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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Praise the Lord! I am so incredibly happy for you and Wolf!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! God is so good! He will come through for you with the housing! Keep having faith!
  2. It sounds like hormones are at play here. I don't have answers for you as I grew up with sisters, and I'm also trying to raise boys. They are complex creatures! Just want to pass along a :grouphug:. I'm sure the ladies here will have some great answers!
  3. The ship book looks amazing! Amazon shows more as well! PERFECT for him! Thank you!!!! As for Angry Birds... the kids love them, but we've had a stuffed animal invasion in this house as well! :tongue_smilie:
  4. What a great idea! I know I said no more Legos, but new minifigures would be fun, so I could grab a few of those, and put them in the soaps! Thank you!
  5. I used to take the time to sell my boys' clothing, shoes, and toys at bi-annual consignment sales in our area, but the time it takes to price, sort, tag, and deliver just stopped being worth it as my oldest grew. It's difficult to find boys' clothing in good condition as boys are usually harder on their clothes or they have less of it to begin with. I was doing all this work and getting nothing out of it in terms of new clothing. There are some kids consignment stores in the area that I will shop at. I've done well at one in particular where I've found Talbots Kids, Lands End, and Gymboree clothes at great prices. I sometimes go to Goodwill for them, but I usually find more for me there. I buy ahead at the end of seasons when clothes are on clearance. Often those prices are better than the consignment stores for the same clothing brands.
  6. I am thankful for the organic kettle corn that I am eating right now! :D It's SOOOO good!
  7. Thank you for the update! Praise God! I will continue to pray for her during this critical stage and for complete healing. :grouphug:
  8. We are inundated with Legos, so although my son LOVES them, I cannot justify buying more. I'm looking for ideas that are unique, hands-on, or something that has been a big hit at your house (they don't have to be all of these things at once though). He's a typical boy if that helps. :001_smile: He also loves books if you have any great ideas for those. eta - he's turning 5.
  9. PRAYING! I so hope this works out for y'all!
  10. :iagree: Well stated. I recently read Columbine by Dave Cullen. It was a very interesting read and it looked deeply into the pysches of the two killers and their plan for that day. There are many factors in place when it comes to how/why these tragedies occurred. The reasons above are some of the main ones. As a country, we are drastically failing our children, and I believe it begins in the home for many of these kids. However, the innate psyche of the child must be considered as well, and we can't just blame it solely on gun access. The leader of the Columbine killing (Eric Klebold) was well liked by peers, came across as the perfect student in many ways, and he was extremely intelligent. But, something in him just wasn't right. Couple that with the facets mentioned above, and it gave him freedom to explore his "passions" and disdain for others, and he felt fully entitled in his actions at Columbine. His ability to easily access guns in conjunction to his warped psyche made for a deadly tragedy. The interesting fact that led me to reading the book in the first place is I saw it at Barnes and Noble on a table that featured a local high school's 9th grade Honors English class book list. Take a student like Klebold, put the Columbine book in his hands, and it could prove deadly. After reading it I became concerned as to how it's being implemented in the classroom, especially with 9th graders who run the gamit in their levels of maturity. :001_unsure: Hearing the profile of TJ Lane in Ohio made me think of this since his "goth phase" begain in 9th grade. I'm not saying he read the book and that caused it. I'm saying exposure when a student is still immature can be dangerous. We live in a sad and scary world. Reason #689 why I'm okay with sheltering my children until they are older.
  11. Pampered Chef. I've had mine for at least 10 years. Still sharp, easy to use, and cleans easily.
  12. After much praying, hemming, hawing, researching, questioning (as some of you know), and discussing it with dh, we're going with My Father's World!!!! I'm really excited about this! I'll do ECC with my eldest, and I purchased MFW K for my youngest. I really think this is where we are supposed to be heading. I've already spent some time scouring the MFW forums - there are some fantastic ideas there! So... here's the plan :D 4th grade MFW - ECC WWE 4 AAS 4 & 5 R&S English 4 Singapore 4A/4B *Still thinking about what to choose for Latin... Already I feel relieved that most of it is planned for me, and the other choices I have we've been using since 1st so it's a breeze for me to plan them! The Latin choice is still very much up in the air as I definitely need to research it more. Yippeeee!!! I'm WAY ahead of schedule!!! :D Did I mention that I am excited? :lol:
  13. Don't stress yet! Many women have umbilical hernias during pregnancy, and that may not even be your issue. As with anything, if you are concerned, calling your doctor is the best advice.
  14. Did you bump into anything and not realize it? Pregnant bellies can be more sensitive to the mom (baby doesn't know it). The area around my belly button became sore for my second child; I always attributed it to stretching as I gained more weight with him. I ended up having an umbilical hernia that went unnoticed until a PA found it while I was at Urgent Care seeing if I had a UTI. She noticed it 2 years AFTER I had my son! That may not be your issue; however, I wanted to share the reason for my belly button soreness so you could mention it to your doctor if this continues to be a concern.
  15. No advice. I'm sorry you will have to give her back. :grouphug:
  16. May it all go well!!!! Keep us posted!
  17. :iagree: I did notice! I think it's funny that I open with and "ignoring threads" question, and now this thread is 9 pages long! Apparently, I am doing okay! For everyone who gave their reasons why, thanks! I agree... sometimes there is just not enough time, and these boards DO move so quickly. I feel like I am always behind. Miss a day, and men in kilts have appeared, dead animals are eaten, and a new curriculum has been invented that allows you to check off boxes, cover all 12 years in 2, and fold in each of your children exactly at their level without mom having to do anything extra. (Wouldn't that be nice?) :tongue_smilie:
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