when we are out and about - downtown mostly or in parking lots. I lock our doors as soon as we get in the car.
  15. :grouphug: No advice, but I wanted you to know I'll be praying for you and your ds.
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