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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. If it's an outer layer, like a cardigan or such, I put it back away as if it were clean. Jeans - I fold them and stack them on a little table thing in my room. Not the tidiest of solutions. Pjs are usually hiding on a shelf in the bathroom.
  2. We just got finished dealing with a large thyroid nodule in oldest DD (ultrasound, biopsy, lobectomy). She has an endocrinologist and ENT also monitoring nodules on her remaining lobe (as well as her numbers). What they've repeatedly told us is how common nodules are in women, how likely they are to be benign, and even if they're *something scary* they're usually slow growing and easy to treat. Watch and see is how these things go (our next US is in 6 mos).
  3. But unless I misunderstood the OP, she's not been invited to the visit in Boston. She's just been told about someone else's visit plans and has been left out. That's the problem.
  4. Does your area hold any reptile shows or conventions? Near us is the state fairgrounds and they host different shows throughout the year (wedding, gun/knife, horse) and they have an annual reptile show. Lots of suppliers and such with booths. That might be an option other than Petco?
  5. Honestly, I'd ignore the text if it were my mother with a history of behaving that way. If she wants to see your family, she can do the work and make the effort. I wouldn't make any invitations or suggestions or have any hopes -- that just opens yourself to being shut down and hurt again. If she wants a relationship, she'll reach out.
  6. I've painted more than I want...but mainly because one project leads to another leads to another. Weve lived here almost 14 years. I've painted: every ceiling 1x (once is enough!) every bedroom 1x, when we first moved in kitchen walls 3x (1 was a color disaster that I immediately painted over) kitchen cabinets 2x (a decade between) living room/hall 2x hall bathroom 1x (but will paint it soon) master bathroom 2x The most recent paintings of kitchen, kitchen cabinets, hall/living room, master bath, and all their ceilings were all one big snowball of a project that I was so glad to be finished with (also included ripping up floor and subfloor in kitchen and bathroom to fix rot).
  7. One of the reported benefits of rebounding is improved lymph flow. Don't know if that's woo/quackery or if it's proven.
  8. I'm excited for you! I had braces as a child and didn't stay consistent with my retainer. My teeth have really started shifting in the last few years (boo!) My oldest DD is currently in braces, and youngest needs them...so it'll probably be another few years before I can do anything for my issues.
  9. Love the variety of responses! Just to clarify the OP, mine are set 1" back from the front edge, all spines even. I used to (in my youth) push them ALL the way back but I don't care for that now. (Mostly because I have cubbies that don't have backs on some sections and I don't want to lose anything back there...see photo.)
  10. DH and l are engaged in an unspoken battle of the wills. We have a large book shelf in our room, roughly split 50:50 in book ownership. All of my books are set back from the edges of the cubbies/shelves, maybe 1" or so. All of DH's books are lined up flush with the very edge of the shelf, some even protruding a wee bit. So -- which do you prefer? Assuming the books are tidy and lined up so the spines are all even, should they be set back on the shelf or flush with the edge of the shelf? [And yes, every few months I slide all his books back a teensy bit so they match mine -- and so they look better (IMO). I don't think he even notices or realizes we're engaged in this battle, lol. He just moves his books back out the next time he organizes things...]
  11. Following. Learning Spanish is one of my serious goals for the year. I've been using Duolingo, ULAT, and lots of YouTube. (And the "See it Say it" curriculum with the kids.) Also Salsa on Georgia Public Broadcasting eta: as far as YouTube goes, there's several telenovelas (Destinio, Maria...Barrio), as well as books in Spanish for kids, and actual "classes" I'm using.
  12. How does it compare to the recent Netflix miniseries? I went into that prepared to hate it (I grew up with Hepburn as Jo, and then later Winona) but I enjoyed it. I'm not sure I see Emma Watson as Meg...
  13. Yes, goodness. My poor, old phone can barely load them (constantly reloading just about the time that I make it down to the recipe). I care NOTHING about the blog bits...just the recipes. I love sites that have "jump to recipe."
  14. I find stretchy, higher waisted pants + a snug, longer shirt to be best for me. That way I don't have plumber butt in any forward bending positions. Also, you may want to check the neckline to gauge if your cleavage exposure matches your comfort level. Other than those considerations: comfy. Sometimes more fitted helps the instructor see if you are in a pose incorrectly or in an unsafe way.
  15. I never wear shoes at home. My feet are prone to getting cracks (deep, painful, itchy cracks) and feel dry. I have to stay on top of it or all my hard work is lost. I do a combo of things: this pumice https://www.amazon.com/Onyx-Professional-Siliglass-Remover-Exfoliates/dp/B005HGWIIE/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&ref_=ppx_yo_mob_b_track_package_o0_img a few days a week...or this soap https://www.chagrinvalleysoapandsalve.com/p/soap-loofah-pumice-foot-scrub/ other days. I do lotion and socks before bed (CeraVe in the pump or Gold Bond Healing). Right now my feet are looking pretty darn good (not perfect but not crusty). But if I slack off, it goes right back to what it was before.
  16. I enjoy reading all these! I exercise regularly at home (a mix of things) but I'm terrible at checking in, lol, so maybe I'll just be encouraged by reading what everyone else does! @Night Elf - I love that you've found Body Groove. Misty is so body accepting and encouraging -- I love how she instructs.
  17. What!? I love caramels! I need this is my life! Ooh, my oldest loves soft baked pretzels. She's obsessed with them. This is now on my Must Find list!
  18. We make cream cheese dips and Trader Joe's appetizers. We're currently working our way through all the Marvel movies (thanks to Disney+) so we'll probably do a movie or two. This year, my kids have decided they're staying up to midnight...I'll probably go to bed, so they'll hang out with DH, who's a night owl. I love the idea of a blessing jar or predictions! And the hot chocolate bar!
  19. Oh, yikes. I'd be mortified, too. At least it sounds like they weren't horrible about it. Hopefully everything is easily fixed.
  20. If it was out there for just a few (or even several) hours -- I'd eat it. Especially if it'll get reheated. FWIW, my MIL doesn't follow food safety practices that I'm comfortable with. (One year, she thawed the turkey in the only bath tub -- same tub I was supposed to bathe my infant in that evening. Nope.) I get that careful balance of being safe vs. offending her.
  21. I popped into TJ's Sunday to pick up appetizers for NYE (samosas, pork buns, tiny tacos, lemon ricotta). I looked for the almond kringle but they were already sold out for the season. I bought more lebkuchen. I impulse-purchased a rather large tub of vanilla meringues because I see them on the Great British Baking Show and have never tried them. They aren't my favorite...BUT we've decided to use them up by plopping them in hot chocolate. They taste like those tiny dehydrated marshmallows anyway (just giant).
  22. LOL. As in was putting away the groceries for this week, I realized that I had bought 4 blocks of cream cheese! Four! All for various dips and such for NYE. 😂
  23. Just don't be like (a much younger and more stupid) me and get rid of it because you don't know what it is. I'm searching my cabinets for something to steam dumplings in tomorrow night...and realizing that I likely donated it years ago. (I KNOW I had one...thinking maybe I thought it was for draining noodles...)🙄
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