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Everything posted by jenL

  1. EVERYTHING! :lol: We LOVE TJ's! Seriously though, here are some of our favorites: peanut butter (their brand) pumpkin pancake mix (available now and through November only) Strawberry Oh's cereal granola bars, especially the peanut butter oat bars organic pop-tarts for a quick breakfast/snack Jo-Jo's cookies, especially the peppermint ones around Christmas salad dressings dark chocolate salted caramel bar (this is reserved for me only :D) salsas
  2. We send the neighborhood kids home all the time when they've been here too long. We just say it nicely, usually with a 10-minute warning and a "Time to start cleaning up" attached to it.
  3. Yesterday, I made the call to the neuropsych's office recommended by our pediatrician. At this point, I don't even care what it costs; dh is on board with that because we're all suffering. The intake coordinator was very nice, and was calling my insurance for us to get a full run-down. I did learn that we only have a co-pay for the initial appointment which is helpful. I should have an answer sometime today. It's so nice to know I'm not alone and that someone else is walking this road. Thank you so much, ladies! :grouphug: to all of you who are struggling as well.
  4. Thank you so much, everyone! I have no idea how to multiple quote, so I'm going to do my best to answer everyone's questions without doing that. Sorry if it's confusing... I have read How to Get off the Refrigerator and Start Homeschooling, and I have implemented several things - which seem to be working so far. Although it may look like what we're doing is textbookish, it's really not. In fact, the variety in our day is what led me to choose MFW. It incorporates hands on learning, read alouds (which he LOVES), independent work, nature walks, and creative art (sculpting, drawing, building). Ds LOVES Singapore math, so that is why I've kept it. Grammar is done mostly orally even though it's from a textbook, and writing... well, I'm not sure how to make that exciting! It's a skill he must have though, so I persevere. We were using AAS through Level 3 because of it's multiple learning approaches, but he was not retaining anything. In the 4 weeks with Apples and Pears, which he enjoys, I've seen retention and progress! I am shocked by this because it's an alternative way of teaching spelling that doesn't resonate with my brain. He seems to like the repetition in it though... I've done several learning styles inventories with him as well. That is why I'm exhausted. I feel as if I've researched him to death. I'm pretty sure he's visual-spatial, and I'm trying to accommodate that, but honestly, I'm not even sure if that's right anymore! :tongue_smilie: The only thing we have not done is to have full neuropsych testing on him because our insurance won't cover it. I think it's become a must though. For a long time, I have suspected that he's dealing with anxiety (possibly depression too) among ADHD. I believe he's gifted as well. Not because he's my son and I'm biased, but because he's just so "out there" and has skills that are not typical (math, building related, imagination related). So, I agree with you, Targhee, that I'm probably not dealing with the true picture here. Thank you again for all your responses. It's time to sit down with Dh and really figure out what to do. I will reach burnout by November at this rate, and ds is miserable, and I do not want his childhood (especially since we are homeschooling) to be remembered as dreadful.
  5. No advice. Just :grouphug:. We're having a hard time here too. I just posted about my struggles.
  6. First, stay calm. I used to teach 8th grade English. What you are seeing is VERY common. It's a terrible reflection of the educational system (hence, why I left it), but it's the truth. Kids are expected to write from K+, but they are given little to no grammar instruction. Second, I would be grabbing something like Write Source, and I would work through it thoroughly with your child. Another excellent option would be Rod and Staff English if a Christian curriculum doesn't bother you. You need something that has solid grammar instruction at this point. Some of it will be review, some probably never "stuck". Backtracking is the key here, imho. I know others may have more suggestions, but these two English programs are my favorite because they are SO thorough. MCT may be a good choice as well (dropping all the way down to the first level) since grammar can be taught in story format. Another great resource is Grammarland. It's a story about all the parts of speech that was written in 1877. An update was made in 2009. eta: I have heard Hake is amazing; however, I do not have personal experience with it.
  7. I. am. exhausted. We are in week 4, and school is still taking forever. I have to break up the day because ds9 cannot go for long stretches. He's frustrated; I'm frustrated. I don't know what to do. On average, our days last from 9:30-4:30. We're not even getting it all done. He's on Strattera, at the maximum mg dosage for his weight, and I truly feel like it's not working. He's prone to fits of anger, tears, and complete and absolute inattentiveness more often than not. Falling asleep at night is a challenge despite melatonin, so I think fatigue is exacerbating things as well. I feel stuck. I'm wondering if his diagnosis is even correct. The ped said we'd need to move to a stimulant next. I'm afraid of that because he's so thin - 9.5 years and only 54 lbs soaking wet. He's a picky eater already, so I'm worried the stomach upset with a stimulant will throw him over the edge. I just feel lost... ...That is all. Thank you for listening.
  8. Of course you can brag! That's wonderful news! Congrats to your dd!
  9. Some of my research is showing that we would need at least 20% down, and possibly up to 50%. Is this true in your experience?
  10. We were just told of a plot of land that would be perfect for us. The gentleman selling it is a licensed broker and builder. It's family land that he has not advertised, but he is a neighbor to a friend of ours. We are not sure how to proceed from here, and we want to be overly cautious. There was a recent thread regarding buying land and where to look, but dh and I are interested in learning more from others who are experienced, so I'm seeking deeper help from the Hive. How do you determine the best place to buy land (ie. zoning restrictions, etc)? How do you know if you are getting a fair price? Do we need a broker, lawyer, etc in order to protect ourselves? What are some KEY things you feel a buyer should know when seeking to buy/purchase land? Is there a good book/website you would recommend to help us educate ourselves?
  11. You are not alone! Thankfully, we are given a new start each day! Hoping today is better for you! ps - We are teetering on the edge of a mommy outburst here because my boys are ramped up this morning. You are not alone.
  12. I wish I had words for you to take away all the pain, but they do not exist. I am praying for you, Nance. My heart breaks for you. I am so, so sorry. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. "Did you hear me?" "What did I just say?" "Did you brush your teeth yet?" "Have you washed your hands?" "Just focus and you will be done soon" "The legs of the chair belong ON the floor, not in the air!" "Are you speaking kindly to your brother?"
  14. Fridays are usually catch-up days, art days, or field trip days. I don't usually assign anything new because we're often still working through work from the rest of the week since we are balancing taekwondo and gymnastics M, W, Th.
  15. Henry Benjamin Oliver Samuel Joel Nolan Garon Matthew Evan
  16. I'm so sorry. Prayers are with you and your family. :grouphug:
  17. Many :grouphug: and prayers are with her. Thank you for letting us know how she is.
  18. :lol: Thanks for the laugh! There will be shopping trip in the future for ds9, and I'm not looking forward to it at all. I often buy a lot online and then end up returning most of it at the store. He's so SKINNY that it's hard to find clothes that fit that he actually likes.
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