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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I haven't even thought about breakfast yet, but maybe a casserole would be a good idea! My sister and her 2 kids are coming over since her dh has to work, so there will be the 4 of us, my mom who is visiting from NH, and her family. We'll be eating... Turkey with gravy Sweet potato casserole (no marshmallows on top - I have a better recipe with brown sugar and pecans) Mashed potatoes Green bean casserole Peas (and corn for my sister's kids) Parker house yeast rolls Cranberry sauce Dessert will be pumpkin creme brulee and both chocolate and pumpkin whoopie pies. I love, love, love Thanksgiving dinner! :D
  2. Another really mild fish is haddock. We used to eat it once a week when I lived in NH, but it's very difficult to find here in NC, so I've settled for tilapia and occasionally grouper (maybe 1-2 times per year as it's expensive and I believe is on the endangered list).
  3. Here's what I can think of right now... Sarah's Key by Tatania de Rosnay I Am the Messenger (Markus Zusak - also wrote The Book Thief which was fantastic as well)
  4. No. They do not need to have another method for screentime at their fingertips at that age (jmho).
  5. I grew up with butter kept out in a butter dish with a cover - it was a yellow Tupperware one, actually. I am also leaving the butter out at my home as an adult, minus the Tupperware holder. :)
  6. Butter... nothing else can come close in flavor, and I know that my body can process it.
  7. Both have done 2 years of preschool (2-3 days/wk for 4 hours/day). I have no plans to ever send either to a traditional school at this point in time.
  8. I read the 2nd edition 3x and then I purchased the 3rd edition. I read that once, and I've been contemplating picking it up again to reassure myself of a few things. I gave my sister my 2nd edition when she mentioned she wanted to homeschool.
  9. This is an incredible thread, and I really hope more veterans will continue to contribute. It's wonderful to hear the success stories and TIPS for those of us who are still working in the elementary realm and wondering if this homeschooling "thing" is working. ;)
  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is precious, Imp! So glad you are doing better than expected - I will pray that it continues! It sounds as if you have a wonderful support system in place (way to go, Diva!). Thank you for the update!
  11. Watching my 4 yo son peel the cream from the cookie while eating a Jo-Jo from Trader Joe's (their yummier version of an Oreo) and then declaring, "Mom! I got it all off in one piece!!!" I used to do that when I was younger, and I remember the joy in completing the challenge. I love when pieces of my childhood are part of my own children's childhoods.
  12. Lifting Levi, you, and your family up in prayer. :grouphug:
  13. Congratulations!!!! Enjoy your new (not so little) one! :)
  14. Slow-to-start morning here since ds#2 was not feeling well and was up most of the night (me too) coughing. Hoping tonight is a better night! Breakfast was cereal and sliced apples for all. Lunch was leftover shrimp, spinach, and tomato fettucine from dinner last night. Ds#1 was at a play with another homeschool friend, and he went to Wendy's for lunch. I wish he had brought me home a Frosty :tongue_smilie:! For Christmas, I've asked for new sports bras, a Kindle and Amazon gc's to buy books for it, a new 8-10 qt stockpot, pajamas, iTunes gift cards, and a new veggie brush since my old one is rusting. Nothing overly exciting going on today at our house... just hoping tomorrow is a healthier day for my little one.
  15. My eldest does TKD 2-3x/week. I chose it because they offer homeschool classes during the day that are cheaper than regular TKD classes. It was also explained to me by a ju jitsu (sp?) instructor whose son played on my son's soccer team that TKD is the gateway to the martial arts, so it's a great starting point for kids. DS loves it, and I've been pleased with the discipline it's providing for him. Soon, I'm hoping to sign up my youngest as well.
  16. My boys are 4 years apart, and they truly enjoy being together almost all of the time. I've heard 5+ years makes it harder, but I've also seen that be proven wrong. I think it depends upon the environment at home, imho.
  17. WWE is a fantastic program, if you stick with it. I learned this the hard way. After 2 years of it, I was feeling bored with it, so I switched ds to Writing Strands, and he HATED it. His resistance made me hate teaching him writing. So, after 2 months of that, we went back to WWE2 and picked up from week 28 to refresh ourselves. Ds is MUCH happier; he is narrating well once again, and I am humbled. I had to walk away from WWE to see how great is really is. Like others, I'm encouraging you to take a bit of a break, and then return to it because the skills it provides are excellent. Hang in there!
  18. :iagree: Thankfully, the day is not over! I'm jumping up to grab the dark chocolate bar I have hidden that is just for ME! :D
  19. I needed to read this as I've been struggling with some of the issues in the article. I'm definitely sharing it with my husband who has some control and pride issues with our children of which he is aware and wanting to change. Thank you for sharing this!
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