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Everything posted by jenL

  1. :iagree: He also helps around the house so that I can focus on school. We do discuss him helping with math as the boys get older because it's not a strong subject for me, but it is for him. Eventually, he will help with the actual schooling of that subject.
  2. :iagree:Amen to this! I visit friends' homes whose kids go to school and I have to tell myself, well of course their house is clean... no one is home to mess it up!
  3. This would be a hike, so I'm not sure if you'd want to go this far, BUT... Last summer, we stayed at the best house just outside of Acadia National Park in Maine. It's called The Big House. Very private, right on the ocean, very close to park entrances and Bar Harbor, Maine. I'd go there again in a heartbeat. www.acadiarentals.com is the site we used, and Tom (the owner) corresponds with you directly. He was such a huge help. It was our 3rd trip to Acadia and the best due to this house.
  4. Absolutely, unequivocably I prefer the dishwasher. We went 10 years without having one, so I detest washing dishes by hand.
  5. Thank you for posting this, Scrap! I needed to hear it today!!!
  6. Yesterday was a crazy sugar day for us too! Not only was it V-day, but one of our hs friend's birthday, so it was double the sugar at his party. Lunch was leftover sausage & pasta bake for me, plain noodles and broccoli and green beans for the boys. Today, we did some school until my eldest had taekwondo at noon. During that time, my youngest and I went to Aldi for groceries. Did more school and now I'm visiting with a friend while the kids play. I wish I could take a nap today as well! :)
  7. :iagree: Imho, Jean is right-on here. I've learned after 20 years together, that I can do great damage in taking the joy away from my dh when HE wants to invest in me by surprising me. It's not fair to him. I also agree with a pp that he is teaching your son how to show love to the women in his life. Now, if you are in extreme financial straights (this will cost food & shelter as another said), then I would gently explain to him AFTER you have graciously accepted the gift that while you love his sentiments, there are financial worries and responsibilities that need to occur first. This could also be explained to your son as well. It could create a great family discussion of free ways to show love - make things, write letters or poems, do things for each other that are above and beyond the norm... If you have been financially tight for a long time, dh may be frustrated with that and just want to buy you something because he feels you and dd deserve it. He may not care anymore and feel a sacrifice can be made in another area because he wants so much to show his love. Gently discuss this with him because his feelings need to be validated in this as well. We don't celebrate Valentine's day here as dh announced when we were dating that he believes it's a materialistic, retailer-created holiday and he should show me his love all the time, not just for one day of the year. Enjoy your surprise! :)
  8. A bag of elastic/rubber bands and paper clips! My boys have created all kinds of things with them. They like the colored ones the most :).
  9. Dh is an accountant, and we've been using Turbo Tax for years because it's so easy and covers everything. We've even been audited after using it, but we were expecting it since we sold off some investments/stocks.
  10. I'm still making my way through One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I really have to digest this chapter by chapter. I'm 90% done (according to my Kindle) The Yellow House by Patricia Falvey. I'll finish it tonight. It takes place in Ireland in the early 1900s through the 1930s. It's been a fascinating read from a historical perspective, and I really like the main character. Her life has been difficult, but she's tough as nails and her coming of age during all of this has been in interesting journey of betrayal, loss, perseverance, and eventually a level of contentment. I found myself up until 1 AM this morning because I couldn't put down. So far... Radical by David Platt Made to Crave by Lysa Terkhurst The Eve Tree by Rachel Devenish Ford Breaking TWIG by Deborah Epperson Chasing Rainbows by Kathleen Long Clockwise by Elle Strauss Parenting Children with ADHD: 10 Lessons That Medicine Cannot Teach by Vincent Monastra Imaginary Jesus by Matt Mikalatos The Yellow House by Patricia Falvey
  11. No inspiration here... hot dogs, sliced cucumbers, and popcorn. I need fast and easy so we can get out the door for a meeting.
