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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Good to hear from you, justamouse! Thanks for the tips in this post!
  2. I agree that things sound good! :grouphug: I'd bug the heck out of the irritable receptionist. You are the patient in need of information... she needs to do her job. But, I can be snarky like that when I'm worried :tongue_smilie:
  3. I'm so sorry, Bethany. Please try to enjoy the vacation time you do have with your immediate family since each moment is a gift. Prayers are with you and your family. :grouphug:
  4. There are just way too many problems surrounding this vaccine. We're not there yet (although they recommend for as early as age 11!). We will not be getting it when we get there.
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Prayers are with you, Imp. Hang in there! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  6. :iagree: I'm feeling very helpless right now wishing we could do SOMETHING. We are praying - I hope that comforts someone... :grouphug:
  7. :hurray::hurray::hurray: So happy to see this!
  8. Babies are God's way of blessing us, and his timing is always better than ours. Praying for you and this little one, Imp! Many :grouphug:
  9. We are currently in the process of having ds tested with a NP and Educational Specialist after an initial diagnosis of ADHD-Inattentive. Like your dd, he has a lot of anxiety issues that seem compounded with the ADHD. I suspect some dyslexia too or possibly a LD despite him being very bright. We explained the entire process to ds by telling him that we saw he was struggling in certain areas and we wanted to make sure we got him the help he may need in order for him to become his best self and for us to help him become his best self. We explained that the testing was to make sure we weren't missing something that was making his schoolwork and life harder than it had to be. We spoke of how we all have issues and struggles and that sometimes there is help for these things. We tried to explain the testing in a positive light, that it would be a benefit for him because we cared. Thankfully, we an amazing NP whom ds adores who has helped the process of understanding. Part of me has learned that it's okay for kids to know that there is "something 'wrong' with them" so they can understand their strengths and weaknesses. Yet, it doesn't have to be presented as "wrong", kwim? Instead, it can be presented as a weakness vs. a burden/something insurmountable. We can rise above weaknesses through support, practice, new behaviors, etc and they are not things in which we should be embarrassed. I think it's all in the approach from mom and dad and those who are supporting the child. I hope I'm making sense - my boys are being distracting, so I'm trying to get my words out amidst chaos :D.
  10. Thank you for all the updates. It's so comforting to hear from everyone! We are still praying for everyone who is in the midst of clean-up, power outages, and devastation. :grouphug:
  11. Little boys can be SO incredibly sweet!
  12. Let her go. I TorT'd when I was 16. We worked so hard on our costumes, and I still remember how much fun that night was. btw - I'm 39 now :D
  13. I'm sorry, Chris. Prayers are with your dh and family.
  14. I like #2 the best or Heather in NC's choice is "fun".
  15. My ds loves the Star Wars Lego complete saga game on his brother's ds. Mario Brothers is another favorite here.
  16. Thank you for posting this, Dawn! I missed it, having gone to bed an hour earlier!
  17. :iagree: I would love to live there at some point!
  18. Veggie dishes... there are so many! I guess my absolute favorite would be grilled red peppers, onions, and zucchini. So, I will bring those. Seasonal decorating... I have high aspirations to decorate for the fall, but I don't really have many decorations, so it's usually a few pumpkins on the doorstep on the outside of the house. For the inside, I decorate the mantle over the fireplace. For Christmas, I have things everywhere! I love, love, love Christmas! As for Autumn... I have invested too many hours looking at her behind. I usually have the earthcam site open, and I check it off and on. If I'm out for a while, I stop by the thread first to see new updates before I go to the earthcam website. I wish she'd just have her baby already!
  19. In high school, my friend pierced the top of my ear after numbing it with ice. I still can hear the pop of the needle breaking through the cartilage (shudder). The hole became infected, and I could not sleep on that side of my head for weeks. It hurt like h-e-double hockey sticks.
  20. :grouphug: You are NOT a terrible person! The experience of being pregnant is amazing for some people, and some truly do MISS the entire thing when it's over. I absolutely ADORE my ob/gyn, so I fully understand how you miss yours. I missed mine tremendously after the birth of my second son since I knew it was our last child. I don't think that's unusual at all. What is concerning is how you are processing all of this, and how it's interfering (possibly even consuming?) your happiness overall. If you have the means, please see a counselor to discuss this. What you are describing is something that needs to worked through and it doesn't sound like you are able to do it alone (although I can hear in your words that you are trying). Sometimes even the "simplest" things can be "bigger" than us for a short period of time. :grouphug: ETA: There are other antidepressants that are safe if you are nursing that will help with weight loss. A call to your doctor would help sort that.
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