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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. We did a few years ago. We splurged and did the Grand Califorian concierge. It was soo magical. Do it! You won't be disappointed. Get RideMax to help avoid lines and enjoy.:001_smile:
  2. Congratulations!!! I have to admit, though, I thought this was a thread about the genderless baby. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/genderless-baby-tribute-liberty-conscript-war-sex-roles/t/story?id=13716165
  3. A local studio had a large photograph on display of one of my friends once. When I told his mom about it, she was excited and wanted to purchase it. I am pretty sure they didn't know before hand. While I don't think it is a good practice, I do think the photographs are property of the phtographer, hence the having to purchase. I would never display someone's photograph without permission. I don't even like it when people post photos on facebook without permission.
  4. While I definitely agree with parents sitting in 10 minutes of each class, would this include siblings? Logistically those with large families will need a plan for that. Would siblings have their own classes? Would the siblings be able to sit in the 10 minutes of the older sibling's class? If you had more than one student in differing classes, if available, how would you attend 10 minutes of each child's class. These may be a non-issue for your coop, but they are things that I think of when considering a coop.
  5. I am not sure what I'd expect, but for us to participate it would have to be on Monday or Friday. Preferably Friday. Mid-week would be a no go for us.
  6. :lol: That is what I get for posting while making dinner and watching 5 kids 7 and under. Fixed post.
  7. I found a link online from an email I recieved. It shows a sample transcript and how to include CLEP tests as honors courses. I've never seen a transcript grouped by subject not grade level. Is it a viable option or would it be frowned upon? http://www.thehomescholar.com/images/stories/pdfs/sample_transcript_by_subject.pdf
  8. We aren't. After using boxed for the last few years it just didn't seem the right fit for our current situation. We probably are going back to boxed for the following year, though. Not because it's boxed, but similarly to what Brindee said, it is what I would pull together myself for that year's study. Why reinvent the wheel.
  9. Our state, of course, requires 1/2 credit in OK state history. What exactly constitutes a state study? I remember doing a pretty dry textbook when I was in school. What have you done or plan to do?
  10. We used MFW for eighth. I think you could beef it up a bit for ninth. You learn about cultures, missionaries, and standard geography.
  11. My plan is Saxon. Not the geometry book, just the plain 'ole Saxon Advanced Math sequence.
  12. Looking through my General Science solution guide it says the course should be weighted 35% lab grade and 65% test grade. Cumulative tests are worth twice as much as regular tests. "if you feel you really must include the study guides in the student's total grade, make the labs worth 35%, the tests worth 55%, and the guides worth 10%. A straight 90/80/70/60 scale should be used to calculate the student's letter grade.". It also goes on to say that the average college bound student will probably get a "C" grade. While I don't own the chemistry text, I would assume the guidelines would probably be similar from the same publisher. I would feel weighting the grade this way would be appropriate as would weighting certain questions on the test higher than others provided that is determined before the test was taken and on rare occurances. Of course, you would only grade labs you actually did. My only concern is needing a lab science. Are there requirements or guidelines of a certain number of labs done? If so, I second the opinion of watching some video clips of experiments to make up the difference if you fall short.
  13. Did the state really step in or was that fake too? I don't agree with the lack in judgement of agreeing to do a story like that, but wouldn't the Sun verify that it was fake for her? While it is extremely foolish, it is not a lose-your-rights kind of thing. There are far more abusive situations out there than a publicity stunt.
  14. I went to visit my mom for an extended weekend a few years ago. The kids had a couple of birthday parties and a couple of church activities that we found out about after tickets were booked. I decided not to purchase presents, pick out clothing, or prep meals before I left. No school happened, but he did get a wake up call. :lol: Dh does "sub" for me every year, though. I plan the curriculum and make a pretty general schedule. Then if I'm having trouble making it flow or having major discipline issues, then he will take off work and sub. Neither he or the kids want to make that a permenant thing. Both are a wee bit more appreciative of me after that. :D
  15. I looked at the BJU history textbook for 11th graders as a possibility for next year. I am glad I did, as it is not a good fit for us next year. I really like the looks of the Critical Thinking Press' history books and software. I am trying to narrow it down and not have overkill. We are studying U.S. history and government next year. I am not really sure what our main books will be, but we want some of these as supplements. I have pretty much decided on the Bill of Rights one. How many of these could one do in a year? Would all four be overkill? If so, which one(s) would be the best to get? http://www.criticalthinking.com/searchByNeed.do?code=p&catalog=p&catalog2=p&categories=bs&subjects=h&gradeLevel=8&x=27&y=14&code2=p&catalog3=p
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