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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I would be really hurt too! I'm sorry for you. :grouphug: However, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a blessed day aside from the parent issue. We love you here!
  2. The flu is a common term for the stomach virus, but the real flu is categorized by high fever, dry cough, fatigue, body aches, stuffyness, headaches... Sometimes the real flu (I should say influenza) does contain vomiting or diarrhea, but not that often.
  3. We pretty much use all eco-friendly products now compared to my mom when I was young. I use vinegar and water for most everything, actually. The one cleaning item we do still use (which is not at all eco-friendly) is Dow's Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaner. Dh requires it to get the shower clean (he cleans our stand-up shower). Oh, and Lysol - we use Lysol in our trash baskets every time we put in a new bag.
  4. My husband has a job, and we are living within our means and doing okay right now. I praise God for this EVERY DAY. My husband loves me dearly, and he thinks I'm beautiful even when I need a shower, my face is breaking out, and I'm 35 lbs. overweight. We are healthy (aside from little colds or the stomach bug that was just dealt with here). I have 2 vibrant & smart boys who are gifts from God even if there are days where I wish I was an animal who could eat her young :lol:. We have power, running water, shelter, heat, and clothing. Many in our country are struggling to have any or all of these right now. I have family and friends who love me for me. I have a God who adores me, is there for me, and always wants the best for me. Jeremiah 39:11 is his unwavering promise to us.
  5. Utterly ridiculous, and he's clearly stretching the law as far as it can be stretched.
  6. Thank you for being so wonderful to pray for everyone, fairfarmhand! I don't have anything to ask for since the needs noted here a far greater than mine, but I wanted to add that I will be praying for everyone's needs here. "Where two or more are gathered in his name..." One can never pray too much. :grouphug: to all.
  7. Vegetable soup with lentils, banana bread, and I haven't figured out dessert yet.
  8. I voted NO because 7 is way too young to read this series. I'm trying to wrap my brain around my 9.5 asking to read it (btw, I told him no, not yet since I believe he's still too young for this topic - there's plenty of time to grow up and discuss another example of the bad side of human nature).
  9. Time to call your dh to the rescue! There is no way I would go check it. I'd even call a neighbor before going near it. Just thinking about the click and what happened is giving me the heebie-jeebies... yuck!
  10. Nayfies and bolt said it best. I am praying for you to enjoy this next step!
  11. It is very easy for us moms to become distracted and then procrastinate. I had to tell myself, over and over and over and over and over again, that homeschooling is MY JOB (some days I still need to repeat this mantra). I cannot slack on it, just as I would not be able to slack in the workplace without getting fired. I learned for me that it was sheer laziness getting in the way. Once I changed MY mindset, we were able to get things done. I was able to persevere despite backlash from my sons, and now we are all much happier. I was nasty and stressed because I wasn't doing my part, and it trickled down to the kids. Their behavior and motivation was affected, and I would tell myself it would be easier if someone else just did the job for me. But... that would open up an entirely new set of problems: homework battles, morning wake-up battles, dissatisfaction wit the schools, etc (the list is endless for me). Once I changed me, everything else fell into place. Homeschooling is HARD WORK. Take it one day at a time, and as others have said, focus on the 3R's. Once you find a steady rhythm, you can add more.
  12. That no matter how healthy you are and how good you take care of yourself, that does not make you immune to disease. Cancer kills whomever it feels like targeting.
  13. This is such a difficult question, and I honestly do not know how I would answer. What does your gut say? I truly believe our gut responses are not wrong. I hope you find peace with whatever decision you make based upon the information you have available to you. Prayers are with you. :grouphug:
  14. So glad you are okay! Books can be replaced, but people cannot. :grouphug: I hope your power returns soon!
  15. :iagree: This was my first thought too when you were mentioning RV's. :D As others have suggested, I would keep a journal of all the comings and goings and then visit your law enforcement. I'm wondering if the dark-windowed car that has arrived twice is possibly some sort of detective work? Or, it could be another "organization" (think Sons of Anarchy type organizations ;)) scoping out the work of the people across the street from you for future "business" dealings. Yes, I watch too many shows that deal with neighborhood corruption :lol:!
  16. I would have cultivated the friendships with the girls who weren't popular, but who truly cared about others instead of trying to stay in the popular crowd. Such wasted effort to stay friends with girls who were never really my friends. I would have not shied away from the geeky guys as the OP mentioned. Thankfully, I ended up marrying a geeky guy who treats me like gold. In all honesty, those are the 2 things about high school I would change. Now, for my 20s... there are MANY things I would do over! The first, and most important, would have been to save my money instead of blowing it and living beyond my means. To think where we could be now if I had a brain at a younger age when it came to finances. Instead, I felt entitled, and I got into debt. Stupid...
  17. You are not alone. Although we have not received the formal diagnosis (testing was just completed today), my son's pediatrician and I have suspected 2e for a few years now. We'll know the results on the 21st. Your son's comment is one I hear often from my son... it's the same situation here: high input, low output. Some days are tougher than others! :grouphug:
  18. I'm so glad you discussed it with her to give her a heads-up. Ds seemed relieved when we told him we were getting help. He finished his last testing session today - sessions he actually enjoyed attending! We just kept reassuring him if he seemed like he was nervous or going to be upset. Just keep providing the praise and support - you're doing a great job already, Nakia, by reaching out here and showing your concern and desire to help. I completely understand how hard it is to walk that fine line between sharing your concerns with your child and not letting your own anxieties about the situation come forth too strongly. It will be okay! :grouphug: I will be praying for you and Emma! Keep us posted :001_smile:.
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