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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. Maybe we should have done it that way. We did the read the book first thing and now my dds are having a hard time being motivated to go back and do the guide.
  2. I have a twist on the m&m method that worked for us. First make sure the child really is ready. When they go give an m&m and lots of praise. When they go in their pants, give an m&m to everyone but them. It only takes one or two times and it works.
  3. I don't think they've changed the Saxon books and taken out the geometry, they've just added another book. I don't plan on having my dc do the new geometry book, but I still feel confident in awarding 1 full geometry credit after completing both the Algebra II and 1st 1/2 of the Advanced Math book. From what I know the Advanced Math counts as two credits. One for Geometry with Advanced Algebra and one for Trigonometry with Pre-Calculus.
  4. How's that for a long title!? :lol: I am seeing that some are doing courses early, like Chemistry or Algebra II before high school. One of my dds is on track to do Apologia Biology in 7th which she wants to follow with Apologia Marine Biology. Will we have trouble meeting the requirements of 3 science credits for graduation? I get that she can just take more advanced classes in high school, but how does this work for those that take classes early? Could someone lay it out, for me?
  5. I have thought of crediting it for PE, but I think horseback riding is too narrow, as there is much more than just riding involved. A lot of round pen work among other things. I like Horsemanship or Equine Training and Management. They seem to both convey the gist of what the girls are doing. Thank you!
  6. My dds get 3-5 hours of horse training and riding lessons every Saturday. It is work with a nonprofit, and the owner is training them to train the horses in hopes that years from now they will run the program. My oldest has even done an exhibition in front of a Quarter Horse judge and he was very impressed. I know that it must count for something, I just don't know what.
  7. I took OK history in public school as a junior higher, not in high school. Like the pp said, there are "no rules" in Oklahoma. I would just have her take the high school level and be done with it.
  8. I haven't read the other responses, but Dh's sister put Valedictorian on her application and she was homeschooled. Aparently it worked.
  9. This statement cracked me up, "It was also the No. 1 school for drinking milk..." I know it was about a non-party school, but it's funny that they took that into consideration, too. :lol:
  10. I think we're using it next year and I want to know any pros and cons before purchasing.
  11. I don't feel your intention is to mislead her, but I wouldn't supply the information unless there is a reason to. Just like I wouldn't supply other information unless there was a reason to. She was just making a polite comment, and I wouldn't take it for any more than that.
  12. I can tell you what NOT to do. My first trip with my 4 young dc from OK to CA I decided to do non-messy food in the car. So....I packed lots of dried fruit, juice boxes, and trail mix. Well, we spent time in every. single. bathroom from here to CA. UGH! Too much fruit= diarrea! DUH!!! Now, I avoid dried fruit and only drink water, as I'd rather have them stopped up the whole way. :lol:
  13. I am seriously considering this for my dc. Is the prep program something I can do alone, then sign up for CollegePlus later?
  14. I'll have to look into the pdf version! I have 8 dc and it's hard to adapt past 4.
  15. We are a family of 10, soon to be 11. We spend less than that on food. I am assuming your budget is not including household items, since you didn't mention that. We eat well and plenty, in my opinion, of meat. I agree about cooking from scratch. I didn't care for the hillbillyhousewife plan as it cost much more for us, and was lots of time in the kitchen. Breakfasts are generally oats, granola, and yogurt or some variation. We might have yogurt, fuit, and granola one day; granola with milk the next day; and oatmeal the next day. Whatever I have time for and feel like that day. We also do muffins and eggs, just not as often. Lunches are leftovers, ramen, or whatever I throw together like tomato soup and grilled cheese. Dinners we eat are pork chops, spaghetti, enchiladas, breaded or bbq chicken, breakfast like pancakes and sausage, stir fry, taco soup, pizza, meatloaf, soup and bread, quiche, casseroles, fajitas, talipia, salmon, clams over pasta, etc. I like variety and color for meals. So if we have Cranberry Chicken, I will serve it with rice, and a green salad. I feel like its healthier and more pleasing to the eye. Another thing I do is to make the littles' plates and then make sure I have something to set in the middle for if you are still hungry. More rice and salad for the meal listed above. I've noticed that if you cut a pizza into 6, 8, or 10 slices then those that want two pieces will want 2 no matter the size of the slices. I also make sure there are plenty of filling sides. Adding an extra side or two is much cheaper than adding an extra pizza or piece of chicken per person.
  16. Paper clips would be my #1 thing. I agree about the balloons!
  17. :ohmy: All of our information is not accurate, but wow!
  18. Parental involvement, plain and simple. I have 7 other dc to school and 1 on the way. I just couldn't invest the time that I feel Omnibus would have required from me. A few of the books I wouldn't feel comfortable handing over to my dd to read alone, The Twelve Caesars being one example, so I would need to block out time in my schedule to read it with her and explain or edit as needed.
  19. Now why did you have to go and throw in another curriculum I've never heard of. Ugh! This looks interesting. Where did you find it?
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