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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. One of these types of exhibits used Asian bodies without their permission. I didn't go see it because that rubbed me the wrong way. I *think* it may be this one, you might want to research before seeing it if that sort of thing bothers you.
  2. The reason I'm asking is the law has changed from my youngest dc, but I don't know where to look for the actual law. Now we are raising nieces and nephews that are younger and we need to know. All of my family is pretty small. In fact, DH's sister was 85lbs and 4'11" at graduation.
  3. Yes! I have low blood pressure. I also have a low body temp. My norm is 97.6. If I hit 98.6 I have a low grade fever.
  4. I agree with the pp. My dc are 1-13. I would say that MW's recommendation of 3rd-8th is about right. Because of the supplement you could do it 2x's and it be a little different each time. I imagine that after 5 years or so more books will be written and revisions could be made so that might change it a little, too. I am doing some with my late 1st/ early 2nd graders, but only because I have it. It won't hurt them, but I don't know if they will get as much out of it as they would in a couple of years. KWIM?
  5. I didn't see this posted, yet. Some years there is a 2nd and 3rd grade supplement or a 7th and 8th grade supplement. If scheduled readings are a little too advanced or young this helps make up the difference. KWIM?
  6. I have not read the pp, so I have no idea if my advice will agree or disagree. Omnibus was/is something we have considered off and on. I have never seen Omnibus up close, only the sample chapter online. I also have a friend that uses it. I don't believe that even VP uses *all* of the scheduled readings. If you look into certain titles like The Twelve Cesears you will find some tough content. *I* personally would wait until 8th or even 9th to tackle that kind of content or reading. The 3 year cycle, from my understanding, is repeated in depth in years 4-6. So you won't "miss" anything if you wait. Many students do the program earlier, so obviously you can. It just wouldn't work for *my* family.
  7. We've got 10 people in 1600 sq ft with no basement. It feels a little crowded at times. I'll take your McMansion if you want to trade for mine. I would like at least 5 bedrooms, a sunroom, and a basement. Ooo, and I want a really big kitchen and a really big master bedroom with a sitting room. Any takers? Anyone? *Big Grin*
  8. Wouldn't they have to get rid of the school lunch food, too? Ours is all fried, packaged, cardboard tasting, yuck!
  9. I was ALL set to purchase Henle at the convention and then I got swept up into Second Form Latin. I misheard the seller and thought she said the 1st Form, Second Form, etc. would eventually replace Henle. What she said was it would replace Henle 1. If I spent the next three years in this curriculum it would really put us off track. If I do SFL then move into Henle, could I quickly go through book 1? Help, Hive Mind! What do I do?
  10. So far all we've planted are tomatoes. I cheated a bit and got some that were already blooming, so they are already growing tiny tomatoes. Other than our compost heap, it's all we've done. I need to get on it!
  11. Rip it off like a bandaid!:D We just stopped turning ours on during the day, and one day stopped at night. The kids cried :lol: the first day. After that they dealt. Now I don't know how we spent so much time watching it. I just wouldn't have the time now. Family game nights Bible study Projects like gardening, building something Littles...color, play dough, legos Edited to fix spelling.
  12. I've frozen Cranberry Chicken uncooked. Of course, homemade lasagne is always good. :)
  13. It might make days easier. You could also pick out the week's clothes on the weekend to help streamline.
  14. That's what I thought, too. I think I even saw it on a commercial. We all know how true commercials are. :D
  15. Not as horrific as that. :grouphug: The closest I've come is watching my grandma die. She didn't pick me up from school one day so I called my mom. We raced over there and my grandma appeared to be asleep, but we couldn't wake her. We called 911 and watched as they repeatedly worked on her. She threw up and died. Apparently she had a brain clot that burst. I was on the phone with a guy I was dating when he was shot and killed. His best friend pointed a gun at him and pulled the trigger. He thought the gun was unloaded. We lived in the South and in the country so having guns was not a really a big deal to many. Many people went hunting frequently. It sounds really ghetto-ish, but it was more of a case of teenage boys not exercising responsibility. (I'm not debating whether they should have had guns, just stating the facts.) That was pretty tramatic. I didn't have to see it, though. He lived at my neighbors' house. The parents were so tramatized I had to clean it up for them, and had to be the main witness during the court case. That was hard. I'll be praying for you and your children. It's awful you had to witness that. It is good such a compassionate person found that girl. She was fortunate to have you find her.
  16. I haven't read many of the other posts, but ours is mostly pretty dressy. We do have a mix, though. Most of the little girls wear smocked dresses or tank style dresses in the summer. Shoes are white patten with ruffle socks, although some wear sandles. In the winter its hose with black patten mary janes and hair bows matching their dresses. They look pretty cute. Some of the teenage girls aren't quite as covered. Women wear over the knee length to ankle length skirts. Eldery woman usually wear slacks or long skirts. Men wear suits and ties. Some don't wear jackets, but most wear ties on Sunday morning. The younger our congregation's parents get the less dressy we become. I'm only in my mid-thirties, but I've noticed the 20 somethings seem to wear more slacks or shorter skirts. (I sound old, don't I?:lol:)
  17. I WILL NEVER use these. The creepyness factor is just too much. This violates too many rights! ETA: You never know if "they" will want to check up on the homeschoolers.
  18. My DH's eyes changed at puberty. Apparently he was blonde with blue eyes. Well at puberty he changed to black hair and greenish-hazel eyes. He and ALL of his family still think of him as a blonde. When one of my dds was born with black hair his mom asked me where that came from.:001_huh:Um, her son.
  19. Hmm... the dual drawer looks interesting. I'll have to look into that. Thank you for your responses.
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