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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Our house is 2100 sf, and I think it's perfect for the 4 of us because the layout makes it feel huge. I wouldn't want anything bigger than this because we already have more than we need.
  2. Very lazy here. I've been up for almost 3 hours, and I've yet to eat breakfast! I have caught up on 80+ emails though, so I guess I've made some progress. That doesn't change the fact that I still have to clean bathrooms, vacuum, and change sheets, as well as tackle the neverending pile of laundry... I don't feel like doing any of it. * I didn't even mention the curriculum that needs to be organized and planned!
  3. Thank you, everyone! I was fine with staying in 3 if necessary, but ds is very sensitive regarding being "behind". I was hoping to avoid any further heartache for him since last year was already tough enough.
  4. Due to a variety of factors, we only made it through half of R&S 3 this year (ds was in 3rd grade). For 4th grade, which we will be starting the first week of August, should we continue with book 3 or go ahead and start book 4? I know R&S has review built in, but I don't want to overextend ds by jumping too far ahead. fwiw, ds loves grammar and understands it well.
  5. :iagree: I would ignore it. They can find the information they are requesting by visiting the NCDNPE website. NCHE will give them reasons why people in NC are homeschooling.
  6. No advice, just lots of :grouphug:. I am so sorry for your family's loss. I know watching my sister go through this would be so difficult, so I understand how you are feeling. God bless all of you. :grouphug:
  7. :iagree: Her tone throughout was always irksome to me, and I couldn't understand how a supposed staunch Christian woman who took her Titus 2 role so seriously could in turn be so incredibly mean and judgemental which is completely against how the bible says we must be. I don't recommend it.
  8. If you like Teva, they have some nice pairs of leather (feminine looking) sandals right now. I also recommend Clarks and Born ones too.
  9. It sounds like mineral makeup would be perfect for you! I really like Mary Kay's line. A little goes a long way, and you look natural afterward. Start with a quality moisturizer that will not make your skin oily. Then, I use concealer for under my eyes and for any blemishes and red areas (under my nose, esp) to even my skin. Then I brush on the mineral make-up starting at my nose and moving outward. Then, a couple of swipes of blush for my cheeks, brown or grey eyeliner around my eyes, and a neutral mineral eye shadow. A tiny bit of mascara on the tips of my lashes finishes my face. It takes 5 minutes or less to get ready.
  10. My sister has had Hyundais for years, and she and her dh swear by them. They also drive their cars into the ground so definitely over 100K each time. We own a 2008 Elantra, and we really enjoy it. It's peppy and fun to drive. The cd player is acting a bit wonky lately, but dh thinks our youngest did something to it when he was playing with it (possibly something inside?). I own a Kia Sedona (Hyundai ows Kia). It's a 2006, and it's running great! We've traveled cross country with it twice and go up and down the east coast from NH to NC with it often. With regular maintenance, any car should last. It really depends upon how you take care of them, imho.
  11. That is fabulous news!!!! Happy for you both!!!!
  12. I would love to move around too, but Dh is Mr. Steady and Conservative, so the fact that I got him to go from NH to NC is a HUGE deal. We've been here 6.5 years, and I long to go someplace else... like Costa Rica or Belize. A year ago, it was Colorado. He tolerates my whims verbally, but I can't ever see him acting on them. Ho. hum. So, yes. I get it.
  13. People can judge what you decide to do for the benefit of YOUR family, but you do not have to listen :). It's none of their business. Whatever works best for your dd is the best course of action that can be taken. I applaud you for doing what's best! :hurray: Wishing you all a wonderful school year ahead!
  14. Closed, because my cat LOVES to eat the toilet paper off the roll. If we leave the doors open, he will shread the paper all over the place. I would prefer to have them open so we could know when they are/are not in use.
  15. We were just in Colorado last week visiting my college roommate, Andrea. Most of her family lives in CS, and a few of her siblings have been evacuated. Her parents are on the east side of town, so they are safe so far. Dh and my son visited the AF Academy for 5 hours one of the days when we were in CO. My son cannot believe how close the fire is to where he "just stood". We hiked near where the Flagstaff Fire is because Andrea now lives in Lafayette, near Boulder. So many of the streets we were driving on in the Boulder area have been evacuated or are in pre-evac stages. Another good friend of mine lives in Fort Collins. We were able to visit her while we were there, and thankfully, they were safe from the High Park fire. I cannot believe that in just 1 week, so much has changed... All of the images are so shocking and heartbreaking. My family is praying feverishly for everyone in CO. Like others have said, it's like watching 9/11 & feeling utterly helpless. So many :grouphug: to those of you here who have been affected so far. I cannot even imagine. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  16. :crying: Joanne, there are no words to make this better. You have been blessed to have him for the time that you did. I am covering you and your family in prayer as you go through this difficult situation. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  17. I always worry about this with dh because of family history. I am praying for him and your family! :grouphug:
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