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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. We are lifelong homeschoolers. After 15 years, I can't imagine it any other way. The schools around here are not adequate anyway.
  2. Just wanted to add - I wish I was close enough to come, bring my four kids and handle it for you. :grouphug:
  3. :iagree: You need to listen to this great advice, Imp. Hire a teenager to clean and sit in a chair and tell them exactly what you want done.
  4. You've gotten great suggestions, just wanted to put my vote in for Tupelo Honey and Early Girl - those are two of my favorites.
  5. Not the same situation, but our son has been in the Marine Corp for the last four years. He left when he was 18 and I have seen him 6 times in the last four years. It is hard. We skype when we can and he calls and talks to everyone on the phone. He will be coming back to the states this year, but will live 6 1/2 hours away with his wife who is due with a son in August. I guess I'm feeling relieved that it's only 6 1/2 hours away and not on the other side of the world. You will find ways to stay in touch, and like pps have suggested, I would try to buy them a computer. :grouphug::grouphug:
  6. Hey! I'm not imaginary!! My dh teases me about "my boards" all the time. I think he knows how important it is to me without really understanding why.
  7. Faithe - It seems our lives run along similar tracks very frequently. My oldest turned 25 two weeks ago and he and his wife chose to go out of town! We just celebrated late. :001_smile: ETA - I've been thinking about you with Mother's Day coming up. :grouphug:
  8. It sounds like you need the OTC meds for the yeast infection. For the canker sores, I use Zilactin (your dh can pick that up too :001_smile:). It makes a hard crust over the sore while it's healing, so it's not uncomfortable to eat, takes the pain away, etc. I'm sorry you're miserable!
  9. I could have written this, except I have six kids. Maybe the olders could occupy the littles for a few minutes so you and your dh could have a few minutes of peace?
  10. :grouphug: Praying for you. I think the only thing I hate worse than moving is the dentist!
  11. I have three kids who drink milk and three who do not. The ones who do drink milk usually drink it with desserts, but not with meals. They drink water or tea with meals.
  12. :iagree: As the mother of six, I think this is great advice.
  13. Nakia - I would go with your original plan. There is something to be said for sticking with a particular program up to Algebra - that way there are no gaps. I think you have a solid plan in place and you are right - you are getting distracted. Sometimes you have to quit reading about "all the stuff out there" or your head will explode! P.S. Your boy says hi. He is on the couch with a fever; he is a terrible sick person. :001_smile:
  14. Thank you for the update. I've been worried.
  15. I would be there every day. The used book store that I love is 30 minutes away. I would go every day if I could.
  16. Usually on nights like yours, I make breakfast. Tonight we had boneless pork chops marinated in Mojo, rice, and corn. It's still on the stove - people keep trickling in at different times. I've fed myself and three kids, dh and one more kid to go. :001_smile:
  17. I have an 11yo gymnast who is out of the house 6 hours a day (including travel time) for training. She gets up at 6:00, starts school at 7:00, eats lunch at 11:00, and is out the door by 11:30. That gives her four hours to do school in the a.m. Thank goodness she is my most focused schooler. When she gets home she takes a shower, eats her dinner, and works for another 1 1/2 to 2 hours. It is about 9:00 by that time and she goes to bed at 10:00. She has to have that hour to wind down and relax. That only gives her 8 hours of sleep a night, which I know is not enough for her age. I am trying to decide if we will continue at our gym next year if the schedule stays the same. It is just too hard - even though she has never once complained.
  18. Nothing fancy here. We had Bubble & Squeak with rolls.
  19. :grouphug: BTDT. I know how disappointing that is. I will pray for her.
  20. Imp, Don't talk to her on the phone. I would tell her flat out that if she ever touched my bad arm again that I would smack her as soon as I could catch my breath. Really, if moving cross country is what you need for your health, it needs to be about you. If she is in an assisted living facility, she will have care. If we had not moved 500 miles away from my MIL, I would probably be divorced by now (or in jail for assault :001_smile:). I know that for people who have nice MILs it is sometimes hard to believe what a burden it is to deal with those who are manipulative and just plain mean. Let Wolf deal with her - don't let her take up space in your brain.
  21. The day after 9/11 my 13yo son told me he would join the military when he turned 18. He is now a Sgt. in the Marine Corp. 9/11 changed all our lives - I am celebrating today. Thank you to our awesome military men and women who serve!!!
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