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Everything posted by jenL

  1. My husband just agreed to let us get a dog - the Mayan prediction of the end of times must be true!

  2. Playmobil is a HUGE hit in this house. We began buying it when our eldest was 4, and now the two of them play with it nearly daily. We have the castle, police station, and some pirate items. They mix and match all the pieces constantly and it's not uncommon to see the knights battling the modern day police force. It is worth every penny we have spent.
  3. I should be baking right now. These darn boards!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reflections


      I'm doing a lot of baking tomorrow. I have 2 pumpkin pies, 1 pumpkin roll, 1 small pumpkin cheesecake, and some pumpkin bread to make.


      What is in your creamy pear pie?

    3. Reflections


      I'm doing a lot of baking tomorrow. I have 2 pumpkin pies, 1 pumpkin roll, 1 small pumpkin cheesecake, and some pumpkin bread to make.


      What is in your creamy pear pie?

    4. Reflections


      hahahaha sorry, it triple posted and now it won't let me delete them all. LOL. Crazy new start up forum with the bugs!


  4. Hang in there, Jean. The holidays are stressful for so many. I'm like you and need to have things planned, boxes checked, etc, so I completely understand your angst. I yearn to be one of those laid back people, but I'm just not. I've learned that I need to take it one moment at a time during times like this (the serenity prayer helps a lot too). So many things are out of our control. Don't give up hope. It will all fall into place at some point. Breathe, love yourself, and know that you are in my prayers! :grouphug: Have a safe trip and a happy Thanksgiving!!!
  5. It's just the 4 of us this year, so we're keeping it small. Roasted turkey breast Mashed potatoes Sweet potato casserole Steamed green beans Rolls Sparkling apple cider for the kids, wine for mom and dad Dessert will be pumpkin pie and a custard pear pie
  6. Oh my goodness! She is so cute! Congratulations!!!!
  7. I'm actually finding I like this feature now that the boards are moving along faster. It loads pretty quickly and being able to read the entire first post is helpful since sometimes posters don't actually ask their question until further into the post.
  8. Not just you... I've been trying to search and it either gives me a backend server overload or brings me to things that I still have to slug through. I think they still may be working out the kinks in this area.
  9. Another one here who doesn't quite understand it because my brain does not see spelling this way, but it does seem to be working. We were using AAS (through level 3), and ds was struggling (he hated doing spelling and it wasn't sticking). We started in the middle of Book A since that is where he tested, and we are on our last lesson of book A. It does seem to be working, although I have no idea how... We'll continue into book B, but I have Sequential Spelling at the ready just in case.
  10. I think I may like this little feature...

  11. Been coping with a migraine today. So, I'm spent too. Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? marshmallows, whipped cream, mint (sometimes all at the same time) Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes, I had a friend who was an only child and I would sometimes sleep at her house for 3-4 days at a time (7th-9th grade). I used to wish her family was mine. I slept at other friends' homes too when asked, beginning around age 11 or 12. Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Only at my sister's house (my boys and their cousins are great friends), but not at others' homes yet. Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No, but I always wanted to be able to... not quite sure why though. Just thought it was cool :coolgleamA:
  12. Adding my vote for the return of the hover feature :)
  13. I was praying for you the entire time the forums were down! I'm so glad you had a GREAT appointment! YAY!
  14. I've missed y'all! Thank you WTM forum team (John, Other John, et al). You guys are GREAT!!!!
  15. I agree with others... this is not a feature that I like. It will divide the boards. It's juvenile, and I'm not a big fan of redoing middle/high school again. :(
  16. Get some rest. God is holding you in his arms encouraging you to sleep. I've been praying over you and will continue to do so. :grouphug:
  17. I'm sure I will find myself accidentally checking here out of habit... I will have to keep repeating to myself, "You cannot go there right now, but you will survive. Breathe!" I guess I will have to clean something... ugh.
  18. Dh and I were just talking about this the other night since we haven't had a kitten in 12 years, and now we have one, and she is EVERYWHERE! I have no idea what we are going to do... I'm thankful my tree is fake so I can just re-bend the branches and carry-on after she knocks it over (which we are fully anticipating).
  19. I'm so glad this is resolved for you. It sounds like a new/old friendship is about to blossom with the friend who shared all that information with you. The high road always wins.
  20. Love it! I'm so going to mess with my boys when they get older :D
  21. No suggestions, but lots of :grouphug: and prayers. I'm so sorry!
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