  12. Oh, Nakia, please do not beat yourself up over this. I know fully what you are feeling, so I know how hard my opening sentence is to follow. We have spent years struggling with our oldest, me especially, because I am with him all day and dh is not. I have felt like a failure, tried everything to make his day easier, organized him to death, etc, but about 6-9 months ago, I finally allowed myself to contact the pediatrician and share all that was occurring with him. She had me print out and complete the Vanderbuilt. He was 9/9 for Inattentive! I had always suspected ADHD, but like you, I guess I wanted to believe he wouldn't have this issue hanging over him (and us) and he would just mature. It's been an interesting time since his diagnosis. I have researched as much as possible regarding ADHD, and I have learned an incredible amount that describes him to a tee. We have removed all processed foods, dyes, and we now eat nearly all organic. We've also tried holistic alternatives to help him, but 3 weeks ago, we began Strattera because although things were improving with the dietary changes, he was still such a mess. I'm seeing changes happening with the Strattera (it takes 3-6 weeks to get into their system), and I feel like I'm getting my happy boy back. Prior to this he was so impulsive, angry, frustrated, unfocused, and struggled to stay out of his own way. It's making a huge difference. Now, that is not to say put Cora on meds, but rather to give you a brief glimpse of our journey, and to tell you that you are not alone, you are not a failure, and that things will get better now that you can understand your daughter. So much of her behavior is truly out of her control. Once I accepted my son's diagnosis (which did not happen overnight), I found peace in him & our new reality. Our pediatrician was actually encouraging with this diagnosis because some of the most amazing leaders in history have ADHD, and she said it's really a gift if we channel it correctly (she believes we are through homeschooling). She named off JFK, Einstein, Edison, Bill Gates, and someone else. That's pretty good company, I'd say. ;) So, hug yourself and your daughter and hang in there. It will be okay. I'm here if you'd ever like to pm me.
  13. I have heard good things about the NCHE conference, although I've yet to go myself. Like you, I worry that the curriculum fair would make me go overboard! I don't think going to the conference could hurt as the talks are supposed to motivate you. Maybe attending the one on Thursday - 17 Years Homeschooling and I Hardlly Even Twitch would be a good one since she may talk about handling it for the long haul? If I was feeling tired, I would be seeking out veteran homeschooling types of talks. I'm still contemplating whether or not I will go... I'm just so curious! :D
  14. If my youngest goes to 4 years of college after high school, then I will be 56 and dh will be 57.
  15. :grouphug: to you and your family, Chris. We are praying. You are doing the right thing. Let God carry you through this.
  16. :grouphug: to you, Imp! You definitely do NOT suck! The issue here is, and has been, your MIL. She has a track record, and she is consistently maintaining it. As others have said, she has ways to circumvent all this on her own, but she's trying to get you and Wolf to cave. Hang in there as you are dealing with someone who is so unhealthy.
  17. I have my boys change out of their PJs before going outside because they do tend to get dirtier more easily than other clothes. Sometimes, it may be 4 PM before they change to go out! I try to get them outside every day, weather permitting, of course.
  18. Another vote for Gungor here! Christopher Kincaid sang at our church in the fall. He's really talented. Here's a link for him. http://christopherkincaid.bandcamp.com/
  19. I'm so sorry, Scrap! I'd want to crawl back into bed too. :grouphug: We are all sick with a cold-like virus here. I wish we just had a normal cold, but we are so run down with this despite getting rest, drinking lots of fluids, and upping our vitamin C intake. If we had fevers, I'd say we had the flu, but no fevers. So, school has been light this week. What's for breakfast/lunch today? Scrambled eggs, OJ, and english muffins with blueberry jam for breakfast. Lunch will probably be the chicken noodle soup that I made for dinner last night. What's on your schedule for today? A little bit of school, lots of rest, and some extra TV time. Do any of you scrapbook? I used to, but I don't anymore. I'd like to get into digital scrapbooking because I think I would enjoy that more, but I've yet to find the time to sit down and learn. I hope you have a better day today, Scrap!
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