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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. This is how it goes at my house, too. I can't see how sharing towels that are laundered after each use is gross. IMO, puffs are gross.
  2. My kids all know how to do laundry, but I do it. It is just easier for me to wash 3 large loads three times a week and get it done. They have to put their laundry away once it's done. They all have plenty of chores to do, but that is something I would just rather do myself. When my youngest three were babies, the older three did their own laundry and one little's laundry. That worked for that specific time in our family, but it's more convenient for me to do it now.
  3. Yep, I'm going too. It's amazing how fast I can spend money at a conference.
  4. Welcome to NC, Renee! :seeya: Waving to you from the Western side of the state.
  5. I had 3 mc between my third and fourth sons. We adopted our first daughter after our third miscarriage, started proceedings for our second daughter, and found out we were pregnant with fourth son! I had a normal, healthy pregnancy with him.
  6. Catherine Called Birdy and The Midwife's Apprentice are both by Karen Cushman. My girls have read them both. I'll keep thinking, but can't really come up with any more off the top of my head that has a female protagonist.
  7. I'll go with you, Nakia. Those people are scum.
  8. That sounds terrifying. I am so glad you and yours are okay.
  9. I have a friend (female) whose name is Asher. I wanted to name one of mine Jack. It even says "Hi Jack" on his ultrasound picture. My dh nixed the idea. Now that same son is going to have a child in August and if it is a boy, he will be Jack. :001_smile:
  10. That's what we did on our last move. We got two ABF's and they were PACKED. Cram every nook and cranny with stuff and make sure you pack any cars coming up this way. I'm hoping you find a spot for everything. FYI -it's snowing up here this morning. :001_smile:
  11. My son is in Japan, but thankfully called to tell me he is okay. Prayers for all those in the tsunami's path.
  12. I thought that was how it was going to work, and my 13yo dd can cook as well as I can, but she is never home!! She is at dance right now and will come in at 7:30 starving and ready to eat. My other dd is at gym, my 17yo son is at work, and my 12yo son would be scary in the kitchen. They are all conveniently gone when it is time to cook.
  13. I go through spells of feeling like that. I also cook, what feels like, all day long. I usually call a pizza night when I just can't do it anymore and then just suck it up and get back at it again.
  14. For K-8, no way. For high school, I would listen to them but dh and I would make the final decision. So far, all of mine have been content to school at home.
  15. Oh Nakia, I love it! I think your back may actually have more ink than mine now!
  16. :grouphug: Praying for you. Sometimes all we can do is get through the next minute at a time.
  17. I've heard that you can cook a potato in your dish for 20 minutes or so to get rid of salt.
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