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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I'm so sorry, Bethany. Praying for you all at this difficult time.
  2. A ranch in big sky country with a horse for each of us. Then we will travel around the world.
  3. We start the betime routine between 7 & 7:30. My youngest is usually asleep by 8, the oldest reads until 8:30 or 9.
  4. Are you absolutely positive it's not something with her health? We had a cat that began spraying/peeing when she was 13, and it turns out she had cancer and her kidneys were also failing. Maybe a trip to the vet to rule it out couldn't hurt? As incredibly horrible this may sound to many, I agree with this AFTER I had exhausted my options at the vet. It is awful to lose a pet, and I am a definite cat person. I have a 12yo cat, and I am constantly grateful he is doing well right now. But, I would have to draw the line at some point.
  5. Real shoo-fly pie! Usually you can find it at some of the Amish roadside stands. It's great warmed with vanilla ice cream or real whipped cream. :D Just driving down a back road in that area will take you through the farming communities of the Amish, and you will be sharing the road with their horses and buggies. You may already be planning this, but the Gettysburg battlefields are a must. So much of it remains as it was back in the 1800s. I love it there.
  6. Although we live near a major city, I am far enough away from it to be in the country, and it's common to see some of the farmers in their overalls working the land or hanging out with other farmers at a local farm. I always smile when I see them. I like that old-fashioned kind of life and wish we we could live it, but alas, dh is more of a city boy.
  7. I saw the title and thought, "Jamie!!!" :D Love those books!
  8. Today it was kind of cool (low 70s) in comparison to what it has been. It also rained and stormed all day. We needed the rain since we were already in a moderate drought, so no complaints here. As for school, we'll end up taking the month of June off and the first week of July. We'll be traveling to visit my college roommate in Colorado. On the way back east, we're going to head south to the Dallas area so our boys can see where dh is from originally. School will resume in August with a 3rd/4th grade split. By September, we should be doing 100% 4th grade work (I hope!).
  9. I'm using Road Trip USA with my eldest right now, and we've had a lot of fun with it.
  10. Oh my gosh... I just read your recent update. I cannot fathom why the doctors are not trying to get this child help... I don't understand. We do not live in a 3rd world country!!!! :crying::mad:
  11. Thank you for the update... I'm lifting you up now so you can find a bit of peace as you try to sleep tonight. :grouphug:
  12. Thank you, Amber! Have a wonderful Mother's day!!!
  13. Hi Jean and all the other ladies (and men) on the board! What are you noshing on today? Breakfast was granola and milk for all of us. Lunch was black bean, cheese, guac and salsa burritos for ds#1 and me. Ds#2 had ham and cheese roll-ups, guacamole, and cherry tomatoes. No idea what we're having for dinner. It's Teacher Appreciation Day... I think I should receive some recognition :tongue_smilie: What are you doing today? We are meeting 2 other homeschool families at the park in about an hour for a playdate. Do you know the names of your neighbors? I know the names of 6 out of 7 on our cul-de-sac. I'm close to the ones directly next door to me on either side. We wave hi and chat a bit with the others if they are outside. Recently, a new family moved into the first house in the entrance of the cds, and they have not been friendly at all. Their kids are also obnoxious.
  14. Praying for you and hoping you can feel God's grace and his strength as you go through whatever this is. For I know the plans for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future. ~Jeremiah 29:11. Whatever this is, He will get you through it. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  15. Nance, I've been following this thread since the beginning, but I was hesitant to say anything just in case. Upon seeing your 3 Beta results, I am BEAMING!!!! SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Now, I'm praying for the little one inside of you to continue to grow strong and be healthy! :grouphug: of joy to you!!!
  16. Praying for Desmond and your family! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  17. SO glad your son is safe!!!! My youngest was an escape artist, and we had to be extra vigilant as well. While I was cleaning up the kitchen one day, my neighbor came over and walked right into my wide-open front door with my youngest (he was almost 3 at the time). He had run outside and was playing in the cul-de-sac completely naked! I had only taken my eyes off of him for a few minutes during which time, he had stripped himself down, unlocked the front door (at that time, I had no idea he even knew how to unlock our doors) and proceeded to enjoy himself outside. Accidents can happen to anyone. :grouphug:
  18. I'm so sorry. I wish I had something brilliant to say to ease your fears, but like you, I would be incredibly stressed. I will pray for a quick resolution that falls in your favor. :grouphug: I know many on here despise them, but is this where HSLDA would be useful??? I don't know much about them, but they were the first thing that came to my mind. :confused:
  19. My only experience with this type of dog comes from when I was a child, and we had one, so I am by no means an expert. Our family experience tainted me on this breed though. We had a Lhasa Apso when I was young (birth to age 5) who adored my mom and me. He was fickle about my dad and would growl at him occasionally, but that was as far as it went. He hated all strangers, even my grandparents/aunt/others who came by often. His name was Mickey, and I loved him to death. Then my sister was born, and he did not like her at all. He bit her twice, the 2nd time through the skin, so my parents found him a new home. I still remember the day we dropped him off because I was devastated. I later learned they are not overly good with kids through a friend who had 2, and she had to get rid of hers when her son was born. His new home was at least 5 miles from my house along an extremely busy road. About a month after he was with his new family, he ended up back on our doorstep. We drove him back. He reappeared again a few weeks later. We still do not know how he survived the busy intersections he needed to cross, etc since it was a high-traffic area! So, I guess although he hated my sister, he still remained loyal to us. We did drive him back again, and we never saw him again. Not sure if my story is relevant, but he was the first pet I've ever loved, so when I see these dogs, a warm spot fills my heart. Personally, I would not get one for my family though because I've heard negatives about them with children. Again, I'm nowhere near an expert though!
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