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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. When my dad heard about one of my pregnancies, he informed me that he'd be glad to discuss a V with dh since he'd had one himself.:confused: um, no!
  2. When I always end up back here? Seriously, every time I have a curriculum or homeschool question the top hits are always this board.:lol:
  3. We just did Disneyland with 9 children. We purchased through Disney travel, and bought the meal plan so it felt all inclusive.
  4. I looked up the physical science. I didn't find the answer because I got stuck on math. According to this list even if you take an upper level math in middle or earn two credits of math in one year you still have to take math every year of high school. When did this start? I knew that if you had Algebra in middle it didn't count, but again, according to this site it seems you can count it as an elective. That doesn't make sense to me. Either you can count it or you can't. Does finance count as a math? Our state, OK, now requires it for graduation.
  5. Look up some of Brindee's posts. Her dd is using it this year, I think.
  6. I went to each person in the family and asked them for their favorite meals. I planned them on a two week rotation. We had the same thing every Monday for lunch, every Tuesday, etc. We had the same thing every Monday of week 1 for dinner, and something different for every week 2. Breakfast I just had a list that I'd choose from. I made a menu and master grocery list. We ate this way for about 7 months. It didn't get boring. I promise! In fact, with everything we do, church dinners, birthdays, guests, etc., we never completed a full 2 week cycle. With everyone helping plan no one complained.
  7. I don't. I am allergic to lawnmowers.:D Dh does the back. He usually ropes the kids into pulling weeds, then he mows. We live across the street from a friend who owns a lawn service, so we pay him to do the front. He does our lawn, trims our trees and hedges, and cleans up after the fact. We pay $60 a month during the spring and summer. He comes about 2x a month.
  8. We still use our workboxes, but like most others, we came up with our own method. The older 3 use theirs mainly for storage. One holds math, one English, etc. They have one set that hold combined subjects. One box holds a shared science book, one holds mfw geography, and one is the "waiting station." The middle 5 have a mix between school work and activities. The baby, well, she just hangs out with me. :) I ditched the numbers and velcro a long time ago. I only restock geography and science about once a week. It only takes about 5-10 minutes. The rest of the subjects are pretty much justdo the next thing, so they just live there. It does keep our day flowing and organized. Iykwim.
  9. This year I plan on making these http://littlebirdiesecrets.blogspot.com/2008/11/fish-in-bag-soap.html and purchasing each their own bath towel sets. All white, but with colored ribbon loops sewed in one cornor for hanging. Each child will have a different color of ribbon loop. We are moving and it gives me a sneaky way to stock the new house.:D I will also do the usual craft supplies and summer toys. I rarely do lots of candy. We attend a hunt that our congregation puts on and they get way too much candy there! Per tradition the Easter bunny will poop a jelly bean trail and leave a half eaten carrot by the baskets.
  10. I read once that a 16 yo girl should be able to run a household for a week. This includes meals, housekeeping, and caring for small children. I think that is something that we will enable/encourage for our dc before graduation.
  11. I don't mean to hijack, but maybe this is what happened to my Christmas order from Amazon! I ordered two double sets of Ready-set-Joe and one arrived obviously opened and missing.
  12. I probably would, but mainly because of how our lives function. Obviously things could change in the future, but I don't see the desire or the opportunity arising.
  13. I love it. I have the girl gene, but I would have probably skipped the project altogether. I am impressed you still found a way to do it.
  14. Thank you. I just read the 101 site, that helped clarify some too.
  15. Audrey, What is the difference. I am sincerely asking and don't mean to hijack.
  16. Bummer, that would have been a really fun way for us to read the book. Oh, well.
  17. This reminds me of George Washington's rules of civility. It says you should brush your clothes atleast once a day. Although it was a different time and I'd be tempted to wash less frequently if I had to hand wash everything, but yuck!
  18. I like google earth a lot. Yelp, kindle, and iBooks are tied for the moment.
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