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Everything posted by jenL

  1. :grouphug: Dawn. I know this may be difficult for you, but do try so hard to fake it. My in-laws did not when dh & I got engaged at 23. It took me years to forgive them for how they made both of us feel (almost 15 to be exact). They have since told us that dh's decision to marry me was the smartest thing he had ever done. The pain in the interim was not pleasant though. Dh & I are rock-solid after 15 yrs of marriage, 20 together. Your son may find his marriage like that too, especially if he feels your support.
  2. I don't have experience in this area, but I just want to say Congrats for finishing the C25K and starting the next step! I recently began reading Running for Mortals and it talks about how runners come in all shapes, sizes, speeds, etc. The point they make is if you run, and run regularly, you are a runner. :001_smile:
  3. It often depends upon my mood, but these come to mind. Shawshank Redemption Pretty Woman Top Gun Notting Hill The Notebook (and I sob every time) Dirty Dancing Sweet Home Alabama The Bourne Identity Grease The Sound of Music Life is Beautiful (in Italian w/ subtitles)
  4. :iagree: This is where I'm at. I avoided it for years (suspected it around age 4 1/2) and then I finally went to the pediatrician who scored the Vanderbuilt and diagnosed him with ADHD - Inattentive. Almost a year later, we are still seeing many of the same issues, and I am suspecting there are other underlying things the ped is not capable of addressing. So, we've begun the assessment of ds9 with a neuropsych. I am greatly looking forward to more information, so I won't be pulling my hair out for the rest of our homeschooling journey. The evals may say the same as the ped, but at least I know I've covered all the bases this time.
  5. We just went to an intake appt for our eldest on Tuesday, and I was nervous too. It turned out to be a wonderful experience. We feel so relieved, and the testing hasn't even been done yet! We had several pages to complete concerning behavior, education issues, mental health, regular health, etc. I also wrote extra in their comments section. At the appointment, we went over what I wrote, and then she asked further questions to clarify or dig deeper. Keeping a journal is a great idea too. It's going to be okay. :grouphug: to you!
  6. Your son and my sons would get along fabulously! I've relegated the wars to the playroom, and only the playroom, which is upstairs and out of the way. Before that they were in the entryway, school room, living room, and even the bathroom once. Everything can be turned into a soldier, and battle lines can be drawn anywhere! :lol: I feel your pain!
  7. Courtlands are my all-time favorite, followed by Pink Lady, Gala, and Granny Smith. We're a big apple-eating family here!
  8. We met the neuropsych today, and she is FABULOUS! She was warm, friendly, understanding, and seems to eager to begin working with ds. Even dh commented on how it's obvious she loves her job and really believes in making a difference (he hardly ever comments on people). She's also homeschool friendly as her sister homeschools and so does her good friend! What a blessing!!! The next step is 5 appointments: 3 with her (one with ds on meds, one without) and 2 with an educational specialist. From there we'll have a diagnosis and our interpretive conference. We won't have all the answers until right before Thanksgiving, but that's okay. At least the ball is rolling, and I am feeling MUCH relief knowing that. Thanks for listening to me as we begin this journey!
  9. Thank you so much for the pep talks and hugs, ladies! We leave in an hour... I'll keep you posted!
  10. UPDATE in post #8 Dh and I are meeting with a neuropsychologist tomorrow for the first time to determine if dh's ADHD diagnosis is accurate and to determine if there are other issues at play since we are all still struggling despite meds. The protocol at this office is to meet with the parents for an hour without the child, and from there, a plan is created with regards to further testing, etc. Dh and I have filled out the extensive medical form that asks about health, academic behavior, and social/emotional behavior. I feel like the form focused on all the negative aspects of my child, but I guess they have to ask for the "bad" in order to determine the issue. Will they ask about his strengths? Ds9's ADHD diagnosis came 10 months ago from a Vanderbuilt assessment done by dh and me and then it was scored by his pediatrician who has been wonderfully supportive. We tried holistic alternatives and diet changes before putting him on a non-stimulant. His ped says the next step is more testing before we leap into a stimulant since he has anxiety issues and extreme trouble sleeping (despite melatonin). Having never walked this road before, I'm wondering if any of you have any suggestions in terms of what questions I should ask or what things I should not forget to tell them? I'm feeling nervous because I just want to make sure this leads to answers and not more frustration. I want to make sure dh and I are doing all we can to help them help our son.
