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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I am so very sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  2. General, k-8, and occasionally the special needs forum since ds has ADHD & some days are tougher than others.
  3. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: One day at a time, one moment at a time... God bless you, Chris.
  4. :iagree: Bottled root beer or something similar would be fine, however. I have an alcoholic father, uncles, cousins, and a great-grandfather. Scientists have found it runs along the male gene, and for that reason alone, I would (and do) tread exceptionally carefully with this fact.
  5. I understand the decision you may need to make since I am one of those people who had to choose my kids over our cat a few years ago (our cat had a long term illness that was too expensive to treat). It is heartbreaking. I hope your vet will help you, or you can find one who will. Do know that you are NOT a bad person if you have to make this choice. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  6. I love how the blue clothing goes with the bright green foliage! Beautiful pictures!
  7. Dh wishes I would wear it more often, but it's just SO expensive, and for the little time it actually stays on, I feel like it's a waste of money. I suppose I should lighten up! :tongue_smilie:
  8. NH is where I was born & raised! Too bad I no longer live there... I'd love to meet you both! Hope you had a fabulous lunch!!!!
  9. When I was younger, we used to borrow my aunt's before we purchased a trailer! I have such fond memories of those trips!!! Enjoy yours!
  10. Good question! I guess I should have made that clearer. He is not opposed to camping; it's just not his favorite means of travel. He grew up flying to places and staying in hotels. I grew up on road trips and tents/pop-up trailers. Our boys LOVE camping (we've been once with them). I'm much more natural minded than dh, and we talk about wanting more of that for our boys. He told me last night he is "considering" it. He's a money guy, so ultimately, it will involve him making a spreadsheet with a cost analysis of the entire purchase vs. future hotel excursions. :D
  11. It should be over. The worst of it comes when they have their fevers and the sores. I believe the fever lasted 2-3 days with my boys. Prayers for healing!
  12. Thank you for all these suggestions! I was wondering if we would have to make some engine adjustments, so having some confirmation on that is good. I just need to get my hotel-loving dh on board! :)
  13. I'm working diligently to get Dh to succumb to camping :). He refuses to tent camp, but is open to the idea of a trailer. I grew up camping in a pop-up and some of my best memories ever are from camping. We have a minivan, and we do not want to purchase a truck for a camper. What ultra-light models could you recommend for a family of 4? Can a minvan really pull a camper?
  14. lima beans (too chalky), licorice, any kind of organ meats, calamari (the tenticles give me the heebies).
  15. Tonsil stones will also cause bad breath.
  16. I only iron 1-2x/month; however, dh irons at least 1-2x/WEEK because he needs certain clothes for work and he is a freak about wrinkles.
  17. I just read your update, Jean! I am so glad the dr. said he is okay; however, I will continue to pray that rest is all that is needed as well as pray for all those affected. How frightening for you!!! Glad your dh is safe!
  18. We are a cat family here, so Nakia and Chris, both Abby and Lydia have our prayers! :grouphug::grouphug: (one for each of you :))
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