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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. You mean you have Samoas left? You might as well go ahead and finish them off.
  2. I don't know who we are/aren't agreeing with, but I say hide the box of doughnuts from the kids and eat them all.
  3. What a beautiful name. Congratulations!
  4. My guilty pleasure is cocoa puffs, not pebbles, but I feel your pain. Once when my oldest was about 6, I realized about halfway through lunch that he was wearing a lizard for an earring. He had let it bite his earlobe and it was just hanging there while he ate. :001_smile: I prefer not to lunch with lizards or have them in my food.
  5. The amount of time for level 3 sounds about right. I would talk to some of the moms of the girls in the upper levels and get their opinions of the gym/coaches. Talk to several, not just one. Some questions to ask: What are the qualifications of the coaches? What are some of their past successes? You might also see how their team ranks at meets. Where do their girls normally place at meets? Are the meets they attend USAG sanctioned? You might also want to look ahead at the time requirement and expense for upper levels. If I had looked that far ahead, I'm not sure I would have been brave enough to commit. :001_smile:
  6. :iagree: Has it really been that long?? It sounds like she's doing great. Good job, Cindy!
  7. Congratulations! Welcome little Hans Solo! :party::party::party:
  8. My 17yo son does not have Asperger's, but cannot stand to hear anyone chewing ANYTHING. If we are all sitting in the living room doing school and someone gets a snack, he leaves the room or moves away from them (one of his sisters is a loud chewer - we are working on it). I don't know why this is, as it doesn't seem to bother him at the dinner table, unless someone is actually smacking. I would try not to chew gum around him and try the humming thing.
  9. We also moved far away from family. I miss my family, but I could not live anywhere near dh's mother. She is controlling and manipulating - and sometimes downright mean. The three days I have to spend at her house twice a year I simply bear, knowing it has an end.
  10. :iagree: I am so sorry you have been the target of such ugliness. My daddy would have said you must be doing something right.
  11. I couldn't do it for that, but all six people in my house eat like adults (my 17yo eats like TWO adults). I also have extra people all the time, mostly teenage boys. I spend anywhere from $300 to $350 a week.
  12. We also used it without the DVD's and it worked just fine.
  13. I don't pay for chores. It is part of living in a family and doing your fair share around here. We all (including me) have chores every morning before school, then we rotate chores for taking care of the animals between the three youngest. Our oldest mows on the weekends (we have five acres to mow), so he gets out of animal duty. We also divide up the chores that need to be done monthly and the five of us do one per week. It doesn't take all that much time and no one has an unfair share of work. They have activities every afternoon. I could not spend the time I do running them around if I had to do everything all myself.
  14. I voted treadmill because it is what I have. :001_smile:
  15. I thought my MIL was a freak of nature, but after reading this thread I'm horrified that there are others out there! She screamed bloody murder when my dh told his father over the phone that we were going to get married (I wasn't on the phone - and she wasn't on the phone, yet it sounded like she was in the room with me). She hasn't changed her mind about me, and that was 30 years ago. She and my fil (in fact, my dh's entire family) told us we were not welcome in their home and they wanted nothing to do with us anymore when we adopted our daughter (she was the wrong color). We didn't see them for two years. They never said they were sorry, just decided to include us again. My fil has passed away, but my mil still makes veiled (barely) racist comments when we are around. None of my children have any respect or affection for her. We moved 500 miles away and only have to deal with her for 3 days at a time, twice a year. That's all any of us can handle.
  16. Yes. I grew up in Florida - don't google banana spiders. :001_smile:
  17. I have used Spielvogel with my oldest three and will continue to use it with my younger three. If it ain't broke . . .
  18. I was also at the SC Convention and took a look at Notgrass. I agree that the text was too simplistic for high school and passed on it. We will use Spielvogel (and maybe Churchill) along with Paul Johnson's book for American history next year for Early Modern.
  19. Yes, that's about right. I end up feeding a group of teenagers just about every weekend. Go to the store. :001_smile:
  20. I have only used the 1st editions with all my kids. They were the only editions out with my oldest ones, and since they did so well in college science classes, I decided they were good for the younger ones. My dc will be attending a co-op for science next year and I will have to purchase the 2nd editions for that purpose. If I were doing the course at home, I would feel totally comfortable using the 1st editions.
  21. This happened to me as well, except it was my oldest son who was 2 at the time. My mom gave him first haircut and I just couldn't believe it. I totally understand how you feel OP.
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