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Everything posted by jenL

  1. That is fabulous!!! Celebrate (and brag) about the successes! Some days it feels like they will never come.
  2. So glad you are seeing positive results with your son! I completely understand! I was in the no meds camp for a long time, but after trying everything as you did, it was our last resort. One of the scariest, but best, decisions we've ever made as parents for the benefit of our son. DS9 is on Strattera right now; however, lately he has been having issues again. Two weeks ago, we bumped him up to the threshold mg dosage possible for his weight. I'm starting to slowly see some results again as non-stimulants take longer to show they are working. I'm not sure how long this med will last, and that is okay. Our doctor said the next medicine is Concerta if this doesn't work. I have learned that it's one-day-at-a-time with this type of child. I've also learned that it is NO ONE'S right to judge whether or not a child is medicated (or to judge anything for that matter). I used to be that judging person, and I was SO wrong. Meds have saved my son and our family.
  3. Since OP said double/triple, then we qualify! 2 boys, dh, 1 male cat and just me here!!! Way too much testosterone on some days! I am so excited that we just adopted 2 female cats... I'm not alone anymore (sort of! :D)!
  4. I'm so sorry, Amy. Prayers are with you for your hurting heart. :grouphug:
  5. You are not alone. You can barely see the floor of our school room, and I was supposed to start school the first week of August. However, my FIL became very ill, and we needed to make an emergency trip to see him. Then, I needed to have a small surgical procedure a week after we returned. This week, we had some appointments and we have some obligations later in the week that will interfere with school (they were planned in Feb). So, I was thinking we'd start next week, but I don't have time to finish planning/organizing between now and then. We are definitely starting ON Labor Day so dad can be here to help. Sometimes, life happens... including falling into slumps. It will be okay.
  6. I used to pull our entire year's worth of work from a variety of things; however, after 10 years in a classroom where we were free to do that and 4 years of homeschooling, I am tired. So, this year we are going boxed and using MFW for Bible, history, science, music, art, and geography. I'm pulling other things together for math, writing, grammar, spelling, and foreign language. Our math curriculum (Singapore) is also used in MFW though. I'm excited to check off boxes that someone else has planned! :D
  7. :iagree::iagree::iagree: SO happy to hear about your results! Still praying!
  8. ALthough not on the list as a party school, they mention Providence College as being #1 for hard liquor use in the article. I had to laugh because when I was in school, I had several friends at PC, and when we went to visit, there was always a fully stocked bar in their apartments. Not just a cabinet with alcohol, but off-campus apartments with actual bars, stools, and shelves behind the bar loaded with liquor built into the living room of the apartments. These were not frat houses either, just regular apartments.
  9. I looked into it briefly, but I definitely have to do more research on it. My initial thought was "no, this won't work" because MY brain does not learn that way, and I feel like I don't "get" the approach. Does that make sense? Do you recommend me reading her book Uncovering the Logic of English first? Also, we have a great writing curriculum that is visual, ds chose it based upon watching sample videos. It incorporates grammar. I really only need spelling, and it looks like LOE covers all of the LA subject together? I am wondering if Apples and Pears would be as good as LOE while only covering spelling. I've thought of Sequential Spelling, but hearing all the mixed reviews has me nervous. It's hard to choose a curriulum that goes against how I learn because my initial thought is, "No, that isn't how you learn it" which leads me to thinking "it won't work". Inherently, I know that it just won't work for ME, but I still worry... I need to reprogram myself, kwim?
  10. Oh yes, I've gone down the possible dyslexia road with him and that is what prompted me to use AAS. I used to be a Wilson Language teacher, working with dyslexic kids, and I was seeing tendencies in my son. I didn't want to do all the planning required of Wilson since it's very intensive, so I chose AAS since it's virtually the same (both are OG based) and it required little planning on my part. AAS is a phenomonal program for dyslexic kids. That is why I was nearly defeated when we sat down yesterday, and he hardly remembered anything from an entire year of spelling. It signified that something else was wrong. Over time, I kept wondering if he was truly dyslexic because he had all these other tendencies that I couldn't quite pin-point and they did not fit the definition of dyslexic. Reading this solidified who he is after YEARS of wondering. It then led to hours of more research, and I now know that I definitely have a VSL child. This style is COMPLETELY foreign to how my brain works which explains why I was struggling with him. He also has ADHD Inattentive, so the two together have made for 4 long years of homeschooling. I can look back and see all the things I did wrong - curriculum, expectations, etc. I am grateful that he forgot his spelling because it has opened doors for us with his schooling sooner rather than later. I'm still not sure what to use for spelling now, but at least I know better how to approach things with him.
  11. I JUST discovered that ds9 is VSL learner!!! This is HUGE for both of us! It came after trying a review lesson for spelling today, and finding that he has forgotten almost all of an entire year of spelling (AAS 3). Although I was calm with him, I was freaking out inside! Spelling is SO, SO hard for this child whereas everything else is easy. I thought AAS was our answer. He does well enough while IN the lessons, but carry-over has always been an issue. After some thread searches on here in the midst of my angst, I stumbled upon VSL info within spelling threads. I think knowing this is going to make all the difference! I'm a sequential learner who has been working really hard to tweak schooling for my "quirky" son over the years, and now I get why he is this way. I feel relieved and also saddened that it's taken me so long to figure it out. At least now I can move forward. I LOVE THESE BOARDS!!!! Thank you to all the VSL mamas who have shared their stories on here! Off to do some more research & to possibly find a new spelling program...
  12. Prayers are with you, your family, your dad, and the medical staff. :grouphug:
  13. :grouphug: It's perfectly okay to grieve a change as big as this, so if you need to cry, cry without reservation. People in our lives do not have to be biological in order to be loved intensely. You have had a part in raising her, and you are watching her take that next step. Feeling sad right now is perfectly normal, especially since your family unit and daily routines will be changing. :grouphug:
  14. It took some convincing on my part initially, and we approached it with a one-year-at-a-time mentality (for his sake). Now, he's 100% on board and touts the benefits to people who ask him about it.
  15. Ironically, it was dh who pushed me to get a minivan in our home. I wanted an SUV, but he's so conservative and a money guy that he created a spreadsheet (he's an accountant) to show me WHY it is more affordable and practical to own a minivan. -better gas mileage, lower monthly gas costs -cheaper to repair (usually) -cheaper to insure because it's safer to drive -often lower car payments than a larger SUV It also drives smoother than a large SUV, has plenty of space, automatic doors, better handling, and many times better safety ratings than an SUV. After lots of test drives, we have been a minivan family for 6 years. I love my van and I am grateful for it. It's even good in the snow. We have all-weather tires on it. My neighbor went from a minivan to a Navigator, and she regrets it because it's SO expensive to maintain, fuel, and insure. Good luck as you make your decision!
  16. I wonder if it can be ordered in bright yellow with black print? :D We could have a huge selection of HIVEwear!
  17. I think dh needs one for work! What a great idea! btw - I really like CrockBox even if it is cylindrical :)
  18. Drooling over all your bookshelves! What a great school area!
  19. Imp, the GRACE in your post is truly inspiring after all this lady has put you both through! Dh is in a similar situation with his dad who is having severe heart problems. We are 1K miles away and it's tough to be so far knowing what is happening to him. So, we understand. And, we will pray for you all. :grouphug:
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