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Everything posted by jenL

  1. jenL


    You are the BEST! Thank you for making me feel special! :hurray:
  2. jenL


    I'm starless! Anyone want to help me feel important? I should have never changed my name... I think I was more important then :tongue_smilie:
  3. I would love to know your thoughts on 2e kids. My son was recently identified as gifted with ADHD. His GAI is very high, but his working memory and processing IQ's are statistically lower. I'm trying to figure out how to do things classically with a child who would be better served typing everything and who has such a lower level of output vs. his ability to intake. Writing is a particular area of weakness as is his ability to recall things he's memorized. He is frustrated most of the time because he can't get what he knows out to prove he knows it. Thank you!
  4. I love when my mom is in town visiting!

  5. Thank you for the prayers, everyone! I just heard from my aunt (my uncle's wife). My uncle is feeling well, has been up walking, and is eating soft foods. She has not seen my aunt yet, but she does know that my aunt was having nausea from the pain medicines so they had to work on that for her. She heard the nurses are going to let my aunt come see my uncle this afternoon. He is very excited for that because he's been worried about her.
  6. The month of November was wrought with illness and then an unexpected visit from my in-laws last week, so we lost more days than I expected. I just counted today, and we're at 50 days (ugh); I'm hoping to get in 15-20 this month despite holiday things that are occurring. I hate feeling "behind".
  7. A bike. We sold ours years ago (stupidest move), and I'm longing to be able to go on bike rides with my boys. Dh and I don't buy for each other though, so I know I'm not getting one. :tongue_smilie:
  8. Many hugs are with you and Rivendell as you cope with these losses. I'm so sorry.
  9. Happy to hear she has been found! Hoping the information unravels sooner rather than later as to her motive and the travels she took so her family can receive answers after all the heartache they've been feeling.
  10. Prayers are with him Bethany! I'm so sorry he's back there again. :grouphug:
  11. The toilet paper gun is awesome! Thanks for making me smile this morning!
  12. I know there are some great prayer warriors on here, so may I ask for prayer for my aunt and uncle? My aunt is donating her kidney to my uncle (her brother) today. Her surgery should have just ended, and his is in an hour. My uncle has been sick for a long time, and this is the final step in helping him stay alive. They are both wonderful people, and I'm close to both of them and their families. I'm 1000 miles away so waiting for updates is hard right now. Thanks so much!
  13. How frightening for all involved! Saying many prayers!!!
  14. I have been wanting to change my username for a long time. I picked it quickly when I registered, and I really have not liked it because local people can easily figure out who I am. I'd like a little more anonymity. This name is a nickname my aunt gave me as a toddler, so it has sentimental value too! :001_smile:
  15. Why did I want a puppy? I'm exhausted.

    1. NatashainDFW


      its the puppy breath lol

  16. I knew I'd get good advice on here! I just sent dh out to buy a tough Kong and some fish oil capsules. I'm going to check out Amazon for some of the other Kongs and toys mentioned. I did not know about the swelling factor with rawhide chews, so thank you so much for mentioning that Imp! I've tried attaching a picture of her, but I don't know how on this new forum... anyone know how to do that?
  17. Can you recommend a SAFE chew toy for an 8 week old puppy? She's an Australian Shepherd mix who weighs about 7 lbs? (vet visit tomorrow to confirm). I've read Nylabones are dangerous, and other people have issues with Greenies getting caught in the dogs' intestines as well. Are Kongs safe? Any other options? Her skin is also very dry - I've read tea tree oil rubbed directly onto the skin is safe, as is putting fish oil on her food. Anyone BTDT? TIA!
  18. Having fun with a new rescue pup!

  19. They had some of these on sale for Black Friday at Petsmart today. I think they were $1.99-3.99 depending upon the size. My son was fascinated with them. I think I may put one in his stocking! ;-)
  20. Sure. Please pm me through here, and I will help if I can.
  21. This helps tremendously. Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm going to digest this...
  22. We had our final eval appt with the neuropsych yesterday, and ds9 is definitely gifted. He also definitely has ADHD. There is also a statistically significant discrepancy between his GAI and his full scale IQ due to working memory and processing issues. He will probably always be asynchronous as a result. They said this should in no way affect his future if we allow modifications such as typing his work, breaking things into small chunks, giving him lots of movement throughout the day, etc. They told us to think of "the absent-minded professor" to help us wrap our brains around how he is bright but will struggle with organization, follow-through and so on. I'm not sure if I fit in this forum or the Special Needs one (or maybe both?). They said he would always need things to be "challenging, novel, and interesting (to him)". They also told me this road will probably be harder on me than on him since I am the one who will need to stay one step ahead of him! So, how does that look in your house in terms of opportunities, curriculum, activities? I think I need to rework a lot of things we've been doing... which explains much of his frustration, boredom, and laziness. I always knew he was smart, but not as smart as he is, kwim? What has helped you tremendously in parenting and teaching your gifted child? I'm wide-open for suggestions! :001_smile:
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