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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. We will not be using either of these books. MFW has even addressed one of the books on their message boards. Aparently, a lot of people have mentioned substituting other books for the Purpose Driven Life.
  2. I did that in public school. I think it was just listed as Psychology/Sociology on my transcript.
  3. Thank you for the advice. I will skim through the books again. We will probably stick with our original plan of Biology in 9th.
  4. I will be fairly involved with my dc college decisions. I was expected to do well and go to college. That was about it. Expectations. No guidence counselor ever called me to his office or even told me dates for SAT, ACT, college admissions, or application times. In my senior year I was told if I went to Junior College it would be paid for, if not it wouldn't. So I applied. Fortunately, I was able to take the residual and did very well. I was a college bound student, made A's, did very well on the ACT, but no adult gave me any guidence what.so.ever. I was too wrapped up in school activities and friends to learn any of it on my own. I don't even remember any friends disscussing their application process. Our plan (the dc, DH and I) is to do a semi- College Plus! route. So they will still be fairly young during the process. If they don't graduate in their chosen time frames they won't be left out high and dry like I feel I was. They will have at least some college under their belts and some knowledge to how the whole process works.
  5. What's working for us for various ages Handwriting Without Tears Saxon math First Language Lessons for 1st and 2nd Rod and Staff Grammar for 3rd and up My Father's World Memoria Press for Latin Apologia for science Ordinary Parent's Guide for reading Workboxes (my own version) Spelling Power Not working umm, nothing really. We've been hs for 6 years and have tossed out any things that didn't work for us.
  6. My oldest 2 dds are doing General right now and doing very well. Our plan has been to move straight into Biology, then move to Marine Biology. We would then progress to the other sciences. I have recently received advice that Physical Science shouldn't be skipped. What are your thoughts? My oldest will be in 9th that year, so it would be her first high school year if that makes a difference.
  7. Saxon does have a Geometry book now. It is not needed if you do their traditional sequence, but they do offer it for those that want or need one.
  8. We've used Saxon K-8/7. K is more of a preschool program, imho, but it still has value. I usually skip the meeting now that I've done several years worth, but I agree that concepts are often taught here. Make sure you aren't skipping any concepts. Either occasionally do the meeting or introduce the concepts in another way. I also agree that Saxon is not a skip a few problems type program. If you do all odds or evens you may do well in the book you are in, but it could show up in later books. Around lesson 30ish is usually when it shows up. Most of the problems are pretty varied despite what a lot of people claim. We will continue to use it.
  9. I ditto starting with 6. My dc read the lessons on their own and do the worksheets. If not, we do what we can orally. I do require them to diagram and do the writing assignments, but we aren't using another writing program. If you do it this way you can move through lessons pretty quickly.
  10. Count me in. I have 4 dd's and took on my sister's 4dc so this will make number 9 in our household. The oldest will be 13 and the youngest will be 2. It's crazy busy around here!
  11. We like Apologia here. We tend to be a bit chatty, though, so I guess its our style.
  12. This is hysterical! I can't wait to show DH. On a side note, when DH and I moved here we mocked the local T.V. news anchors because of their accents. Now I don't even notice them. :eek:
  13. We used the MFW recommendations. The Body Book which is a really neat cut and paste book about each part of the body. Janice Vancleave's The Human Body for Everykid. It had simple experiments like stringing several spools of thread and disks of cardboard on a string to see how the spine moves. The third book we used was the Usborne book on the human body. I can't remember the name, but it had great photos and illustrations. We did all three books by lining up the topics. For a 3 day a week schedule we did something like this: Day 1 we might read the Usborne book and the Janice Vancleave book. On day 2 and 3 we would do the cut and paste activity book. I am NOT normally a cut and paste type person, but this book was worth it for the layered visuals. Other than having copies and supplies ready, it was really simple for me. It took us less than a year to complete so we did the Apologia Astronomy book for the other part of the year.
  14. Count me for other.:D I usually introduce the new material and work a few problems with them in the A.M. and then later in the day they will finish it up. I would like to see it done before lunch. They say they want it done before lunch, but practice shows otherwise.
  15. Dd 13 has done Rod and Staff since 3rd grade. She is now in 8th and was doing substansives the other day. You know the ones, where you diagram on a pedestal? Well, she looks at me and says, "What's a direct object?" :001_huh: I had to spend 2 WHOLE DAYS explaining the difference between a direct object and a predicate nominative. to. an. 8th. grader. :banghead:
  16. I did not purchase the kit, but all of the supplies have been easy to find. The trickiest so far is Alum and Plaster of Paris. Alum is supposed to be in the spice section, so that should be pretty easy. Plaster of Paris is not that difficult to find either. The rest have been purple cabbage, cardboard, paperclips, that sort of thing. Easy, peasy. I wouldn't purchase the kit unless you have trouble getting to the store occasionally.
  17. We never used First Form. I did LCI and II with my dds. At the convention I got Second Form and the bridge unit for First Form. They didn't say anything to me about LCII being phased out, but did mention the Form books replacing Henle I. With my no Latin background it seems like high school level to me. Maybe some Latin experts on here can answer this better. :bigear:
  18. Thank you all. I think this particular child will do well with increasingly difficult work. I just wanted to know how to make this work since I still have time plan for her.
  19. The four Form books are supposed to replace Henle I. I would say just go with the Henle program, unless the first book is all you plan to do. We are doing Second Form beta right now, and if I'd known I would have just started with Henle. We are switching to Henle after this year, and I hope my dd will be able to get through all of the Henle books by graduation.
  20. :iagree: We are doing Saxon as written. There is NO way we could handle another program. I am always shocked when I see someone doing Saxon AND Singapore.
  21. Not much help as I've never used Omnibus, but I've looked into it. I'm curious, so I thought I'd bump for you. I thought Omnibus counted for more than one credit. Three, maybe? English, History, and Literature?
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