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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. I have a narrow shelf near our school area that I organize with vertically stacked paper trays. Keeps things tidy and nothing shifts/moves when stuff is removed.
  2. Here's one I saw today: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.buzzfeed.com/amphtml/connieesch/this-cat-just-discovered-it-has-ears
  3. I say keep the cuteness coming! Maybe we need an ongoing thread where people can post adorable cat/dog/animal videos. Then there's a set place to get/share our cuteness fix!
  4. Yep. Polite but lets him know he's missed out. I mean, they get a commission, right? You'd think he'd be chomping at the bit to keep you as a return customer!
  5. I ordered the black ones. I'm hoping they look more like slacks than jeans (I'm not a huge fan of black jeans) but I've been needing a good pair of skinny/fitted black pants. Fingers crossed -- they should arrive today.
  6. I sewed DD's jean shorts that keep coming unrolled. First I ironed them nice and sharp, then I stitched every few inches to keep it up tight. Not noticeable at all -- just choose your thread color carefully. 🙂
  7. We did not add grammar, but we did add spelling. Apples & Pears for younger DD and Apples Daily Spelling for older. (Disclaimer: we are not using EiW this year, though we plan to return to it next year.) (2nd disclaimer: Super in-depth grammar study is not high on my priority list.)
  8. Congrats! I just got home from the Walmart nearest UNC and it was a madhouse! LOL. I always forget how things are this time of year!
  9. My 11 year old isn't into anything girly, lol. But she loves anything with cats and funny memes. She always begs for sketch pads and iTunes gift cards. (Her sister, at that age, was just getting into nail polish and hair stuff. This DD doesn't seem interested.)
  10. iTunes card, Starbucks gift card, Amazon gift card. Those were all well-received/used when DH was going through his diagnosis/treatment. Also, grubhub/uber eats -- great idea. Even when DH was inpatient, there were times he couldn't handle the thought of more hospital food. He ordered lots of subs to be delivered during that time.
  11. This. I change my plans to something gentle, like stretch or restorative yoga. And it doesn't take much to make me change -- a headache? Sure, switch. As long as I'm doing something, most days, I feel like I'm on the right track.
  12. I don't like giving cash but what about a gift card?
  13. I'm totally getting a pair for my 11yo kiddo who refuses to wear jeans. Maybe this will give her an alternative to the sweats/leggings that she lives in during the summer.
  14. Updated in red above. Everything has been purchased and finalized, LOL. This is my story and I'm sticking to it!
  15. I think "good enough," when consistently carried over several years, becomes "perfect." We had good experience with BJU. Just don't let the teacher's guide boss you around!
  16. This article is almost local to me, and I have never heard of such a scam. Even though that was a few years ago, I'll add them to my list of "people to watch out for" (along with the meat truck, which we do get once a year or so...)
  17. I always heard 1. not to thaw meat at room temp (always thaw in fridge) and 2. don't refreeze (previously frozen) thawed meat (raw) -- you can refreeze after cooking. Don't know how legit those are, though.
  18. I somehow know a lot of gangsta rap lyrics from the early/mid-90s. My kids just *love* when I sing them. 😉
  19. Yes. I recently went camping with my parents (with electricity). It was supposed to be 2 days so I left the coffee maker at home...but then I extended it to 4 days and was regretting my decision. (My digestive tract appreciates regular coffee intake, iykwim.) Anyway, I'll probably take my mini kcup machine next time. It comes with a lil' filter basket for scoop coffee. It's this one: https://www.hamiltonbeach.com/flexbrew-single-serve-coffee-maker-49974. It's pretty quick for each cup. That it I'd take premade cold brew if I could heat it somewhere...
  20. Ha, we're opposite. We've used A&P for years and are needing a new approach. I bought the tile app and plan on working with her (we already do spelling together - A&P isn't independent either). 🙂 I'm hoping that going back to the beginning will fill in some gaps...
  21. We dress fairly conservatively. I allow stretchy tight jeans...but not skin tight and of a thicker material (so every lump and line doesn't show). DD likes distressed jeans, rips and such, and that's been harder to find -- rips that aren't super high on the thigh. I do prefer for DD to wear a longer shirt when her pants are snug.
  22. Idk but on our way home from Disney World a few years ago, there was a pig/boar thing walking around on the side of the interstate, somewhere in northern FL. DH and I just looked at each other and were like "was that a...pig?"
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