  11. Thank you for the update, Bethany. I will continue to pray for your dad, and I am adding your mom to my prayers to pray for her to have grace with him and to release any anxiety she may be transferring to him in the form of anger. :grouphug:
  12. Not working to standards - I will show them what is expected of them (because sometimes they truly do not know) and then I will have them redo the assignment, or we will move on and I will remind them next time we do a similar assignment about the problems they had prior. Redirecting is very helpful for my boys. Throwing tantrums - This is absolutely not allowed if they are doing it for negative attention or to be purposefully difficult. If that is the case, the child is sent to his room to calm down and then they lose privileges or have to do something to "redeem" their behavior (screen time, copying of Bible verses related to behavior, or extra chores). Once the child is calm, we discuss the behavior, how they should have handled themselves, and we discuss tips for when they are feeling the anger/frustration arise. If my child is having a meltdown as a result of something that is my fault (late in making lunch, forgot a snack, I'm rushing them because of my inability to plan properly), then I often approach them with love and grace after they have calmed down. We talk through the behavior and I apologize. Disrespectful - Sent to room, required to write an apology letter (oldest son) or copying of Bible verses, loss of privileges. Depending upon the situation, we offer a "redo" where they can re-say what they were saying disrepectfully in the proper, kinder way. We also use a lot of natural consequences at our house which are dependent upon the situation. HTH!
  13. I LOVE homemade gifts and would love if more people gave them. With that said, I would make them in neutral colors or colors of the person's kitchen. What a thoughtful gift!
  14. I've been out of town, so I'm just now seeing this! It's hard to find the right words. I'm so incredibly sorry to hear this news. I am praying over you... for peace and comfort as you deal with this sudden change, for clarity from doctors as you proceed, for strength and the will to fight this, and for the correct treatment to be administered. Many, many hugs & prayers are with you! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  15. We are firm believers that animals pick us. You have been blessed with little Owly it seems :D. She is so, so cute and appears to be a complete sweetheart. Just 2 months ago, I nearly hit our newest kitty while driving in our neighborhood. I had ds9 jump out to check on her, and she followed him home and refused to leave. We named her Clementine, and she's been a great addition to our family. I wish I could help you with your little one!
  16. Our oldest gets carsick. What has saved us for long trips is children's Dramamine. Ds was so happy to not get sick on our last trip to Colorado that he thanked us for giving him medicine. Traveling was dreadful for him before.
  17. Any news? I hope your kitty is okay! Ours are declawed, and we have one little escape artist. She never gets far, but I freak out in worry every time, so many :grouphug: to you.
  18. We took this week off from school so we could go visit friends in Charleston, SC. We toured the area, visited the USS Yorktown, and spent lots of time watching dolphins at Shem Creek. It was a great time! We came home last night, and I will have ds write a short, informal paper about his trip after lunch. The boys have been playing together all morning after sleeping in. Lunch will be Angie's organic mac & cheese with peas. Nothing exciting! For the weekend, we'll do yard work on Saturday until we have to take ds9 to his taekwondo demo team event in the late afternoon. Then church on Sunday with our church's fall homecoming event in the afternoon. It's going to go from 83* tomorrow to 66* on Sunday... yikes! At least the sun is supposed to be shining! Hope everyone has a great weekend! We'll be back to the normal grind on Monday.
  19. Probably around a 5. I do like make-up (very light mineral coverage), but I'm also pretty low-maintenance in all other aspects (clothes, nails, hair, etc). I prefer to be outdoors and like to dress as such (ie. wearing Chacos vs cute wedge sandals).
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