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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I was at a conference Friday night and all day yesterday. I thought for sure I would have MISSED her giving birth... I am shocked that she still has not had this baby!!! I'll be so irritated if she's on exhibit when she has it. Great for visitors, but seriously, there are far more of us watching this around the nation (possibly world?) than the number of visitors at the zoo. Not that I'm bitter about the thought or anything... :D
  2. A gallon of milk here is $3.69-3.99, organic is $4.99-5.99 A lb. of butter is $2.99-3.79 I'm not sure about potatoes. A 10 lb bag at Aldi is around $4, but Aldi is known to be cheaper than most grocery stores Flour is $2.49-3.49 Coffee is anywhere from $6.99-10.99. I'm not sure about beef in store as I buy mine from a local, grass-fed co-op. I pay around $5-6/lb.
  3. In short, NOPE. And, I really hate it. I feel as if the dividing lines are so drawn in this country right now, or at least in the area in which I live.
  4. :iagree: I cannot stop checking in on her, and it drives me nuts when she disappears! Dh even came home and asked if she had given birth yet! I think we should have access to every angle of her enclosure :D ETA - she's gone again...
  5. YAY! I have a 5.5 yr old who has NO desire to learn how to read right now, so I would be doing a victory dance too if I were you!!!
  6. Poor girl... it looks like she is so uncomfortable. I feel bad for her.
  7. Praying for her, Audrey! :grouphug:
  8. They are zooming in on her private area... it looks very swollen... maybe she really WILL have it soon!!!
  9. :lol: I was just going to post this! She better not have it in the middle of the night! ETA - She can certainly chew for an awfully long time...
  10. CONGRATS!!! And, :grouphug:... I completely understand the cravings issues and the "NEED" for carbs. I've struggled with my weight for years, so I get what you are going through. Just want to say that I'm proud of you! You can do this!
  11. We just started the NP process with my son; he's had 2 testing sessions so far, and our NP has been fabulous. He loves her! Just wanted to say how wonderfully happy I am for you that it sounds like you've found a great one too! I know the nervousness you've been feeling... I was there just a week or two ago in anticipation of our first meeting. :001_smile: Praying you get all your answers!!!
  12. I have nothing brilliant to add because we are at the beginning of this road, and ds1 is currently in the process of all the neuropsych testing. However, I must say a HUGE thank you to you SWB, for your willingness to broach this topic in TWTM. Making moms like me feel like it's "safe" to step off the exact WTM path will be such a blessing! If it weren't for those in this sub-forum who have gone before me, I'd be more stressed than I am about my son's issues. It takes courage to make the "out-of-the-box" curriculum changes vs. the typical classical education curriculum suggestions, and these moms have so lovingly provided it.
  13. I am very seriously considering this for DS1. I am so afraid of creating holes though... not sure what/where the holes would be since institutional education provides plenty on its own, but I'm just worried that I will mess something up if I go this route. I used to be a teacher, so letting go of using curriculum is extremely frightening for me.
  14. Congratulations & thank you for letting us share in your joy!
  15. Dawn, just keep praying over all this. If the soon-to-be DIL is already giving ultimatums, etc, they may not even make it to May. Until then, pray for them, for your son, and for your heart to remain soft & open to what is happening. God's plan is always bigger than ours, and there is much power in prayer. :grouphug:
  16. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: In a few years, you will look back on this time and laugh even though right now, it's so difficult. I would definitely have your ds12 watch educational videos, do audio books (or read if he can hold a book), and do work orally together if you are worried about school. For the siblings, this is where they learn that sometimes life hands us things we don't expect and it means we all need to step-up and adjust. So, keep doing school with them, let them know their brother will be catching up later, that accidents happen, and there are consequences. The lack of attention to one child over another is called for in this case, and I think it's good for siblings to learn that... as long as it's happening due to a circumstance such as this and not because of parental favoritism :001_smile:.
  17. Many hugs and prayers are with your dh & your family. Your post is beautiful. I can feel the love and safety he must have felt in your arms. What a blessing!
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