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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I love Hazel! My sister was going to name her new baby that (but he was a boy). Such a pretty, old-fashioned name. I also love Vivian and Amarylis.
  2. I agree with waiting... we offended people when we moved south, so I understand where you are coming from. It's what's best for you and your kids. period. As for finding a place, there are many of us in NC, so depending upon where you are looking, I would be wiling to help with leads, etc. I'm in the Charlotte area... we LOVE it here! So many homeschoolers and lots of great opportunities for them. :)
  3. You have received excellent advice so far. I am so very sorry for your loss. I am praying for you and your family as you deal with this. Blessings to you. :grouphug:
  4. Our puppy (12 weeks old on Friday) does not bark when someone knocks on the door or rings the bell. Does this mean she never will? We want a dog who barks at the door. She does freak out at the vacuum cleaner, so I know it's in her!
  5. I'm SO relieved for you to hear this!!! Praise God! I don't have any advice, just joy that he is safe and sound now. :grouphug:
  6. :iagree: This describes me to a tee.
  7. Both of these describe me pretty well. I'm probably more chatty in real life, but as others have said, I think I warm up more slowly in real life. I guess the fact that I lurked on here for a while kind of negates that statement though! Over the years, I've just learned to be who I am, and I don't feel like I need to veer from that anymore, so I'm who I am no matter where I am.
  8. So very true... there's more good than evil. I wish we heard about it more! Thank you for sharing.
  9. Congratulations! You look fantastic! I would read your book :)
  10. :iagree: This was my first thought... so sad and frightening that this could/may/will occur.
  11. Dh and I are tossing around what to do because we know the kids will probably hear about it at church tomorrow since there are so few homeschoolers at our church. I would rather they hear it from us vs. other kids or another adult. I would much rather keep them unexposed to it, but the reality is it happened, and unfortunately, this is the world we live in now. :crying:
  12. Oh my gosh... I am praying for you as you grapple with this as well.
  13. My kindergartener is playing Legos upstairs with his brother. They are having a great time. I cannot understand this. I want to vomit just thinking about those innocent little faces, and the parents who have to identify their children. Oh my gosh... :crying: :crying: :crying:
  14. I just read a report that the gunman is 20 years old. Unbelievable.
  15. jenL


    grilled cheese and tomato soup (Trader Joe's roasted red pepper and tomato is the best) chicken pot pie my grandmother's chicken noodle soup
  16. Oh my gosh. I am SO sorry... My prayers are with everyone.
  17. I can't comprehend this... any of it. My heart is breaking for everyone.
  18. GOOT. This has been a godsend in our home. We rub it on chest, back, lympnodes, under the rib line, and then on our feet (and cover with socks). Garlic is a natural antibiotic. You smell like a piece of garlic bread, but it WORKS!
  19. Sometimes, brain candy is just necessary. :)
  20. I'm struggling with a sore throat/cold type of thing right now... I refuse to get sick though! I hope your son feels better soon! My agenda was to complete xmas cards (done!) and to get some laundry done (last load in the washer right now). I've also figured out my Christmas menu so I can start shopping since some of the items are on sale. We are on break, so thankfully, no school to contend with right now :)
  21. The New Way Things Work by David Mcauley, DK's The Way Science Works, and The Number Devil for my eldest son. Will, God's Mighty Warrior (and 2 other books from that series), 2 early reader books (one about sharks, one about armadillos), and Otis the Tractor for my youngest son. Usborne's Starting Gardening for my niece. I usually give books to everyone I buy for, but my other niece really needs clothes, and my nephew asked for WWII models to build, so I did those this year. If my 2 other nephews read, then I would buy them books, but they just want gift cards, so I give them something I know they will use. I've always given books in the past (aside from last year) and they never read them. I can't afford that - thankfully, they are beginning to pass them back to us for my eldest!
  22. My son has loved the Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction books and a bin of all the necessary supplies that were given to him for his birthday. He will spend hours building in his room using these books. I highly recommend them. Here's a link to the first one: http://www.amazon.com/Mini-Weapons-Mass-Destruction-Implements/dp/1556529538/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355419527&sr=8-1&keywords=mini+weapons+of+mass+destruction
  23. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick....

  24. :iagree: I always start off so strong, and then by June/July, I've fallen out of sync. But, I will try again!!! I really like the 5/5/5 challenge too!
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