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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. So my youngest (who's recently been plagued with eczema flares and itchy hives) has an appointment with an allergist in October. We were told to stop any antihistamines one week before the appointment, which I'm nervous about! If you've had to do this, were you just especially careful to avoid known allergens? We know she's allergic to the cat (outdoor stray that we feed) -- I'm thinking I need to ban contact for that week?
  2. I didn't know about fines (how would they know?) but I knew that car seats expire. Mainly because 13ish years ago, I was selling an extra car seat on Craigslist, and people waned to know the expiration date.
  3. The vest outfit is very cute -- casual but pulled together.
  4. I just googled: "fall family photo shoot colors" and several popped up with your colors.
  5. Yes - all that sounds great! Look on Pinterest, too, for visual inspiration. There are tons out there. The colors you listed sound perfect...but I'd even add in one more: mustard. It looks so good with the above and adds a little variety and brightness!
  6. I'm pretty sure Bookshark Science 6 is going to be a miss. I had such high hopes... Hits: Cover Story for 8th grade DD -- new to us this year CLE Rdg (we always use this for 4th-8th) EiW for youngest - her first year with it (older sis has used it)
  7. Ten is much older than 7. Maybe not by numbers, but by experience. With that in mind, I'd have no problem saying they only play outside (within sight) or at your house. If manners concern you, lay down a few rules but mainly have talks with your own child (i.e. I know Johnny does it this way, but our family does this.) Make your house the welcoming, fun home that all the kids want to hang at. You'll be glad of it when they're older.
  8. My 11 is plagued by blackheads, no matter what we do. (Also, no matter what the dermatologist has done.) So I'd say, don't attach too much personal responsibility to acne. (I know you're not, just a gentle advanced warning. 😉) I recommend something to wash the face with in the shower and something easy to wipe on the face afterwards (or at bedtime). There are as many recs as there are people, lol, but we like Cerave cleansers and Paula's Choice for face wipe-y stuff.
  9. I'm going! Not sure when yet, but I've already informed the hubs.
  10. No. I wondered from the title if it was a euphemism for something.
  11. This is an old video, but it makes me smile every time...
  12. Anyone watch this? The Dark Crystal was equal parts mesmerizing and terrifying to me as a child....but I watched it often. When my brother texted me to tell me the movie was on Netflix, I immediately made my girls watch it. ("They'll love it!" I thought. "They're DnD/fantasy nerds, too!") Well, they didn't hate it but they didn't love it. (Should've known; they didn't love Willow either! 😵) ANYWAY, all that to say: a couple of weeks ago Netflix released a Dark Crystal series, which is a prequel to the movie. The artistry is amazing, but we've only watched the first episode so no spoilers, please! Anyone else watching? Anyone else watch the original as a kid?
  13. Here are 2 cute videos. Jenga-playing puppy. https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/animals/genius-labrador-puppy-is-a-jenga-master/vp-AAHfXPS Baby and bulldog trying to get on couch.
  14. I bought a new fake tree last year. There was nothing wrong with the old one except that it was a wide, space hog. My kids protested, but I went to Walmart and found a narrow/skinnier tree (same height). I love it - it has a few pine cones and flocked needles to look snowy. It's soooo pretty decorated (I do all white/silver/glass/gold ornaments).
  15. OP you are not alone. Like others, I just got to the point where I had to make the plans and buy the gifts. (To be honest, it helps...but not all the way.) My birthday always gets lost in the shuffle of Labor Day. And while we have extended family visit every year (who buy me a cake and bring me Starbucks gift cards) it's like DH/kids are let off the hook so they don't even have to make an effort.
  16. Gosh, now my kindle and library waiting lists are full. And I finally just caved and bought The Goblin Emperor since it's been recommended so much (here and other threads) and my library doesn't have it!
  17. I'm really struggling to narrow it down! I'm feeling pretty fond of The Giver since I just reread it recently. As far as fantasy, The Lumatere Chronicles trilogy (Melina Marchetta) just...speaks to me. Such a balance of despair and hope. But I don't recommend it often because it is so dark. I suppose my most often recommended book is The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom. Lovelovelove; I've read it at least dozen times.
  18. The only company I ever have is groups of college students, so I usually go for chili or spaghetti. Quick and easy to make in large quantities!
  19. I had severe road rash from a roller blading incident. I kept it slathered in neosporan and developed an allergy to it. So be on the lookout for puffy redness and itching. That was 20 years ago and I still can't use antibiotic ointments -- but now my reaction goes systemic/hives. Maybe use some Vaseline/CeraVe healing ointment/aquafor instead, to protect and keep it from sticking to the pads? My abrasion was mostly leg/thigh/butt and has healed to where you can't see it. With parts that would get sun exposure, that's a consideration. Once it's healed a bit, protect it from the sun.
  20. I do stuff like that all the time, lol. I was trimming some pencil bushes and looked over at the ugly, giant azalea bush. It needed a trim, too...next thing I know, all that's left is a stump. 😂 DH steps outside to see what I'm up to, then just walks back inside. (For the record, I was a straggly, hideous bush, and now it's leafed out all pouffy and cute!)
  21. I'm pretty certain I overuse all manner of fun, grammatical markings. I can't help myself.
  22. Ha, this sounds like my experience. My parents left me and my brother alone while they went to a 2 or 3 day convention. We were around 14 and 16. The washing machine overflowed and our parakeet died in the night. (We were alone overnight but lived very near lots of expended family.) I think it's perfectly reasonable to want time alone with your spouse for an anniversary weekend. A 14 year old should totally understand that.
  23. We just started using this for DD. That and regular Vaseline are the only things that don't burn. (Even my gentle CeraVe lotions were burning, but she needed something because she was super itchy/dry/scaly). We were using Vaseline before, but I was hoping this would help more. So far, so good. Oh, and I also found a swivel stick of Palmer's Cocoa Butter that didn't cause issues with her skin and used that on her lips (her upper lip was super dry).
  24. Following. DD's eczema has been out of control recently. (I started a recent thread about her peeling/blistered eyelids.) We're still treating at home and waiting on the dermatologist appointment -- they couldn't fit us in for a month.
  25. Wow, just read all the FB replies. (Well, not ALL...but enough.) Lots of angry mommas. My kids have been able to get on all week, but it's just been running a little laggy/glitchy. We've not missed the whole week like some apparently have. That'd be frustrating. I saw recently on FB that Essentials in Writing had been similarly overwhelmed at the start of the year and had to make server changes.
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