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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Thank you for posting this! I was just thinking the other day that I needed to research a recipe for this very thing.
  2. Welcome back from your vacation! I hope you had a good time! Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Breakfast was simple, just Trader Joe's honey nut O's. Lunch will be leftover chicken pie, and I have no idea about dinner yet... possibly eggs, bacon, home fries, fruit... I need to get to the grocery store, so we're low on some things that could make a more exciting meal. What are you doing today? We finished school, and the boys are watching the BBC Beatrix Potter Peter the Rabbit cartoon on DVD. I still need to shower. My sister and her kids will be over to play in a couple of hours. If your dh is on vacation do you still try to do school? I always think we'll get school done, but it never happens since the boys usually want to be with their dad. So, we usually school lightly or take that time off (if it's a day or two at a time). If dh gets a week or more, then we are usually traveling somewhere as a family which often involves educational stops/attractions along the way.
  3. I feel your pain as my eldest has ADD. After 2 years of the struggling, fighting, crying, unexpected outbursts and getting nowhere with school, we adjusted ds's diet to include lots of protein and all natural foods (no HFCS, dyes, etc) coupled with extra Omega 3s and Source Natural's Attentive Child (magnesium and zinc supplement); it helped for a while. About 3 months ago, after it getting to the point where he was barely able to function despite all these changes, we made an appointment with his pediatrician. He's been taking 25 mg of Strattera since then, and I have my son back. There are still days where he struggles a bit (if he doesn't get enough protein for breakfast or he's overtired), but it is nowhere near what we went through before. We are all happier, and I am so grateful. One of the books I read recently said that the parents of an ADD/ADHD child basically have to be the frontal lobes of their child's brain until they are adults... that's hard enough for our own brains to do sometimes, nevermind taking on someone else's! This is not to tell you to go medicate your son, rather just to share our experience and to let you know that I understand. I will pray for your days to become calmer and for him to focus better. :grouphug: eta - As treestarfae says, lots of exercise does help.
  4. :iagree:This is exactly what I was thinking and I would do. I'm so sorry, Sheryl. :grouphug:
  5. I'm SO proud of you, Julie! You've already made some great progress in just one session!!! And, good for you to already use what she said to take care of you by going to Kohls and getting what you need! You want this to work, so you will make it work, and it is with that where you will see success and a renewed sense of self on the road to happiness. WAY TO GO! :hurray:
  6. I'm just now seeing this. I am praying for your brother's recovery. Thankful for you and your family that he came out of surgery successfully. :grouphug:
  7. My sister has an enchilada recipe that incorporates cheese, heavy cream, and cream cheese... yes, they are amazing (and ridiculously fattening)! :D
  8. :iagree: I always said I would grow old gracefully when I was in my 20s, but now that I am approaching 40, and the grey is creeping in (mostly around my face in on my crown), the grey makes me feel old. I just can't accept it. :)
  9. I'm so sorry; losing a pet is truly awful. :grouphug:
  10. I LOVE Colorado, and if it weren't for Dh's job, I'd live there in heartbeat! It sounds like Boulder would be perfect for her! Have a great trip! We're headed out there in June, and I cannot wait!
  11. :):crying: This post brought me such joy (and mommy tears for you), Chris! Sometimes God gives us baby steps before he has us take a full leap. I'm so glad your son is showing progress! I will continue to pray for his health, his progression, and for you and your family. God bless. :grouphug:
  12. Yesterday was pretty calm here. School in the morning for both boys, Lego time after that while I get some chores done, lunch, outside time, reading for me, dinner, bedtime routine, and more reading time for mom. It was a lazier day than normal... I'm good with that! Congrats on the goats!!! I'm sure they are adorable!
  13. Beautiful! It's so cheerful and bright!
  14. Congratulations!!! Much better than having cancer! :D
  15. Great idea, Lolly! I would have never even thought to go that route. I'm also going to check out Kohls and Ugly Sofa (never heard of them) as well. I knew this board would help! :D
  16. Any recommendations for a good place to find these? Our current sofa and big chair are falling apart (ripping at seams). We're not at a place to buy new furniture right now, so I'd like something temporary (1-2 years) that will cover what we have and stay looking nice.
  17. :iagree: Well said... you should listen to her! :tongue_smilie:
  18. Even if it's the most severe of "ugly crying", do not be ashamed. Also, be fair to yourself here... you are trying to place a level on your sadness. It doesn't have to be resulting from an extreme event. It just IS, and you are in pain. There's NOTHING to be ashamed of in that. Your sadness is YOURS, and it's affecting your life. Give yourself grace :grouphug:.
  19. I haven't read all the responses, but I wanted to let you know you are not alone in feeling like people are ignoring you (I asked this question a week or so ago). I never saw your post for prayers; however, if I did, I would pray for you. I pray for requests for prayer threads even if I don't respond (it's tough to do so from my phone where I may be reading the threads). :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
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