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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I've been behind on my reading. I started a couple of books that weren't worth my while, so I abandoned them. I completed They Almost Always Come Home by Cynthia Ruchti. It's Christian fiction about a husband who vacations in the great northwoods of Canada, but he does not return home. Their marriage is in shambles, but his wife chooses to go look for him. Although it was a good read, the ending seemed kind of flat. It could have been my mood that day, however. I just began Snow Flower and the Secret Fan last night. I am devouring it! I've yet to be steered wrong by book recommendations here! :001_smile: I'm hoping to finish it this weekend. So far... Radical by David Platt Made to Crave by Lysa Terkhurst The Eve Tree by Rachel Devenish Ford Breaking TWIG by Deborah Epperson Chasing Rainbows by Kathleen Long Clockwise by Elle Strauss Parenting Children with ADHD: 10 Lessons That Medicine Cannot Teach by Vincent Monastra Imaginary Jesus by Matt Mikalatos The Yellow House by Patricia Falvey They Almost Always Come Home by Cynthia Ruchti
  2. YES! I feel so blessed by these boards! I've received pm's of encouragement from members that truly touched my heart and altered the way I thought, did things, etc for the better. Nakia was kind enough to pm me back & forth last year when dh and I were planning a trip to the mountains (without kids). We had the best weekend thanks to her advice and recommendations!
  3. Maybe, just maybe, there is a blessing in this job that you cannot yet see? Are you sure it's not worth even meeting with her? If she still suggested meeting despite the concerns you shared with her, maybe that's a sign? God works in mysterious ways...
  4. Thank you for the reassurance everyone! I'm going to chalk it up to the curriculum I'm contemplating and the ages I teach :D. Like most of you, I only ignore a thread if I don't feel I have anything to add to the topic. Or, if I've opened a threat, I may neglect to respond if many of my thoughts have already been expressed by others.
  5. We're in the CLT area too, in Union County, just over the county line! :)
  6. Glad to hear you found a couple! However, if you'd like another for your son, please PM me! My son LOVES all the things you listed as well, and he would love to write to another boy about these (and other) things.
  7. is it ever because of who posted it? Disclaimer - Call me paranoid... I recently posted a couple of curriculum questions threads, and only a few have responded. Just wondering if it is me. :001_unsure:
  8. AAS would be perfect in your situation. We love it here and IT WORKS!
  9. We're using the Beautiful Feet Primary American History this year, and we're all really enjoying it.
  10. Bumping this up since a couple of us have questions. Hoping to hear more chime in. Thank you! :001_smile:
  11. :grouphug: You are not alone, Jean! I learned earlier today that dh has Thursday & Friday off (he has time he must take off before the end of March), so I have a running mental list of all the things I will do WITHOUT the kids during those 2 days. He doesn't know it yet... ;)
  12. I love PC products! You need all of their stoneware! :) The deep covered baker is wonderful for SO many recipes, and I have yet to make a bad batch of cookies on their stoneware cookie sheets. We love the black microwave cookers, their bamboo line, the garlic press (a must have), their measuring cups/spoons, the classic batter bowl with cover, their can opener, hand chopper, steak knives (do not put them in the dishwasher), the mix & chop, and their mixing spoon/spatulas (can't think of their real name right now). I use several PC products daily. They are handy, clever, and make cooking so much easier.
  13. Thank you! I just ordered it for 3 years at such a great price!:)
  14. Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household? School and taekwondo as usual here. Dh is at work, so no special plans for us. Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special? Our weekend was okay. Aside from some cleaning and normal weekend chores, we had family movie night on Saturday where we watched The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe having finished the book Friday. The boys loved it, and now ds#1 is reading book 3 in the series. Sunday was church, relaxing, and I spent a couple of hours online researching curriculum for next year. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do. What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner? Breakfast was scrambled eggs and bananas with OJ. Lunch was leftover oregano chicken, green beans, and penne for the boys, and a huge mesclin salad with chicken, dried cranberries, sliced almonds, feta, and balsamic vinagrette for me. What's the weather like where you live? Sunny, clear blue skies, and the temp will reach a high of 50 today. I'll take it!
  15. I'm looking at switching to MFW for 4th (we'll do ECC) and then continue with the rotation for middle school. I have a couple of questions for those of you who are using it or have used it. Do you feel it provides a strong foundation for the student as they head into high school? Are the 7th & 8th grade supplements worthwhile and challenging? Does/do your child/children enjoy it at this age? If you were using MFW, but left it during the middle years, could you tell me why? I'm tired of planning, so I'm looking at something that I can use for the long haul, and MFW is resonating with me right now. Thanks for your time!
  16. We didn't do all of FLL, but we are loving R&S grammar, and I plan to use it until we reach then end. It's very thorough!
  17. Melissa, thank you for your honesty! I am worried about the weekly grid format, so I understand how you find it choking. I have been praying over this as well, and I feel like God may be leading us to MFW, so I understand that too. I wish someone who knows my personality and my kids' personalities could land on my doorstep bearing curriculum and a note that says, This is exactly what you need. Do it and enjoy! Far-fetched, I know! :D Leslie, thank you for your link... I'm off to explore their site again...
  18. Melissa, may I ask why you feel HOD will be better? I'm exploring all options, so I'd love to hear your thoughts since I've looked at HOD as well.
  19. Thank you for your responses, ladies! Anyone else care to offer some more insight? I would love to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. :D
  20. I'm really trying to make my life easier. I will have a 4th grader and a K'er in the fall. I want to try to combine the boys as much as possible, while still realizing that my K'er will need to do a K-level program for reading & math. We've never used MFW before, but I do like what I'm seeing online, and many here seem to enjoy it. I think it may be what I need since I'm tired of planning all of the subjects. We've been following TWTM pretty closely for the past 3 years. I would still maintain WWE, AAS, and R&S for Language Arts as well as Singapore for math. It looks like MFW would cover everything else for me. I'm thinking I would do ECC with the boys (focusing more on my 4th grader) and possibly do their K program with my youngest. Should I skip the MFW K program and just do something like Phonics Pathways and Singapore Essentials instead of a whole K program since my youngest could join us for ECC? Again, I want as easy and streamlined as possible. Why do you like MFW? Has it made your life easier? Why do your kids love it? I'm worried about falling behind due to a bad day, etc. Is it easy to pick up where you left off since everything is planned weekly? If you used MFW in the past, but have left it, why? I'm looking for all pros and cons.
  21. We like Francis Chan and Craig Groeschel. You may want to check out lifechurch.tv.
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